As requested here are a few pictures "at least!" and an update on us.Ella Kate is now 11 weeks old and full of smiles! She is especially happy when she sees the baby in the mirror! Our little Ella Bella Katie slept through the night two nights in a row this week and (big breath) even moved to the crib in her room!!! She is holding her head up unaided for long periods of time and seems to recognize us all when she hears our voices. At her two month check-up she weighed 12 pounds and is almost 23 inches long! That is a lot of growing in just two months! Ella Kate is cooing so much and loves to just sit and "visit". We are all blown away with how verbal she is. Kolby says she is musical because it sounds like she is singing all the time. EK has become accustomed to her carseat as she spend lots of time in it. She is just a joy!
Rhett and Kolby are both doing great and keeping us on our toes! We are in a good place in life with these two, even though I have begun to feel more like a taxi cab driver than a Mom! Kolby started back to dance this year and loves it...Though it isn't as easy as she remembered. She also joined a Girl Scout Troop and feels like she has discovered a new world! She really enjoys every aspect of scouting so far. Kolby loves her teacher at school and is happy to go to her tutor at Baylor twice a week. My Mom and Kolby came up with a checklist for chores etc. Every day and it is really making things run smoother. Kolby continues amaze me with her creativity and her strong spirit. She is a very sweet girl.
Rhett is doing great in his pre-school class. He is becoming such a little man! He is up, dressed, and ready to go every morning before the rest of us are up. He has already started talking about next year when he gets to leave with Rob and Kolby every morning. Rhett is playing soccer with his best buds and loves it. He has issues, but overall, he is a happy, fun loving boys boy. He cracks me up several times everyday with little Rhett-isms. I love that little boy!
More to come...blogger is being a bit honoree this morning!
REVISED OK You want to know why I don't blog often....blogger won't let me! I could not get blogger too post pictures any other way so scroll down to see the rest! :)
Thursday, September 21, 2006
For Susan
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Happy Birthday Rhett!
My baby boy is five today, though he would argue that "baby" Boy title! I can't believe it. Tonight we will celebrate with a Cars birthday party at Burger King. I love Burger King birthday parties because all you have to do is show up with a cake and a checkbook and the kids LOVE it! We needed an easy birthday this year. Really.
Today Kolby starts back to Baylor. I had hoped to drop Baylor after Camp Success but I don't think she is read y for that yet. Kolby also starts back to ballet and tap today after a two year lull. Busy girl that Kolby!
Ella Kate is two months old today. That baby just melts my heart! We had a very rough night last night. She is congested and gets all choked up and gags on flem. It scares me so I'm taking her to the doctor today. Say a prayer that it's nothing. I hate for little babies to be sick!
Busy busy day today! AND IT RAINED LAST NIGHT!!!!!! It is actually cool today!!!! YEAH!!!!! I love it when it finally starts to cool off after a very long hot summer! Hopefully we are done with the triple digit weather.
Must run!
Friday, September 01, 2006
Yes it is September 1, but it is not too early to think about Halloween. Everyone knows this is my favorite time of the year because the weather, the colors, and THE COSTUMES!!! I just ordered our costumes from and am so excited! The kids are going to be super heros this year...well sorta. Anyway, if any of you want to order from buycostumes leave me a comment or e-mail me and I will give you a code for free shipping. I can give it to up to ten people.
Ok must run... Happy Labor Day Weekend bloggies!