Chlorine, $12.00. Size C pool filter, $7.00. Intex 10 x 3 pool purchased on clearance at Target two years ago,$42.95. Having a swimming pool in our back yard that my kids think is just as great as the $28,000 in-ground pool next door, PRICELESS!
Actually I am not sure what is more priceless.
Is it the squeals of pure joy we hear from the moment I say "get your suits on," to "out of the water"?
Is it the magical spell it cast over my children as they love to play together and rarely squabble in the pool?
The fact that after four years of swimming lessons, Kolby finally taught herself to swim under water in this pool in two afternoons?
The peace of mind I have knowing my dare devil , no-fear-of-water, 2.5 year old son can stand up at any part of this pool but has to have me lift him to get in or out?
The hours of laughter and pretend play? (Today they were Ariel and Spiderman fighting the evil Mommy monster)
The memories they will have of splashing through their summer not watching TV?
The hugs and kisses we get when we chunk our chores and get in with them?
I'm not sure.
Of course having a level concrete slab and cushy playmats to set the pool on have helped make our setting ideal, but that pool is great! Rob and I have been known to hop in when the kids are gone or napping. All the little cousins love to come over and swim even though they could go to Grandma's real pool. I am not exaggerating when I say for two years now that pool has made our summer!
I realize we have to savor this time, for someday the kids will not be so thrilled by our little pool. But for now, there is no place they would rather be. So when summer pools go on clearance at the end of the season, I highly recommend investing! Next year we might even upgrade to the 12 x 4 model! I hear they clearance at around $70. Again PRICELESS!
Thank you God for the memories my kids and I share of fun days in the sun! (with a high grade SPF on of course) Thank you for cool water on hot days. Thank you for helping us keep our kids active and happy without going bankrupt. Thank you for the two precious little swimmers you have entrusted to us. With all the struggles, financial lures, and tragedies of our world, thank you for the respite of the little blue pool!
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