What a year!
Good to us in so many ways, but not with out it's stressful moments.
Here is a recap that will be of no particular interest to anyone but me, although you are more than welcome to read along. :)
We rang the New Year in with the promise of a new career path for Rob. In the months of January and February I realized what a toll the bank had taken on my husband. Who knew those worry lines weren't etched in his brow permanently! It was a great start to the new year.
My friend Shae and I spent the first two weeks of the New Year doing a Trading Spaces, While You Were Out redo of the Teachers lounge at Kolby's school. It was hard work but well worth it! I have never received so many thank you notes in my life, and the personal thanks I still get TO THIS DAY, make me wish we could re-do another room!
Shortly after finishing the Teacher Lounge, Rob and I re-did our room and finally got new furniture to replace the bedroom furniture Rob had used since the fifth grade! I still love my furniture!
February is Kolby's birthday month and it feels like it takes the whole month to get all the celebrations in! She had a big skating party and we were so excited when good friends Jonathan, Jackson, and Susan came in to surprise her from Arkansas! It was in the last days of February that the word dyslexia started to swirl around Kolby. I was left dizzy and down by the whole thought of my daughter having any type of disorder.
March brought a big fat rebate from th tax man, and an unforgettable trip to San Antonio and Sea World over Spring break! Rhett and Kolby rediscovered their love affair with hotels and I rediscovered the River Walk! Great times and great memories!
Don't remember much about April, but who could forget May ...Episode III! We had so much fun with Star Wars this year. Starting in May our premiere party on Rob's birthday and continuing through Rhett's birthday in September until the launch of the DVD in November we were all about using the Force. It has been so fun to share our love for this series with our kids and to find ourselves being kids once again! For us 2005 will always be the year of the Jedi.
Summer 2005 was one for the record books as far as the heat and lack of rain went, but we managed to have a great time anyway! Highlights were our trip to Palestine, Texas with my parents and sister, our Fort Worth Friends reunion in Fort Worth in July, our trip to Arkansas and Kolby and Rhetts first airplane flight, and Kolby being incredibly blessed to attend Camp Success at Baylor for seven weeks.
I can't say enough about Camp Success. I think it saved the confidence and love of learning in my little girl. In a mere seven intense weeks Kolby's reading improved an entire grade level. By the time August rolled around she was able to start school exactly on the level where she needed to be! Can I ever thank God enough for the wonderful people who fund and operate this camp? Though Kolby still goes to Baylor for tutoring 4 hours a week, after Camp Success we knew that she would be able to overcome this disorder and flourish!
August. School started. We love Kolby's teacher and then Rhett's Mothers Day Out teachers. September we had a big Star Wars celebration for Rhett's bithday. Can one ever have to many Star Wars parties in one year? I have had more time to myself since August than I have had in 7 years, but I seem to fill that time up! Teacher Appreciation has taken more time than I ever thought. I enjoy what I do but I am going to have to curb my PTA time to get ready for this baby!
So let's skip to November and the huge surprise that awaited me On the 7th!!! I was in the middle of the "Teacher Prom" and feeling like I was coming down with the flu. Only after calling my doctors office about getting a flu shot or maybe something stronger did I realize that I couldn't remember my last cycle. Took the test. Almost fell out of my chair when the little PLUS sign appeared. WOW!!!
So here we are. I am almost 12 weeks along and the shock and awe still haven't worn off. (Although the nausea has slowly begun to lift= HALLELUJAH!) Where are we going to put this baby? How are we going to afford another one? Will I be able to do everything I did for Kolby and Rhett for this baby at age 36? I have 6 years of scrapbooks to catch up on before this baby is born! I have four closets to clean out and magically combine into three to make room for this baby. We don't have a carseat, a stroller, bedding, or a swing. I have to think about carrying a daiper bag again and buying daipers ... and then there is the whole breastfeeding thing ...OH MY GOSH! What are we doing????? We're having a baby!
Still, I can't wait to find out what this baby is! (AND WE WILL BE FINDING OUT!) I can't wait to see Kolby's expression the first time she holds her new sibling! I can't wait for Rhett to finally be "a big Brother!" I am so excited to have a baby in Waco with my whole family at the hospital waiting to welcome the new one! I can't wait to see Rob change that first diaper again and act all goofy making faces. I can't wait until I can actually feel that little baby growing inside of me kick and turn somersaults like my other two did! I start to tear up when I think about holding a tiny little baby fresh from heaven, with tiny little finger and toes and looking into those little eyes knowing I am the mother of this little miracle! Is there anything as sweet and precious as a baby? Thank you so much God for giving us this last chance at having a baby!
I guess all the ups and downs of 2005 and the great anticipation of 2006 have taught me one basic lesson over and over again. God is faithful. (I loved what Jon Owen had to say about this a few days ago.) In the good and in the bad, he is faithful. When I am weak or when I am strong, he is faithful. In times of doubt, in times of faith, he is faithful. Through heartbreak and terrible darkness he is faithful. Through joys and overwhelming love and light, he is faithful. At all times the name of the Lord should be praised. He is faithful.
May I always remember to praise him in all situations in 2006! Happy New Year!!!!!
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Last Post of 2005
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Glory, Glory, Jalopeno.... Rosa's has come to Waco!
Warning: Most of you will not get why I am so excited about this...but if you grew up in San Angelo, Texas you will know exactly why Rob and I are so pumped.
As I recall, it all started in San Angelo in a little joint that used to be a burger stand on Bryant Blvd. not to far from Central High School. That's where the first Rosa's Cafe & Tortilla Factory was born. I ate many a meal there with my family was thrilled when Rosa's 2 opened on our side of town. They had the best tortillas, the best beans & cheese and the best queso fajitas... In High School I would go with friends to "the old one" for lunch. Most days we would get the Bobcat Special which included three piping hot tortillas, a half pint of beans and cheese, and a medium drink for $1.85! Heaven in a tortilla! And sooo good when your school had off campus lunch and you had a $2 a day lunch allowance!
Fast forward ten years. My family "did" Rosa's at least once a week and kept a stash of tortillas in the house most times in between. My friend and I each lost 10 pounds on a Rosa's chicken fajita fueled diet during that time! When Rob and I were dating we ate at Rosa's in Angelo and Odessa, as a man named Bobby Cox had bought the Rosa's by our house in Angelo and then opened one in Midland and another in Odessa.
Almost five years ago Rosa's came to Fort Worth. The one on Precint Line and Grapevine Highway saw our little family (and all the friends we could convince to go with us) very often. Kolby was hooked immediately and again I felt so at home. Rosa's and Maccaroni Grill were two of the places we hated to leave behind when we moved to Waco.
Fast forward to today. There are now 29 Rosa's. They opened five new ones this year and hope to open ten more next year. All Rosa's have that magic tortilla machine where you can watch the workers put little balls of dough in and, as they slowly spiral down past gas fueled flames, they become the best tortillas ever! Though the menu isn't as economical as it once was, you can still get 8 hot sopapillas for under $2.00 and fajitas for four for $20.00.
We tried the Waco Rosa's tonight for the first time. I feel like a little piece of my past has moved to Waco. We chatted with Mr. Cox and saw some familiar faces. We heard plans for future expansions and were assured there would be no short cuts and no microwaves in any Rosa's. We also learned that the only Rosa's Cafe's not a part of the current growing chain are the original ones in San Angelo. They are still owned and operated by a family there, though not the original family. I wonder if they still have the Bobcat Special? No matter! I am happy to have a little bite of "home" so close by.
Welcome to Waco Rosa's! It's great to get reaquainted with an old friend!
And for those not blessed enough to live close to a Rosa's... just wait! If Mr. Cox has his way, there will soon be one opening near you!
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
A Merry Little Christmas
We had a very merry little Christmas and I hope you did too! Here are some of the highlights.
Mama K & Papa gave Kolby and Rhett a trampoline! They have spent hours jumping each day and have even perfected a few flips!
We had our traditional Christmas Eve meal of enchiladas & tamales and did "the Christmas Tree" with my parents and sister on Saturday night.
Though I could not eat a bite of anything without turning green and running for the restroom, everyone else loved it all and we had a great time. Kolby told me earlier in the week that she didn't think she would help put out Santas cookies, but when the time came she was all about the cookies, milk and tomatoes for the reindeer! I guess she couldn't bare to not believe at least one more year! :) Santa delivered as usual!
Christmas morning my big family all met up at my parents for family church since our church didn't have a service that morning. I love having church on Christmas morning! It was a really neat thing for us and for the kids. When I was a little girl we used to have family church often during the holidays and at family reunions. I have great memories of my whole big family sitting around singing hyms and "having church." I hope our family will start doing this more when we have the occasion! We topped the day off with a huge Christmas Dinner (aka Thanksgiving part 2) and lots of games, talk and play. A good timewas had by all, and we all slept very well that night!
Monday Rob's folks came down and we had Christmas with them. Rhett and Kolby were sad not to see their cousin Drake but were thrilled to see Granma and Grandpa's little fur person, Muffin! We loved having them here. Rhett cried and cried when they left!
Rob is off this week from L-3 but has basketball games almost every day or night. The kids and I went to see Lion, Witch & The Wardrobe yesterday. We actually planned to see Chicken Little but it had moved on, so Kolby and Rhett talked me into Narnia. I still think Rhett was too young. He burried his head in my lap for a good half of the movie but Kolby loved every minute of it. She has talked alot about the differences in the book and the movie. Rhett says now that it really wasn't too scary and told his Daddy all about Aslan and how he died so that Edmund could stay alive. I guess he got more of it than I realized. CS Lewis really knew how to tell a story!
I have been battling the pukey pregnant thing the whole week but otherwise I feel much better. Probably won't be blogging too regularly until Rob goes back to work on the 2nd or until Kolby and Rhett start back on the 11th, but I hope you all have a great holiday and a very happy and safe NEW YEAR!!!
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Merry Christmas!
Like my friend Elizabeth, I think this will be my last pre-Christmas post. I hope all of you have a very Merry Christmas! Wish I could have you all over for a big Christmas Party!
1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Hot Chocolate!
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just set them under the tree? Unwrapped, unpackaged, and fully assembled with a big red bow on top!
3. Colored lights on tree/house or white? White on both.
4. Do you hang mistletoe? Would if I had some, but never have.
5. When do you put your decorations up? Ideally, the day after Thanksgiving, but it's usually at least a week long process.
6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)? Sausage balls, Sweet & Hot over Cream Cheese with Wheat Thins and White ChocolateChristmas tree pretzels with M&M ornaments!
7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child? Going to Coleman or Waco or whereever the whole family was gathering, opening presents on Christmas Eve, sleeping on the couch bed with my cousins while telling stories and scratching backs!.
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? I don't remember if I ever truly bought into the whole Santa thing and that makes me sad. My mother didn't want to lie to me so she always just said Santa was a symbol of all the good will and generosity in Christmas.
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? We open them all on Christmas Eve but what Santa brings the next morning. We usually do this after a Mexican food feast of tamales or enchiladas, while sipping hot chocolate and listening to Christmas music. maybe that is why as a child I loved Christmas Eve more than Christmas Day!
10. What kind of cookies does Santa get set out for him? Whatever is in the house...some years he gets pretzels. Kolby insists on putting out tomatoes for the reindeer.
11. Snow! Love it or Dread it? Love it! But this is Texas!
12. Can you ice skate? I could 16 years ago but I'm not sure about now!
13. Do you remember your favorite gift? Several! An Atari one year. A private phone line in my room with WHY-STEF (949-7833) as the phone number another year. When I was really little I got the Donny & Marie playstage and dolls and loved it. In fact, I think I still have it in the attic!!!
14. What's the most important thing about the Holidays for you? Being thankful, being together, giving.
15. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert? Pumkin Chiffon Pie
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition? I used to love to go carroling when I was young and hope to do that with my kids one of these years. I love to drive around and look at lights with my family. I also love turning out all the lights in the house but the Christmas Tree and the fire place fire, reading from the "book of Christmas," listening to Christmas musi, and snuggling!
17. What tops your tree? A Gold star that Rob and I bought on our honeymoon from the Holland store at Epcot. I love this star.It is one of my favorite Christmas decorations!
18. Which do you prefer Giving or Receiving? Giving
19. What is your favorite Christmas Carol? this moment? This one on the net is cute. I love the Celine Dion Christmas Album! But my favorite carol is any one that my kids sing when they don't know I am listening!
20. Candy Canes! Yuck or Yum? Rhett loves big candy canes and somehow started a tradition of putting them all over our Christmas tree! Kolby and I like the little ones that we can dissolve in our hot chocolate... Yum!
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
The trouble with blogs
I just read an article about a young man who is now on his way to prison because he confessed to causing an accident on his blog. Wow! I guess that is bad for him but maybe good for man kind? So this post is a random disscussion on the value of blogging.
You know I love blogs but I admit they can get you into trouble. I recently commented on our preachers blog and evidentally ruffled a few feathers. I have friends who have been put out at snide little comments left on their blogs, and rightly so.
So I am wondering AGAIN for about the 1000th time this year, is blogging worth it? I read Mike Copes blog every morning like most people read the newspaper and it starts my day out right. Mike is the kind of guy who can be inspirational when he isn't trying. Even the "guacamole" posts seem to get the juices flowing. But there are very few Mike Copes in the world.
I love keeping up with friends on blogs. I love meeting new friends on blogs. I love getting cool ideas or great recipes from blog world. I love seeing peoples pictures and hearing their stories. I even like to read the occasional well founded,not too crazy "rant" because it makes me feel like I'm not alone. I love blogs that talk about the struggles and triumphs of life in Christ. I love "mommy" blogs and "family" blogs.
Then there are blogs I avoid. I stay away from blogs that tear and tear at one type of religion, or one type of political party. I'm not into "the world is going to hell in a hand basket" or "I'm so messed up and depressed" blogs. My least favorite blogs are "we are right and you are wrong religious blogs". While I love blogs of thanksgiving, blogs that are full of bragging and "my life is so perfect" make me want to hurl. Val recently talked about many blogs being "ego trips"(...so hope he wasn't talking about me!) and I have thought about that alot.
So I have rambled on for several paragraphs and not really made much of a statement here...So I'll ask the three or four of you who read this, what do you think about blogs? What does blogging do for you? Is it worth it? Just wondering?
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Stephanie Secret #1
I wore a Christmas Sweater to my daughters Christmas Party at school today and loved every minute of it! Don't call the fashion police on me...please!
Happy Birthday Susan!
Today one of my favorite people in the world celebrates her birthday! Susan Jenkins is another year older according to the calendar, but she is one of those young souls who never seems to age. A few years ago we lived in Fort Worth together. At first she was just a friend of a friend. Then somehow those friends moved and Susan and I found each other quickly becoming best friends. Funny how friendships grow that way.
I have often said I would never have survived my pregnancy with Rhett if it weren't for Susan. She put up with all my drama queen moments and we had so much fun together! Then me moved to Waco, and a year or so later they moved to Arkansas. But still I consider Susan one of my best friends. She is one of the first people I call when I have news, good, bad or just "juicy". My kids think of her and her kids as relatives and Rhett claims he is going to move to Arkansas when he grows up and live by his best buddy Jackson. Kolby used to say she would marry Jonathan but now that she is older and gets more of what that means she just says they will good friends and go to movies together! : ) And Mark and Rob...Well they are always so busy working we don't see them much!
My life is much richer because of my sweet friend Susan. I for one am very glad she was born ALL those years ago! Happy Birthday Susan! : )
PS I have not left my house since last Friday so your card in the mail will be a bit late!
Sunday, December 18, 2005
I just keep saying it over and over in my mind thinking if I keep saying it, it will eventually seem real.
I don't feel 36. But as of today, I am.
Not that 36 is bad. I've always liked the number 6. Ages 6, 16, and 26 were good to me, so I am sure 36 will be great too! I have that cold/flu/sinus funk again so this is a pretty quiet birthday. Rob and I had planned to go to Austin and eat at The Cheesecake Factory but I was just as happy to stay here and order in Chinese food.
And for those wondering... The cake this year was not Red Velvet! ; ) Mom took the kids to by TCBY and picked up a White Chocolate Mouse Cake for last nights early birthday dinner. Today I slept late, crawled out of bed to eat a bowl of soup and am currently contemplating getting dressed in something other than Pajamas so we can go out to eat tonight. Pretty easy day. Even sick, birthdays are good days!
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
To Find Out, or Not To Find Out?
That is the question of the day.
Baby number three and we still can't agree on whether we should find out if it is a girl or boy or wait for the surprise. With Kolby we did not want to find out. With Rhett I alone found out at about 32 weeks and kept the secret. (I was having some post miscarriage bonding jitters and the doctor thought knowing the sex might help me think of the baby as real and viable...Which it did!)
So here we are at number three. I want to know. I feel like I need to know. I don't care boy or girl, but I want to know.
Rob doesn't want to know. Not sure of all of his reasons, he just wants it to be a surprise like the others.
What to do?
I do not want to have to keep the secret again. I just couldn't. I really want to find out so I can plan, paint, get bedding, rearrange the house to fit the baby in etc. But, Rob is steadfast in his not wanting to know.
So I'm putting it out there for discussion. What do you guys think? Help me sway my husband or help him sway me....
Monday, December 12, 2005
Christmas Program at Church
This weekend was our church Christmas Program. Rhett was in the Reindeer review.
Kolby was part of the chorus for "A Shepherd's Story" and was part of a little trio for part of one song.
It was so good! We had so much fun watching them. I am very grateful to the volunteers who worked so hard to put this show together. It is such a great thing for our kids. Thanks Jan, Dana, Martha Kate, Amy, Kim, Robin, and Stephanie P. for all your hard work! You ladies are wonderful!!
Not much to blog about these days. We are a bit sick in our house. Kolby has had a virus and missed school yesterday and I have a cold/flu something or other. Of course this is the week of another big teacher event at school. Why is it that I get sick the week of a big event? It is only by the grace of God and the power of Sudafed that I am able to get out of bed every morning! I'm really ready to feel better.
Only 12 more days until Christmas! Can you believe it? Who ever made up the term "slow as Christmas" must not have been a Mom. Every year the holidays seem to go by faster than the year before. Does it ever slow down? Would I know what to do if it did? The house is finally decorated and the Christmas Cards sent out. Now as for the shopping, baking etc. .... Well that is a whole different story!
Must go blow my nose and make the next "to do" list!
Friday, December 09, 2005
Happy Holidays
(Soap Box Warning)
There. I said it. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
HA! Does saying it make me less Christian?
Does it mean I am trying to take the Christ out of Christmas? Does it mean I think Christians shouldn't celebrate Christmas as a religious holiday? Do those two words mean I have turned by back on my heritage and taken a dive into the great cultural melting pot where nothing is sacred and individualism is lost? NO, I think not. It means I am ever so nicely wishing you a happy holiday season.
I have heard so much hype these days about President Bush sending out a Christmas Card that said "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas." I'm tired of the protestors trying to sue and boycott Target for asking their employees to use a greeting that would be appropriate for all their customers instead of just the Christians. I'm aggitated by parents calling and threatening my child's public elementary school with legal action if the Winter Break notice isn't reissued because it said "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas!"
When I say Happy Holidays I mean Merry Christmas and Happy New Years at the same time! If you are Jewish, I wish you a Happy Hanukah. If you do the Kwanza thing...Well Happy Kwanza!. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
If "Happy Holidays" is on my Christmas cards it means that is the wording that came with the background from the Wal-mart photo center that best went with my kids cute picture. It could also mean that I may not be able to pull my head away from the toilet long enough to get my Christmas cards mailed before Christmas, so I'm saying "Happy Holidays" just in case you don't get it until New Years, or at this rate maybe even Valentine's Day! With Happy Holidays, all my bases are covered.
Last I checked, America is a place where no one can stop me from saying "Merry Christmas" as my own personal greeting. America is also a place where I should not be made to say "Merry Christmas" and branded as being "at war with Christmas" if I say "Happy Holidays." Seriously people!
There is a Sunday school song that almost sarcastically plays in my mind when I see Christians making such a major deal over such a minor thing..."And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love, yes they'll know we are Christians by our love."
If we want to keep the Christ in Christmas we need to worry more what our actions say and less what our greeting cards say. We need to show the love and compassion of Christ to those who truly need it. We need to give sacrificially and love our neighbors. We need to establish good and honest characters in our communities, as well as reputations as people who care about people, not the ones suing each other over greeting cards.
Sorry to be so edgy and opinionated today guys. Maybe it is the hormones talking, but this whole subject just really irks me! SO HAPPY HOLIDAYS! And have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS while you're at it! :)!
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Party of Five
I have been writing this entry in my head for several weeks and am thrilled to share our news with you... We are having a baby! Shocked and surprised? Well we definitely were! But we are thrilled beyond words.
I found out almost a month ago but waited to tell you guys because my first doctor's appointment two weeks ago showed that I was three weeks behind where I thought I should be. ( I really had no idea of my dates and was just guessing.) After having a few miscarriages, any thing developmentally behind worries me. But we went today and saw a little peanut with a heart beat! Everything looks great and the doctor said I should expect a normal "boring" pregnancy! YEAH!
The kids have known for two weeks also and are so excited. Kolby talks about it all the time and quizzes me on eating healthy for baby. She has even told me to go to bed a few nights "because the baby needs lots of rest." She is so sweet! Of course Rhett wants it to be a boy (named "Brett" by the way :) and Kolby wants a girl. But Kolby said the other day she wouldn't mind another brother as long as it is a healthy baby.
Rob and I really don't care if it's a boy or girl. At first I was leaning towards wanting a girl, but I think a boy would be fun too because I have never been around brothers and my boy stuff is the newer stuff... Of course I still have a few cartons of baby girl clothes saved from Kolby that are stinking cute... So as long as it is a healthy baby I truly don't care girl or boy.
One of the most fun and exciting things about being pregnant this time around is sharing it with Kolby and Rhett. Kolby was only 3 1/2 when Rhett was born so I don't think she really got it. But she will be 8 1/2 (the age I was when my sister was born) when this baby is born and she is so into babies!
As I said, Rob and I are thrilled but I'm not sure it has sunk in yet. I am going to be 40 with a 3 1/2 year old!!!! WOW! We have also joked about this being financial suicide, loosing the guest room, and not having any baby stuff left over because I got rid of most of it when we decided we were done... But really, all that talk pales in comparison to the excitement and gratitude we feel. I always wanted more than two children even though we said we were done, so this is just the biggest blessing! I am so happy to know that I get to feel a little baby growing inside me one last time.
We all plan to enjoy every second of this pregnancy! Even the sickness, which I have been battling! But it is different this time because each time I puke I think that that is just a sign that my hormones are doing exactly what they need to do for the baby and I am actually grateful. Happy to be puking... CRAZY!!! I know!
Today we got a due date of July 22, 2006. So even though it is way early in the game, I wanted to go ahead and share this good news with all of you. I would appreciate your prayers for this baby and this pregnancy. I am just so excited and happy about this all! I'm sure I will be gushing about it for months, so I will stop now.
We're having a baby!
Monday, December 05, 2005
Address Change
If you are my friend and I do not have your address and you want a Christmas Card from me...please e-mail me your address. If you have moved in the last year and e-mailed your new address to me already...do it again please. ;) Thank you ever so much! Still working on that list of things I have to do before I blog!
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Breakfast with Santa
No, I still am not done with the list of things I said I would do before I blogged again, but I'm getting closer! We had a busy and fun weekend.
My Mom and I took the kids to Breakfast with Santa sponsored by the Waco Historic Foundation.
It was much more than just breakfast. (Kolby is in a pink stage and refused to wear the traditional red! What a diva!)
We saw many friends there and my Mom and I even got to shop a little bit.
There were lots and lots of fun things for the kids to do. Rhett loved the sports, the construstion site, and the SLIDE!!! That's Rhett coming down behind Kolby...he wouldn't pause long enough for a picture. I bet they went down this thing for thirty minutes solid!
Kolby loved having her hair braided and her face painted. She also liked making candy cane reindeer and listening to the singers.
We were there for 5 hours!
The one down note came as we were leaving and a "reindeer" (really a donkey in disguise) bit Rhett on the arm. It bled and bruised and Rhett screamed for an hour. I was so glad to be able to tell him that it was a donkey so that he would not be afraid of Santa bringing reindeer on the house come Christmas Eve! Little did I consider what this might make him think of live nativity scenes!
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
I'm not letting myself blog until my house is decorated for Christmas, all the Halloween and Thanksgiving stuff is securely in the attic, the laundry is done, and the house is "company" clean. : ( I may be offline for a while! It's good to have a goal, right?
In the event that you don't hear from me (do you actually "hear" from me if I post and you read it?) for a few days, I want everyone to post their favorite appetizer recipe here. I will post mine in comments later but I thought I would try to get some new recipes because everything we are invited to this season is a "bring an Appetizer" type thing. I can only make sausage balls so many times in a month! Please give me feedback! And stay tuned for that Sausage Ball Recipe!
Friday, November 25, 2005
Omelets in a Bag
I got this recipe in an e-mail from Susan a few weeks ago and did this with the kids this morning. It was really fun AND both kids tried things in their omelets they never would have tried before (green pepper, diced tomatoes, ham. Etc) . The omelets were perfect! I may never make omelets any other way. Instructions are below if you want to try this with your family. Be sure to use freezer bags and to squeeze the air out of the top. (I heard of a messy situation that occurred when a friend didn't read that part!)
Good for when all your family is together and no one has to wait for their special omelet. Have guests write their name on a quart-size freezer bag with permanent marker. Crack 2 eggs (large or extra-large) into the bag (not more than 2) shake to combine them. Put out a variety of ingredients such as: cheeses, ham, onion, green pepper, tomato, hash browns, salsa, butter etc. Each guest adds prepared ingredients of choice to their bag and shake, Make sure to get the air out of the bag and zip it up. Place the bags into rolling, boiling water for exactly 13 minutes. You can usually cook 6-8 omelets in a large pot. For more, make another pot of boiling water. Open the bags and the omelet will roll out easily. Be prepared for everyone to be amazed.
Can be made with 4 egg whites or with corresponding measurements of egg substitute.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
I am thankful for...
...My healthy strong husband who works so hard and loves us so completely
...My children who amaze me everyday with their creativity and ever developing personalities. There is no doubt a great God in control who allowed these precious little people to come from Rob and me!
...Our parents who support us 100 % with all their hearts in everything we do. I can't imagine our lives without them and I don't want to have to!
... My sweet sister who will not be here tomorrow because she is having the time of her life in San Francisco. Sari had a hard year last year, but she truly loves her life right now and I am so very happy for her. I am thankful God has taken care of her with plans only he could know! She is such a blessings to us!
... My extended family. Moving to Waco seemed easy because of our family here. There are things we miss about our independent metro-plex life, but we would not trade back! For the past four years my big family has been the source of much joy and laughter. We have demolished many a restaurant together! :) We take up an entire section at church. Like me, my kids think of their cousins as their best friends. They all have several adults they trust and love around to turn to if Rob and I aren't there. I am very blessed to be related to these people and their incredible spouses. God has been so good to us!
... My friendships. Can you imagine life with out friends who share the core values of your life? God has blessed and provided me with so many great friends at church, in our neighborhood, in the community, in Rob's work, from both Kolby's and Rhett's schools, from our past, even from blog world (:) You guys are my cheering squad and I love you all!) and in every area of my life. For as far back as I can remember God has surrounded me with good friends who had incredible impacts on my life. If I am half the friend you all are to me, then you know how much I love and appreciate you !
... My church family. I don't always appreciate this body as I should. Since we moved here I have met some incredible people who love my kids and love and support each other in a way that only church can. We are blessed to be part of Crestview.
...Most of all I am thankful for God's love and faithfulness. I am ashamed to think of all the times I haven't said thank you to him when I should have. Is there an hour that goes by that he does not provide for or bless me? I am thankful for his grace and his unconditional care. I am thankful that he is faithful. I can never thank him enough!!!
I hope and pray that you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and that we enjoy an attitude of gratitude through out the year! God bless you and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Beautiful Weekend
I was lucky enough to spend a good part of Saturday and Sunday out side with two of my most favorite things overhead, trees and a beautiful clouded sky! I love trees. I long to live in a house surrounded by tall old trees like this one.
Is there anythng more beautiful than a tall tree?
We have two medium size young liveoaks in the back yard that have tripled in size since we moved here almost 4 years ago. They are nowhere near the tree above , but I hope they will be someday. Don't laugh when I say I pray for them and thank God for them, because I do! We also have two in the front that have not grown an inch n three years...I pray for them too! Someday I will have big trees!
On Sunday there must have been a weak front blow through because the sky was so blue and the clouds were so pretty. We had a West Texas sky! I never realized how pretty the sky is in West Texas ( San Angelo in particular) until I moved away. But now every once in a great while Waco is treated to a sky like we had today! BEAUTIFUL!
Trees and a beautiful sky... Doesn't take much to please me!
We had a fun weekend. The kids and I went to a fun "Camping Birthday Party"on Saturday then played on the play ground near the party site for a long time after the party was over. Sunday we returned to the scene to see some friends and take some pictures. We also snagged another hour on the playground.
It was the type of weekend I live for... very fun and very relaxed!
Friday, November 18, 2005
If you came here looking for BLUE JAY Soccer pictures, email me here or through my profile, and I will get them to you!
Thursday, November 17, 2005
He's Always Been Faithful
Yesterday I shared a situation Rob and I are facing with a friend. I'll share that situation at a later date, but today, sort of in response, my friend sent me a recording of "He's Always Been Faithful." Beautiful song!
I listened to it with my eyes closed and found myself weeping by the end. Not weeping for my situation, but weeping because I lack faith so often. These words struck me especially hard
I can't remember a trial or a pain
He did not recycle to bring me gain.
I can't remember one single regret in serving
God only and trusting his hand
All I have need of his hand will provide.
He's always been faithful to me.
I have a really wonderful life and I am so blessed with family, friends, and love. God has never left me. Why do I so easily loose sight of this when there is a bump in the road, or a hair-pin curve that I can't see around? You would think by now that I would have learned to trust God enough not to freak at the little or even the big chills and spills in life.
But it is hard sometimes isn't it? I have been thinking a lot lately of a young recently widowed mother I know. I wonder how long it will be before she can sing this song with any conviction? I want God to take away her pain but I'm not sure I have faith that he will.
I want my God to be big enough and strong enough to withstand all the whys of this world. I want him to heal all hurts. I want God to be a God I understand and can explain. And while in retrospect I thank my lucky stars for the "problems and challenges" in my life and praise God for all the great things he is done for me, something about my trust in him falters when I see others who love him so much in so much pain.
About the time all my "Why God?"s crescendo, he whispers "I am God. You are not. Trust me my beloved child. Trust me with your life and the lives of those you love. I am God. Whether you get it or not, I will take care of everything!"
Then comes the next part of the song...
So that is faith. That is the walk. That is the struggle. That is the victory.... Believing he will when everything around you screams he won't.This is my anthem, this is my song,
The theme of the stories I've heard for so long.
God has been faithful, he will be again.
His loving compassion, it knows no end.
All I have need of his hand will provide.
He's always been faithful to me.
I don't know where you are today. I don't know what God has put on your heart. I have no idea if this will mean anything to anyone but me. But a friend shared his heart today and it touched mine. God spoke to me in the words of a song I have sung a thousand times, calming fears I didn't even realize were impeding my faith. I hope sharing this will help someone else out there.
God is good and He is faithful!
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
What did you do today?
I made a cake.
Tonight we're having a small shower for my cousin and I wanted to make the cake. It was not too hard to make and gave me the excuse to stay home today. I relish days where I am home all day...They seem so rare! I'm looking forward to some good girl time tonight.
Sorry I have been off line lately. I'm almost over that virus/sinus/throat stuff I have had. (This would be day 9 if you are keeping track.) It's nice to be able to recognize my own voice again. :)
Busy Busy Busy! That is all we seem to be these days.
So how was your day?
Thursday, November 10, 2005
A Groovy Kind of Lunch
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
A cure for bloggers block
DJG didn't tag me, but since I am having a bit of bloggers block, I thought I would try this.
The rules:
1. Delve into your blog archive.
2. Find your 23rd post (or closest to).
3. Find the fifth sentence (or closest to).
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions. Ponder it for meaning, subtext or hidden agendas.
5. Tag five people to do the same.
From 7-24-2004 "Anger, furor, hate, tearing others down, and jealousy, these are the products of not forgiving."
One of my deeper blog posts, I guess. I was talking about the Anne Lamont quote "Not forgiving is like drinking rat poison and waiting for the rat to die." I think the sentence speaks for it's self. I think I was implying that these "fruits", not exactly fruits of the spirit mind you, are what I see in my life when I hang on to anger and don't forgive.
I remember this entry was a response to reading other blogs on the same topic. I realized that I was holding on to some hurt I didn't even recognize as that, and as a result damamged some relationships in my life. I am a cautious person once I get burned. It is hard for me to trust again and let go of past hurts. But that is so hypocritical of me becasue heaven knows I have done my share of hurting others whether intentionally or not. It is hard to put yourself out there again after a deep hurt. But what is the alternative? Never putting your self out there again? Who is that going to hurtin the end? So I guess my point then and now is I have to forgive and put myself out there if I am to enjoy all God has planned for me. Getting hurt is just part of life. To truly embrace life however we have to decide what parts of it we want to hold on to. Any sorrow or pain we hold is taking the place of possible joy. So I must let it go, forgive and do not let myself be fearful.
As I said one of my deeper blogs.
Anyone else having bloggers block is welcome to do the same.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Strep from the net/ The ugly little voice
Last week I read that fellow bloggers Elizabeth and Jacinda (I finally added her link to my blog list this week!) were down with strep throat. Today I find myself down with the same thing. While I did talk to Elizabeth on the phone a few times, I never saw her face to face and Jacinda lives a couple 1000 miles away!!! Can you get Strep from the web? I am beginning to wonder! It is much more likely that I got it from one of the three kids who I was in contact with that came down with strep. Luckily none of those three were my kids! I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will be the only one in this house who gets it.
I'm not sure it could come at a worse time. This is a big week for me. My friend and I are in charge of the big appreciation luncheon (aka "The Teacher Prom") at Kolby's school this Thursday. We have been talking about it and planning for it for over six months. It's a big event that involves busing the teachers to a local church fellowship hall that has been transformed in to an incredible theme decorated luncheon hall.
There are about 70 teachers and staff who come to this. We feed them, give them door prizes and treats, have a fun activity or two, take their pictures in front of pretty elaborate back drops, and then two hours later bus them back to school. My guest bedroom and garage are full of 70's stuff. I'm really excited about it, but hoping I feel better soon enough to finish the dozens of last minute things that can not be done until, well, the last minute.
Our theme this year is "A Groovy kind of Lunch." Outback is catereing it. The big decorations are made. Everything is ordered and most of the 40 to 50 volunteers it takes to watch all the classes at school and serve are lined up. AND WE EVEN DID ALL THIS AND CAME IN UNDER BUDGET!!! I think it will be great...or at least I am hoping it will be.
Will I ever outgrow that secret panic that no matter how hard I work or how many plans I make, my event will totally flop? Have I ever had an event flop? Not treally. Will the teachers love anything that involves free Outback and a 2 hour break from the school? Most definitly! So why do I still listen to that nagging little voice? The strep throat seems to be giving the voice a mega phone today!
Any of you have experience with that ugly voice that whispers that you can't do it and somehow you forgot something big? What do you do to shut it up? Just wondering....
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Live. And Live Well.
BREATHE. Breathe in and Breathe deeply.
Be PRESENT. Do not be past. Do not be future. Be now.
On a crystal clear, breezy 70 degree day, roll down the windows and FEEL the wind against your skin. Feel the warmth of the sun.
If you run, then allow those first few breaths on a cool Autumn day to FREEZE your lungs and do not just be alarmed, be ALIVE.
Get knee-deep in a novel and LOSE track of time.
If you bike, pedal HARD… and if you crash then crash well.
Feel the SATISFACTION of a job well done—a paper well-written, a project thoroughly completed, a play well-performed.
If you must wipe the snot from your 3-year old’s nose, don’t be disgusted if the Kleenex didn’t catch it all… because soon he’ll be wiping his own.
If you’ve recently experienced loss, then GRIEVE. And Grieve well.
At the table with friends and family, LAUGH. If you’re eating and laughing at the same time, then might as well laugh until you puke.
And if you eat, then SMELL. The aromas are not impediments to your day. Steak on the grill, coffee beans freshly ground, cookies in the oven.
Taste every ounce of flavor.
Taste every ounce of friendship.
Taste every ounce of Life.
Words to live by, but not my words. These words are from the message Kyle Lake typed out and had ready to deliver the morning he tragically died. That was just one week ago tomorrow.
Kyle Lake (pictured here ) never said these words to his congregation that morning, but he lived them everyday of his life. It is a little eerie. I wonder as he typed these words if he had any inkling that he was typing his own eulogy? But can you think of a better eulogy? No one has to wonder what Kyle would have wanted. His loved ones know how he wanted them to live and to grieve. "Grieve well" he said. And so many are doing just that.
I'm sorry if my blog has been a little heavy with this over the last few days. Though I only knew the Lakes through my sister and mutual kid activities and friends, I can't seem to shake the sorrow, loss, and amazement at the life and death of this young pastor.
With each passing day it becomes clearer and clearer who this man of God was and how many lives he touched. To say he will be missed is quite an understatement. The best any of us can do is heed his words to live and love God with a great gratitude that his death won't stop the message he pledged his life to spread.
You served your Savior and all of us so well. May you commune with the Father and breathe in the sweetness of heaven Kyle Lake! May we all "Love God, embrace beauty and live life to the fullest!"
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Highlights of our Halloween
After sharing the sadness of the last few days with you, I wanted to share all the fun things that have been happening too!
K won one of the awards for 2nd grade with her "Princess and the Pea" literary Pumpkin. She was so excited. "This is my first ever win in a contest Mom!" she squealed when I picked her up from school. I admit we were all very happy and proud. But I would have hated to judge this! It was one of the most creative contest I have ever seen! K's school librarian thought it up and had over 100 entries. You can see all the winners here (click on "our web sites", "Library", "Library events", "pumkin contest"). Ms Judy would be so proud! In other Halloween news... This is the year of the JEDI!
Can you tell we like Star Wars? The big cousins had a great time as usual. We had two Anikins, two Padme Amadalas (different dress though) one Lea, and a fairy.
The newest little members of our tribe, Kt & S3. Sweet babies!
Rt dueling with fellow star wars fans down the street. These guys were great! They dressed up and put on a show every ten minutes the whole night. When Rt saw them he turned his saber on and ran to join the battle. Rob an I laughed and laughed seeing him really try to get these big guys with his Jedi moves.
Our Neighborhood really gets into trick-or-treating! It is so fun to go to all the decorated houses. Nothing too scary...Just really fun. I love this night!
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Life goes on
Friday night I couldn't sleep and ended up watching a PBS show about women who have immigrated to the US seeking asylum. The show was none to spectacular but it showcased some pretty amazing women. One women told her story of coming to the US from Iran when her country transitioned through the last Shaw. She came here pregnant to live with her mother and sister, but her husband was detained and later executed in Iran.
When her sister came to tell her the news of her husbands death, she was holding and feeding her infant son. She said what struck her hardest after hearing the awful news, was that she still had to feed her son. She wanted to run away and hide and cry and throw things, but her son had to be fed and no one else could do it. The baby had no way of understanding the news his mother had just received. He was just sweet, innocent and hungry. At that moment she realized that even though her world had been shattered and the love of her life was gone, her life had to go on. The baby still had to be fed. That part of her story really stuck with me.
Life does go on no matter how much we wish it would stop for the tragedies in our life. My heart and mind have been so heavy for the loss of Kyle Lake and for the painful road that is now laid out for his sweet family. Sometimes it is hard to shake a sadness so deep, even if it is not your own.
I found myself tearing up at the silliest things yesterday. But it was Halloween and my sweet little 4 year old wanted to make cookies with me. We had planned it all day. So we started. Rhett looked up at me with those blue eyes and spoke beyond his four years saying "You don't seem very happy Mommy. Don't you like to make cookies with me?" I assured him that I loved making cookies with him but that I was still sad about Sari's friend. He gave me that blank look and said "But you have to be happy today because we get to trick or treat tonight." And he was right.
Life goes on.
I am to the age that knowing life goes on no matter what somehow seems almost more comforting than cruel. I thank God that Jennifer Lake has three children who love and need her so that she will have to go on despite her broken heart. I am really glad that my sister has a new job that is going to take her to Boston for several weeks so that she has to move on, though her heart is heavy with this loss. I praise God that Kyle Lake left the kind of legacy that his church will not let die. In his memory and because he was so committed to bringing people to the love of Jesus, they will have to move past this horrible tragedy and try to carry on what he started. Though it will never ever be the same, life will go on.
Dearest Father God, Thank you so much for making life go on, even when we don't want it to. Please give us the strength and hope to brave the battles of this world until we can all be home with you. Please wrap your arms around the Lake and UBC families as they bury their beloved Kyle today. Please take care of Jenn, Avery, Sutton and Jude and fill their broken hearts with your healing love. Help us all to go on joyfully proclaiming your peace and joy to all who know us. And please father bring us home soon. Amen.
According to Sari, Kyle ended every message with these words "This week may you love God, embrace beauty, and live life to the fullest." A charge to keep.
P.S. The national news media may not pick this up but they found out that Kyle's death had nothing to do with the microphone. The water pump in the baptistry was running and it had shorted. When Kyle touched the metal side of the baptistry or the microphone poll, he grounded the current. That is what killed him. Not the battery powered microphone.
New DVD out today
Just in case you missed it, there is a new DVD out today. I think a few in my family have already made their purchases and it isn't even noon yet!!!
Monday, October 31, 2005
Tribute to Kyle Lake
Brian McLaren had this to say about Kyle Lake. Thought some of you might be interested.
Tired of being sad, happy I have a choice.
Making cookies and getting ready to trick or treat.
No matter how cruel it seems, life goes on.
Sunday, October 30, 2005
My sister Sari goes to UBC (University Baptist Church) here in Waco. Some of you may have heard of it because it is home to the David Crowder Band. This morning in front of a packed Baylor Homecoming crowd, their preacher Kyle Lake baptized someone, reached for a microphone, and was electrocuted. He died minutes later on the way to the hospital. His wife Jenn was there. His 3 year old twin boys and 5 year old daughter were in the nursery. The church is in shock. The whole town is in shock. Please Pray for the Lake family, the UBC family and all who are hurting right now over this horrible accident.
UPDATE Midnight:
The saddness is so thick around here that it is just suffocating. This is a big weekend in Waco with Baylor Homecoming and Halloween..but all the excitment died today with Kyle Lake. It feels like a giant wet blanket has been thrown over the whole city and noone can move.
My sister went with her church family tonight to talk and hug and remember. She said it was awful and good all at the same time. They explained exactly what happened. Evidently Kyle grabbed a microphone, lost his footing, and fell back into the water. The water covered him past the waders to his shoulders. He was able to say "I need some help guys" but that was it.
Kyle had many, many friends. Some of his best ones are in the David Crowder Band who went "on with the show" and played to a sold out crowd in Fl tonight. They are jetting home in the morning. All are devistated as you can imagine... and their wives want them home. My sister is really close to several of these sweet young ladies.
II have never heard a bad word said about Kyle Lake or his family. They are salt of the earth kind of people. I have seen his kids at Mothers Day Out from time to time. I have run into his wife at HEB. Sari was pretty close to them. Now my heart aches for my sister and this family. It seems so unfair, so terrible. How do you recover from something like that? From what I hear, his family, though in total shock still, has publicly said that they know God will get them through even this. I don't envy their journey. There are no short cuts.
Sari said there was lots of news crews outside the church tonight. One reporter was heard to excitedly say he knew this would be a national story... Somehow that didn't make anyone feel better.
Tonight I will fall asleep praying for couple who watched their son die today, a 30 year old widow still so stunned, a five year old girl who wants her Daddy, and two rough and tumble boys who just don't get what is going on. Please join me.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Fish lovers?
Conversation on the way to school the other day.
K: Why do so many people have fish on the back of their cars, like that one? (gestures toward the fender of SUV in front of us)
M: That is a Christian fish and people put them on their cars to let us know they are Christians.
K:How do we know that fish is a Christian fish?
M: It has some Greek letters on it...err, well... (OK, so I do not know, though I am sure I should! ) I think it has to do with Jesus being a fisher of men but I'm not really sure.
K: So if you have a fish on your car like that one, it means you are a Christian?
M: Yes.... Well, it means the person who owns that car wants you to know they are Christians.
K: We don't have a fish on our car.
M: You don't have to have a fish on your car to be a Christian , but you can if you want.
K: (after thinking about it a minute or two) I don't want a fish on our car. If we put something Christian on our car I want it to be a cross. That way people won't wonder if we are Christians or if we just like fish.
Stumped by a 7 year old. Again.
Photo Blog
A friend suggested I set up a photo blog. ANOTHER BLOG!!! Yikes! There are not enough hours in the day for another blog. I think this one will do! Here are our pictures from Trunk-or-Treat at church last night. It is always one of our favorite events. THANK YOU so much Jan and Dayna for doing this eveery year for our kids, our church, and our community! Padme & Anikin
Padme & her double Queen Amadala
Twin Anikins and a Fairy
Anikin and his friend "Stephanie" from Lazy Town.
Happy almost Halloween!
Monday, October 24, 2005
264 my ...
Hate to cut the Halloween parade below short, but I have one of those stories I have to get down somewhere. This blog is my "gotta write that down" place.
Yesterday morning Rob and I were in our bathroom finishing getting ready for church. Rhett was in our room. Rob had just dressed him. We are having a little cool snap here,(PRAISE THE LORD!) so Rhett was finally getting to wear a long sleeve shirt. He was oh-so happy about it and was dancing around in his cool new long sleeve shirt.
Rob and I were just chatting along when Rhett came in and asked Rob "Daddy, is this my 264 shirt?" Puzzled and thinking we had heard him wrong we both asked "Your what?" Still he asked, "Is this my 264 shirt?" He repeated the question two more times before I got it and died laughing. Rob was still in the dark so I said "Yeah Rhett it is, sing it." Rhett started gyrating all over the bathroom in the funky- disco-meets-break-dancing way that only he can, singing "I'm two sixty four my shirt, two sixty four my shirt, two sixty it huuurrrttts!"
Rob and I were laughing so hard we had tears! We were late to church. Apparently this song is on the "Far Far Away Idol" special feature at the end of the Shrek 2 DVD. Rhett loves "Far,Far Away Idol!"
So my four year old is "two sixty four his shirt!" "So sixty" in fact that my sides hurt from laughing and I can't stop smiling when I think about it. I pray he doesn't know what the real version means for at least another decade or so, but in the mean time we will have fun with this 260 thing! These are the days!
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Halloween Parade
Here is why Halloween is one of favorite holidays. No, I'm not into witches and spooky, evil, scarey stuff. But I love fall weather, costumes, dressing up, trick or treating, pumpkins on porches and the like. For the seven day countdown to Halloween, here is a little Costume parade of our last 7 Halloweens!
1998 This was our first Halloween with our little pumpkin...or Strawberry in this case. Don't we look young!
1999 Kolby is 20 months old and would not get her picture made at Sears. She was totally terrified of photographers. My friend Kristi snapped this one at a Halloween party. 2000 Our Hot Pink Leopard picture from whenshe was 2. (finally found it!)
2001 Dorthy is 3 Toto is 6 weeks old.
2002 Tink & Peter Pan.
2003 Ariel and Cpt Feather Sword
Friday, October 21, 2005
Fanatic Defined...Rated G (for GAG!)
(I hope no one was eating when they happened to stop by here today!) Shamefully, I copied this picture from Matt Elliott's blog (no relation for those of you who still remember my maiden name.) From now on when I hear the word FANATIC, this is the picture that will pop up in my mind's eye. I will be gagging mind you, but still, this is the picture.
Have a Fan-tastic Friday!
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Random Ramblings of a busy mom
I love my son. Yesterday we went to his 4 year check-up. Anyone who has had a four year old in the last ten years knows what that means...Immunizations! Rhett bravely sat in my lap while Nurse Marla gave him FOUR SHOTS, two in each arm. He whimpered and hid is face on my shoulder. At one point with tears pooling in his sweet blue eyes he looked up and pathetically said "I don't like shots Mommy." It broke my heart! But wonder of wonders, he never really cried. Nurse Marla and I both almost did though! Those last two shots were thick and really hurt! For her part Nurse Marla gave Rhett four suckers and bragged and bragged on how well he did. To ease my Mommy guilt and his pain we had lunch at Burger King and went to Target for 4 Hot Wheels cars. (They are on sale for 49 cents this week!)
Rhett's bravery also bought him an ice cream cone on the way home and a heap of praise from his Daddy, Aunt, grandparents and sister. Truth be told I would have bought him every toy in Toys-r-us at one point this morning if it would have lessened his pain. The hardest thing I have had to do as a mother is sit helplessly by when my kids were hurting. I would have gladly taken those four shots for Rhett yesterday if that would have worked. The bad news is the doctors office was out of flu shots for Rhett's age so we get to go back next week and get another SHOT!
On an entirely different note... I saw a sign yesterday that said "Just 10 weeks until Christmas." I 'm not a "packin' heat" kinda gal, but I suddenly had an overwhelming urge to blow the sign to smitherines! I can't explain the bah-hum-bug it brought out in me, but it turns my stomach to think about Christmas right now. Maybe it's because it isn't even Halloween yet and instead of the peace and joy of the season I can only picture a mile long list of more things to do? Hopefully by Thanksgiving I'll have the Grinch-itude whipped. In the mean tme, I can not be held responsible for what might happen to anyone who comes around me singing "Deck the Halls" and wearing red and green.
Speaking of grumpy Moms, apparently one stay at home Mom has had enough and gone on strike. I would love to join her but I can't imagine what the house would look like if we left all the claeaning to a 4 and 7 year old. Rob does his share and works two jobs. I really have no one to strike against. In fact, today I am staying home and cleaning my house. For two weeks I have said I was going to do this but things keep coming up so I am never home. Why does it seem the house is at it's worst when we are in what I call pit-stop mode? You would think the house would stay clean because we aren't here to mess it up. But instead, our coming in to refuel and heading out again has left the place in shambles. Finally it is time for some heavy duty mantainance. Yep, today's the day.
And finally, I can't believe that the french horn guy from yesterday didn't get more comments. Seriously! If you missed it, take a minute to give it a gander. I started laughing out loud in the carpool line yesterday just thinking about it. Maybe I have a weird sense of humor. :)
Ta-ta blog world... I have a date with Mr. Clean!
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Music to my ...
If our church ever goes instrumental, I want to book this guy first! : ) If you have three minutes to kill, take a listen.
For some reason the hyperlink isn't working so just click on or cut and paste the following: www.naturalsoundstudio.com/mhs/maestro_music.wmv
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Too busy to blog
I don't know what it is about this time a year but, we seem to be going 90 to nothing all the time! I looked up at the calendar last week and realized we have something every weekend until January. Not that I am complaining because yes, it is all optional. But I don't want to fall into one of those "too busy to live" coma that has me up early, running all day, and going to bed in the next day just to get by. It's very easy to fall into that this time a year and on into the holidays. How do you beat the "busy bug?" Just wondering....
Here are a few shots of all the things we did this weekend.
Rhett's soccer games...He scored 7 goals last night...not that we are keeping score or anything...but WOW rob and I were both a little shocked and awed... seven goals! (Forgive the proud mother hen thing as I'm just a rookie soccer mom!) I think I see many, many years of Saturdays at the soccer field ahead.
The Hewitt Fire Department had a fun Fire Safety Week Open House with games and fire truck rides. Fireman Joe (the father of another 2nd grader at Kolby's school) was there and showed us all around. I think it is so neat when that the fire station does this every year.
The library at Kolby's school has a literary pumpkin painting contest each year. This is Kolby's "Princess and the Pea" entry. She and I worked long and hard on it and it turned out really cute IMHO. ( OK, I confess I wanted to throw it out the patio door when the eyes kept falling off and peach paint was tracked in the carpet!) It is fun to watch Kolby work on something and get so into it. She reminds me of someone... oh yeah, that chick I saw in the mirror this morning! :)
Happy Tuesday!