What a year!
Good to us in so many ways, but not with out it's stressful moments.
Here is a recap that will be of no particular interest to anyone but me, although you are more than welcome to read along. :)
We rang the New Year in with the promise of a new career path for Rob. In the months of January and February I realized what a toll the bank had taken on my husband. Who knew those worry lines weren't etched in his brow permanently! It was a great start to the new year.
My friend Shae and I spent the first two weeks of the New Year doing a Trading Spaces, While You Were Out redo of the Teachers lounge at Kolby's school. It was hard work but well worth it! I have never received so many thank you notes in my life, and the personal thanks I still get TO THIS DAY, make me wish we could re-do another room!
Shortly after finishing the Teacher Lounge, Rob and I re-did our room and finally got new furniture to replace the bedroom furniture Rob had used since the fifth grade! I still love my furniture!
February is Kolby's birthday month and it feels like it takes the whole month to get all the celebrations in! She had a big skating party and we were so excited when good friends Jonathan, Jackson, and Susan came in to surprise her from Arkansas! It was in the last days of February that the word dyslexia started to swirl around Kolby. I was left dizzy and down by the whole thought of my daughter having any type of disorder.
March brought a big fat rebate from th tax man, and an unforgettable trip to San Antonio and Sea World over Spring break! Rhett and Kolby rediscovered their love affair with hotels and I rediscovered the River Walk! Great times and great memories!
Don't remember much about April, but who could forget May ...Episode III! We had so much fun with Star Wars this year. Starting in May our premiere party on Rob's birthday and continuing through Rhett's birthday in September until the launch of the DVD in November we were all about using the Force. It has been so fun to share our love for this series with our kids and to find ourselves being kids once again! For us 2005 will always be the year of the Jedi.
Summer 2005 was one for the record books as far as the heat and lack of rain went, but we managed to have a great time anyway! Highlights were our trip to Palestine, Texas with my parents and sister, our Fort Worth Friends reunion in Fort Worth in July, our trip to Arkansas and Kolby and Rhetts first airplane flight, and Kolby being incredibly blessed to attend Camp Success at Baylor for seven weeks.
I can't say enough about Camp Success. I think it saved the confidence and love of learning in my little girl. In a mere seven intense weeks Kolby's reading improved an entire grade level. By the time August rolled around she was able to start school exactly on the level where she needed to be! Can I ever thank God enough for the wonderful people who fund and operate this camp? Though Kolby still goes to Baylor for tutoring 4 hours a week, after Camp Success we knew that she would be able to overcome this disorder and flourish!
August. School started. We love Kolby's teacher and then Rhett's Mothers Day Out teachers. September we had a big Star Wars celebration for Rhett's bithday. Can one ever have to many Star Wars parties in one year? I have had more time to myself since August than I have had in 7 years, but I seem to fill that time up! Teacher Appreciation has taken more time than I ever thought. I enjoy what I do but I am going to have to curb my PTA time to get ready for this baby!
So let's skip to November and the huge surprise that awaited me On the 7th!!! I was in the middle of the "Teacher Prom" and feeling like I was coming down with the flu. Only after calling my doctors office about getting a flu shot or maybe something stronger did I realize that I couldn't remember my last cycle. Took the test. Almost fell out of my chair when the little PLUS sign appeared. WOW!!!
So here we are. I am almost 12 weeks along and the shock and awe still haven't worn off. (Although the nausea has slowly begun to lift= HALLELUJAH!) Where are we going to put this baby? How are we going to afford another one? Will I be able to do everything I did for Kolby and Rhett for this baby at age 36? I have 6 years of scrapbooks to catch up on before this baby is born! I have four closets to clean out and magically combine into three to make room for this baby. We don't have a carseat, a stroller, bedding, or a swing. I have to think about carrying a daiper bag again and buying daipers ... and then there is the whole breastfeeding thing ...OH MY GOSH! What are we doing????? We're having a baby!
Still, I can't wait to find out what this baby is! (AND WE WILL BE FINDING OUT!) I can't wait to see Kolby's expression the first time she holds her new sibling! I can't wait for Rhett to finally be "a big Brother!" I am so excited to have a baby in Waco with my whole family at the hospital waiting to welcome the new one! I can't wait to see Rob change that first diaper again and act all goofy making faces. I can't wait until I can actually feel that little baby growing inside of me kick and turn somersaults like my other two did! I start to tear up when I think about holding a tiny little baby fresh from heaven, with tiny little finger and toes and looking into those little eyes knowing I am the mother of this little miracle! Is there anything as sweet and precious as a baby? Thank you so much God for giving us this last chance at having a baby!
I guess all the ups and downs of 2005 and the great anticipation of 2006 have taught me one basic lesson over and over again. God is faithful. (I loved what Jon Owen had to say about this a few days ago.) In the good and in the bad, he is faithful. When I am weak or when I am strong, he is faithful. In times of doubt, in times of faith, he is faithful. Through heartbreak and terrible darkness he is faithful. Through joys and overwhelming love and light, he is faithful. At all times the name of the Lord should be praised. He is faithful.
May I always remember to praise him in all situations in 2006! Happy New Year!!!!!
How To Make A Diy Twin Bed
16 hours ago
I am working on something for your little boy right now! I only took a break to check blogs! (PLEASE let it be a boy... I can always do another in pink, I guess!)
So happy to hear you are finding out! Was it my persuasive arguments that tipped the scales? ;)
I am impressed by your list. I hardly know what I did yesterday much less each month last year.
What a year for your family. Congrats on the baby. Have a great 2006.
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