"If I were to try to read, much less answer, all the attacks made on me, this shop might as well be closed for any other business. I do the very best I know how - the very best I can; and I mean to keep doing so until the end. If the end brings me out all right, what's said against me won't amount to anything. If the end brings me out wrong, ten angels swearing I was right would make no difference." Abraham Lincoln
SOURCE: The Inner Life of Abraham Lincoln: Six Months at the White House by Francis B. Carpenter (University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1995), pp. 258-259
I wonder if every President since Lincoln has felt that way? When I first read this quote I was sure it was going to be credited to our current President. Last week for the anniversary of his death, I watched a documentary on Abraham Lincoln. I was surprised to find out that while in office, he was not popular. In fact many doubted that he would win re-election.
He was described as a "country hick and a buffoon". His detractors doubted the legitamacy of his Presidency. They said he was wrong to go to war to save the union. They said his reasons were economically and politically motivated. They said he had no regard for human life. They said war was not the answer. They said he had no right to free slaves from their legal humane bondage. They said his leadership would divide the country forever and end our fragile union. (Red states/ Blue states? Does any of ths sound familiar?) Although those who supported him were extremely loyal, those who didn't were extremely strong in their opposition. Several attempts were made on his life. Finally, one succeeded.
I love history! History teaches us so much about why people are as they are. History tends to repeat itself. Somehow I am comforted to know that the same arguments heard on Capital hill in 1905 are still being heard in 2005. Somehow I am also frightened and saddened by this. What will history say about our generation? A hundred years from now will there be a Republic of states bound in union known as the United States? What will history say about our President? The war in Iraq? The red state/blue state divide? Though time will tell, history gives us some pretty good hints.
The Churches of Christ have been accused of ignoring history and to some point I think that is a very valid accusation. We are quick to point to the Bible as our history, but we shy away from the period time between today and where the Bible historically ends. There are a lot of years between then and now. I grew up going to church three times a week and have enough hours to have almost minored in Bible at ACU but, beyond the last 60 years, I know very little about our church history. (But how many of us would show up for a class on church history?) I have heard a lot about the Restoration movement, but couldn't tell you (with out looking in a old text) what that was all about. Today many churches are entering a period of emergence. I wonder, if we really look at it, how different this movement is from movements of the past.
I know, I know! Boring History ramblings. Maybe I'll be a History teacher when I grow up! I guess my point is, we think our time is unique to us, all our ideas, revolutionary, all our methods, ground breaking. While some are, a good look at history will show that we are basically the same people we have always been. I do not suggest that history has all the answers for the problems of the country, the church, or even for us as individuals... but it does give us incredible insight.
I have come up against some very personal struggles lately. (Creamed corn, creamed corn ...and no it is not anything life threatening, horrible, or really even worthy of mention) There have been times I felt overwhelmed and wondered where to start or how to get a foothold. My old friend history has really helped. True, one can spend too much time examining yesterday and what went wrong, but before I can move forward, it helps me to know where I have been. Here's to History!
Sorry to be so cryptic and "out there" as of late. Someday I'll explain it all - it's really not a big deal. In the mean time, thanks for reading and letting me air my thoughts! :)
How To Make A Diy Twin Bed
1 day ago
Should I be worried about you? You can always call me and vent if you need to. Hey! Come see me and vent, that would really be great!
:) No you shouldn't be worried at all! Just my rambling big thoughts...sometimes a bit dark, but not too bad. And I would love to come see you. I plan to come see you. I'm just not sure we will be there before you see Mickey Mouse!
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