I wrote this Thursday after watching all the coverage n the London Bombings... I wasn't going to publish it as it is a little more opinionated and darker than my normal Mommy post. However, I decided that I would post this because I plan to publish this blog into a book for my family someday. I want those who come after me to know how pointless I think all this violence is and how ticked off I get when I see people hurt for no reason!
To the terrorist:
I don't get it. I must be really slow. Somehow I don't see how bombing subways and buses in London, Spain and Moscow further your cause. Who are you and really, what was your point? If you were trying to make a political statement...All you have said is that you are ruthless killers who have have no regard for life. Not too PC a statement to make if you are trying to get the world to see you as anything other than crazy.
If you were trying to wage war, who were you waging war against? The single Mom of three who had just dropped her kids off at a daycare and who was going to work to be able to feed them that night? Did you you think you would get the worlds respect by killing a 79 year old man who was on his way to see his wife in the hospital? All you have gained is more of the worlds disdain. You blew-up some trains and a bus and made a big mess. Now what? Do you truly think the world is going to listen to you and meet whatever selfish demands you make? Yeah right.
You only created a greater rift. You only further alienated yourself from anyone who values life. You may have killed a lot of people and hurt even more, but in the end you have hurt your cause more and sealed your fate as murders who must be hunted down and stopped. If you were aiming for the sympathy of the world and attention to your cause...You sorely miscalculated. Really, what did you think this would accomplish?
AS to the big bad USA hype that you like to promote these days.. No nation is perfect. All nations are under God, not just ours. No nation is going to be able to please everyone in the world. As Americans we have things in our past that we are ashamed of...What people/nation doesn't? Your childrens children will bear the burden of what you did today. You will be their shame. Does the USA have a great responsibility to the world? Yes! But it is a responsibility shared by all peoples and nations of the world. How are you handling that responsibility?
It is clearly wrong to plant bombs in trains to kill people who have no idea who you are or what it is that you want. It is really stupid to think that this terror thing will work for long. Yes, you will hurt lots of people. You will kill innocent people all over the world. You will bathe your request in the blood of people you do not know. In doing so your message, or whatever it was, will be completely lost.
All that will be seen is the blood of our loved ones and allies, the blood of people you did not know and who had never personally done anything to you. You are giving the world cause to despise you. You are ruining any bit of credibility you might have had. By committing wrongs worse than any committed towards you, you have become that which you say you are against.
No God would condone your actions. No civilized people will tolerate it. A hundred years from now, if you have not come to your senses, changed your ways, and realized the value of each human soul predestined to walk this earth, your people will be hated, despised, and if there is hope for our world, eradicated. You will kill yourselves and whatever message you had will die with you.
Hate begets hate, so I will not let myself hate you. I pray that your hearts will be touchedand you will stop using acts of terror as a mode of communication. I pray for your sakes, and ours, you will find a new voice and a new method... For the choice you have made is just madness.
Thank God that this is not all there is! Heaven is a promise I cling to during times such as these. But God did not put us on this planet to die, he put us here to live. While we are here we all have the charge to love each other and help those who need help. Loving each soul, even the souls of those who have gone mad and who have hurt us, is our lifes work and goal. God help us all to reach that goal!
May God show you more mercy than you have shown today. May we all work and pray towards an end to this madness!
How To Make A Diy Twin Bed
21 hours ago
WOW. That is a very eloquent post. Good thoughts!
That deserves a standing ovation!
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