Pavlovs dog learned to drool at the sound of a bell. Tiny infants automatically turn towards the sound of their mother's voice. When faced with a tragedy or problem, no matter how big or small many on/in the media automatically blame George Bush. It is ridiculous. It is ignorant. It is a harmful, hurtful, and very dangerous trend for our society take on the roll of victims and blamers, yet that is what appears to be happening when I see the news. It is to the point I can't stand TV anymore.
But I guess in some ways people are right to blame George Bush, especially for what has happened here in Texas.... After all he was our Governor for six years before we lost him to Washington. It may be that his leadership in Texas back when he was Governor helped the state accomplish the biggest evacuation the US has ever seen in the face of Rita this week. Were there problems? Yes. Was it a bit chaotic? YES! But by the time the storm hit last night somehow those 100 mile traffic jams were gone. Somehow the evacuees from Katrina that our state has been caring for 3.5 weeks now were moved out of harms way. Somehow the nursing homes were evacuated and the hospitals had emergency generators that were not, and had never been, in flood likely basements! Our people in distress were rescued. We were out of harms way. AND THE STORM WEAKENED AND TURNED! I guess that is all Bush's fault too? The man does pray quite a bit after all!
Maybe Bush is responsible for laying a foundation for excellent communication between the Governor and local leaders, despite their political affiliations. Maybe Bush should share in the blame for Texas being able to harbor and care for hundreds if not thousands of Katrina evacuees in such a short time.
When Katrina struck our neighbors to the east, Texas took out pre-existing emergency plans and put them into action. When Governor Perry (who was Bush's Lt. Governer in the last term)needed help, he asked for it. This weeek our state government was ready. Our local governments were ready. The people of Texas were responsible and did not wait or expect the government to take care of them. That is the kind of leadership and citizenship our former Governor and current President inspired. I would have to agree that what has happened in Texas over the last few weeks is partly George Bush's fault, and we are so proud of him!
So let the rest of the world blame Bush for global warming, rolling blackouts in California, terrorist attacks, gas prices, interest rates, deficits, consumer spending, credit card debt, acts of nature, and oh, let's not forget incompetent Governors and mayors not being able to do their job when a crisis comes. I for one am proud of our President for taking a deaf ear to his critics and doing what he feels and knows to be right despite approval ratings and popularity polls. If other leaders in this country would do the same, America would be a better, stronger, more secure place. If that were to happen, I am almost 100 percent certain that Bush's detractors would never say "America is great! Let's blame it on Bush!"
So go ahead blame Bush! He can take it. In two more years he will retire to Texas and then there will be someone else to blame. Who in their right mind would ever want to be President? Then again I guess the next President can just blame it all on George Bush!
I feel better having that out. Sorry to rant. Sorry to be so political, but I just can't help myself! Let's just blame it on George Bush!
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Blame it on George!
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I, for one, love your George! Thanks for letting the rest of us get to know him! I love his parents, too!
I guess I'd rather blame George than God! ;) At least George can't smite me!!!
Guess we have had simular thoughts lately!
I don't know how he stands it and why he wanted to reup his contract.
I guess he gets his revenge by making the media brave the August Texas heat all month long!
clap, clap, clap, etc.
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