Much going on these days in our little house!
The biggest news I guess is that the mighty, mighty BLACK PANTHER t-ball team officially started practice last night! This has been a much anticipated event in our household. Rhett had his t-ball clothes laid out for two days in anticipation! I have never seen a little boy more excited about anything! He has talked about t-ball since soccer ended last November. Yesterday when Rob got home he found the little dude fully decked out in t-ball pants, socks, shoes, and a cap sitting on the front porch clutching his new bat bag...Which of course was packed with a bat, balls, batting glove, regular glove and sunflower seeds (?) He was ready to go. I made him wait until 4:30 to get dressed for his 5:30 practice.
Though Kolby and I missed half of practice, what we did see was hilarious! Rob has his hands full coaching this one! But he has my cousin Robby helping him and lots of dads willing to pitch in. Still it was a sight! Eleven little 4 & 5 year olds out there learning the game for the first time with a heard of older and younger siblings trying to "help" and a crowd of parents cheering them on! This is going to be a fun season!!! Truly, we have all been looking forward to it because the team is made up of all Rhett's favorite little friends who just happen to be the kids of some of my best friends! I think we all look forward to these games and practices!
Monday night, or actually Tuesday morning we were blessed with a great rain storm. Unfortunately the power went out around 4:00am. Rob was gone to the paper route. For some reason when our power goes out our smoke alarms beep for five minutes. By 4:05 Rhett and Kolby were wide awake and in bed with me. They insisted I light a candle because it was pitch black dark. Then they couldn't go back to sleep. Neither could I. It was hot. Then, baby girl decided to wake up and put on a dancing belly show for her future siblings. So at 4:45 Rhett and Kolby are wide awake in my bed watching for any sign of movement from my stomach by candle light. Did I mention I had stayed up until almost 1am trying to finish a mountain of laundry and clean up un-interrupted? Yeah I was tired.
We were almost all settled down and asleep by 5am when Rob made a horrible scary noise trying to get in the front locked door. Seems the garage won't open when the electricity is out! Finally at 5:30 I sent Kolby back to her room. Rob went to Rhett's room to try to catch some zz's and I was left to sleep with the twisting tornado boy. Needless to say 7am came early. Poor Kolby said she never went back to sleep. Rob found her at 6:45 am when the power came back on fully dressed and ready to go to school sitting on the couch in the living room. Tuesday was her Zoo field trip day at school and mixed with excitement of the lights going out and the baby was just too much for her 8 year old brain to let go of to sleep! There is nothing I hate more than starting the day out tired!
By the time I picked Kolby up from school yesterday she was so tired she could barely walk. She immediately fell asleep when we got home and it took me 30 minutes to wake her up when I finally tried around 5PM. Talk about a power outage! She was zonked! We caught the tail end of T-ball practice and went out to eat for her cousin Samantha's birthday. She then fell asleep the minute her head hit the pillow at 8:45. This morning she was so tired I totally dressed her for the first time since she was 2 years old! It was really sad. If she hadn't missed 8 days of school with the flu last month (an all time absentee record for her ) I might have kept her home. She may have to miss part of church tonight and be in bed by 8! I can't imagine what the day light saving time change will do to her next week if she doesn't get caught up.
Fall and Spring are my favorite weather seasons. I love the milder temperatures. But they always seem to be the busiest seasons too! I think that is why I so look forward to Summer. From now to June we will be running 90 to nothing with events, programs, games, or practices every night of the week. Did I mention I am pregnant during all of this? Add to the normal Spring buzz the "getting the house and family ready for the baby" buzz and I think we are in for some exciting times!!! WOW! I am a little scared of all there is to do, but every day I get more excited! Besides, I sorta enjoy the Spring buzz ! :)
Well that is all for now! It is raining outside I don't have anywhere to be until 2pm. Rhett and I are chillin' this morning! Hope you are chillin' in your little neck of the woods too! :) Happy Spring!
How To Make A Diy Twin Bed
16 hours ago
This is our second time to be Black Panthers. (The animal, not the political organization!)
Rhett is already a star and I couldn't help but get tickled by all of his "gear". He is much more serious about this than Thomas although Thomas is so excited!
Matthew had a great time helping with the "kids". I don't know if Rob told you, but he asked the kids to call him "Coach Barnhill". What a mess!
I was actually relieved to hear they went with Panthers. We have talked about the team name more than we have the baby name lately. Had Kolby been there, she was going to push for "the Young Padwans" or the "Black Jedi's" or the Magic. Rhet mentiioned the Jets, Bears and the black Marios.... I think I can live with Panthers! :) They were so funny last night!
"That's all for now"? LOL--that's ENOUGH! Hope you all get your sleep caught up soon. : )
Love spring! The pollen is not kind to me though! But who cares when the sun is shining!!
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