Well it's Sunday morning and I am "forsaking the assembly" for bed rest. Bed rest is not all that bad but, some how laying on my left side for hours at a time has made me a bit sentimental and at times down right weepy! What is up with that?????
Friday night was Kolby's program at church. It was really cute and she did a great job on her little solo. I was so proud of her! It seems Kolby is growing up so fast! I can hardly believe she is the age I was when Sari was born. Isn't she cute!
AK & K .. The kids really loved this Music camp. Our church did this instead of VBS this year.
Truly it feels like it wasn't that long ago that we were waiting for Kolby to be born! I tend to get bogged down in the day to day so much of the time that it seems like these "mommy days" are the longest days of my life. But then, I look up and suddenly my kids are a year older! Long days and short years! It makes me want to bottle time! I don't want to take for granted the wonder this new baby will bring to our family. Yes there will be one more mouth the feed, more laundry, less sleep, more noise and less down time, but little infant days are fleeting and I don't want them to get away with out being fully appreciated.
Yesterday my mother-in-law took my kids home with her, 3 1/2 hours away. They have been looking forward to this all summer and honestly, so have I. With the whole bed rest thing, the timing couldn't be better. I was fine as I packed them up and gave my mother-in-law some last minute suggestions. However, when they were both buckled up in the back seat of the car, ready to go.... The ugly cry came out! I leaned in the car on Rhett's side to give him a hug while Rob was reminding them from Kolby's side about minding and having good manners. Rhett got a little choked up and big old tears welled up in his eyes. He put his arms around my neck and wouldn't let go. After a few seconds he choked out "I'm gonna miss you Mommy." I totally lost it! Tears streaming down my face, I choked out that I would miss him too but that he was going to have a great time and I didn't want him to be sad.Going to Grandma's
I really wanted to rip him out of the seat belt and tell him that he didn't have to go! What was I thinking sending my two babies three and a half hours away on the fourth of July weekend with all that bad I-35 traffic!??? Everything in me wanted to take both of them back inside. But I didn't. I want my kids to know that they are loved and safe even without me. I want them to have great memories of staying with their grandparents. I want them to take little vacations from the nest through out their growing up years so that when it is time to fly, they won't be so afraid. I was having a inner war with myself as I hugged them goodbye.
Kolby has no problem leaving because she has done this before. In fact she looked at me like I was a nut when I got all teary eyed, but sympathetically she said would miss me too and she would take care of her brother. Rhett had already recovered by this time and was singing "See you in four nights and five days!" (That seems so long!!!!) I managed to dry up long enough to get out of the car and wave goodbye as they drove off, but I sobbed as soon as I turned to walk in the house! Rob was trying to be sympathetic but he let a few chuckles slip. He tried to tell me it's just all those pregnancy hormones... Maybe he is right.
Since then things have been so quiet around here. It is nice, but really, it is too quiet! I am going to do my best to enjoy the quiet however because it may not come again for years!!! I don't think Rob and I have been alone this long since way before Rhett was born. Last night I managed to get completely caught up on thank you notes, and Rob re-painted all the base boards in the kitchen. So now we are just waiting for the baby ...
I go to the doctor's office tomorrow morning and I hope and pray that we have a plan for birth by the time I leave! I'm grateful to have had this last week but, I'm ready now! Hopefully the baby will be ready too and make her debut very soon! We'll keep you posted...
Join me for a creative lifestyle retreat in Tuscany!
12 hours ago
It's ok to cry. But just hurry and get the new baby, ok?
Bless your heart, girl. I remember those preggo hormones vividly! I'm so excited that your time is coming soon! (I have to live vicariously since I can't have any more babies). Best wishes on your doctor's appointment. Try and sleep while it's quiet . . .
I feel just like you do about letting the kids go spend time with "Grandma." It is hard and can be sad but also good for them to do....I think anyway! Gracie even stayed in New Mexico last summer while we came back to SC. Gramps & Gramme drove her home to us. That was hard!
Hang in there with the bed rest! I also agree with you about wanting to bottle time. Sometimes I just want to yell "Stop" to the fast way the world is turning.
I'm not pregnant! Why am I being so emotional??! I think for me it's that it seems like school (and 1st grade!) is getting closer & closer!
You were not forsaking the assembly--you were providentially hindered!
I always missed my kids so much when they went to the grandparents or camp or whatever--but like you say--we wanted them ready to fly on their own some day--so it was good for all us!
Hope you have a baby plan by tomorrow--being providentially hindered is really not all that much fun--and babies are!
Hang in there!! I had to do bedrest with Julianne. Longest month of my life. I understand. Hope you've got someone bringing you videos and books! Enjoy the peace this week -- that's something to be savored, too.
Praying for you.
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