Here are this year's Halloween pictures! These are a bit blury as they are from the Sears website. It is really hard to get a good picture of three kids!!! If you would like to see the previous 7 years of Halloween scroll down
Wonder Woman is 8 Superman is 5 and Wonder Baby is 3.5 months old!
1998 This was our first Halloween with our little pumpkin...or Strawberry in this case. Don't we look young!
1999 Kolby is 20 months old and would not get her picture made at Sears. She was totally terrified of photographers. My friend Kristi snapped this one at a Halloween party. 2000 Our Hot Pink Leopard picture from whenshe was 2. (finally found it!)
2001 Dorthy is 3 Toto is 6 weeks old.
2002 Tink & Peter Pan.
2003 Ariel and Cpt Feather Sword
Wow they look SUPER!
And you've said it when you say it's hard to get a good picture of 3 kids--but these are really good!
M _ I love that my kids match but I know that those days are numbered! Since mine are so spread out in age there will come a time when Kolby doesn't want to dress up in theme with her siblings. Rhett may get there even sooner than Kolby as the last two years have been set by him...BUT I will love it as long as it last! That man was weird. There is no rule that kids have to dress alike or even in the same theme.
That would be so cute if my kids would match like that. LOL--but my oldest two would never agree on a theme. I think that is just so precious of an idea, though! : )
Enjoyed the pictures! : )
I love how you get into Halloween. The pics are great!
Such a beautiful, happy group. You're doing a good job, mom!
What great costumes (every year!). I love the pictures, you will treasure those as the years go by. All three of your children are beautiful.
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