So I found myself wondering if I was even capable of writing a blog post that was not centered around K-I-D-S. There are a few big people thoughts swirling around in my head...So here it goes. Read slowly as you know I am rusty at this....
Cosmo Kramer
From 1989 to 1998 I loved to laugh at Kramer. Who didn't? And somehow in syndication he seemed more funny. Then there was that thing in the comedy club a few weeks ago. I heard one comedian say Michael Richards had torched his career and was finished for good. I don't think I bought it though...I mean this is KRAMER! Fictional Cosmo Kramer. Can real life Michael Richards hurt the Kramer we all grew to know and love? Surly after all these years, Michael Richards may go down in history as a tatrum throwing racist, but Kramer will always be Kramer. But then I actually watched the full video clip. Disgusting. It was the kind of un-called for bad that isn't funny. But still, this is Kramer! So days later I'm flipping through the channels and I stop on the Seinfield "BIG DRAWERS" episode. I have rolled in the floor laughing at that particular episode before. But that day, well, not so much. Nine years of laughs deminished forever by three minutes of hate and stupidity. It can happen.
Global Warming
Thoughts to ponder. It does seem like the world is warmer than it was when I was a little girl. I remember having to wear a big coat to go trick-or-treating and having ice on the river IN WEST TEXAS at least once a year. Is Al Gore right? In the last 30 years have we damaged the ozone and created an irreversible green house affect? OR is the Earth just going through cycles and we are in a warm one right now? Aren't the Global Warming people the same ones who therorize that at one point most of the Earth was covered in glaciers and ice? So at some point wouldn't it have had to have gotten awfully warm to melt that ice? I wonder in another 300 or so years will people be talking about Global Cooling ?
Paris Hilton
Really what is it that she does? When did "the Paris Hilton" become a blond heiress and not a hotel in France? Seriously. Does she have a job? Has she ever? Why do so many care about what she wears, who she hangs with and who she is currently "caught on tape" with... I don't get the whole Paris Hilton thing.
A Cappella Music
Why do I like it in church and the shower, but not the car? (Zoe excluded) Why does it bug me that this is such an issue? It has never been an issue for me. I don't feel either style is more or less "right" in the eyes of God. Why do I feel so ambivalent about it? I love instuments in Chrristian music. I love the sound of Acappella singing with voices blending and harmonizing. I wish there was a way to have both in church, but neither exclusively. Seems like that just never happens. It's always all or nothing. How do you feel?
Supply vs Demand
According to the laws of supply and demand, if the the demand is greater than the supply, the cost of a product goes up. If the supply is greater than the demand, the price goes down. So how is it that SUV's and trucks are piled up on car lots across the nation, our major US auto houses are hurting and forced to lay-off thousands and close plants, and sales are basically stagnate yet SUV and trucks have the highest sticker prices in decades! A nicely equipped Suburban cost more than what my parents paid for the house I grew up in.... What's the deal???
Other adult buzzings in my brain...
Will the text messaging generation "B NE"worse at spelling than I am?
Why doesn't the salvation Army have bell ringers at Easter? The weather would be so much better.
Why does the term "cooperate worship" seem like an oximoron to me?
Does the world really need Diet Coke and Coke Zero?
Why are Soap Operas devoid of music and singers?
AND LASTLY if the infamous "Virginia" were to write a letter questioning the existence of Santa today, would she get the same answer. I just have to wonder. I am suddenly finding it hard to tell, or even suggest, to my kids that they should Believe. (Despite what some of my favorite Mary Englbright Christmas Decorations say!) I guess I worry that when they find out that the bell from the Polar Express is a myth and Santa is more a feeling than a person...They will think the world (and more importantly their parents) have lied to them. Will they feel betrayed and start to doubt other things presented to them as real? Will they think that Jesus is just cultural focus pocus too? This has never really bothered me before, but now it is. Please share insight.
Well that is all the big people talk I can muster for one sitting. I'll be back to snapshots, sweet babies and other mommy-isms next time you check in!
( P.S. I heard it's once again PC for Christians to say that phrase with out the rest of the world thinking you want to take the Christ out of Christmas... What a relief! ; )
How To Make A Diy Twin Bed
1 hour ago
You have so many interesting thoughts--I have no idea where to start--most of them I have the same questions/conclusions.
I think I might have told you my opinion on Santa before--I don't think believing in Santa at 6 will keep you from believing in Jesus the rest of your life. I'm sure that probably has happened to someone somewhere sometime--and I would venture to guess there were more issues in that person's life than just Santa. I've never had someone tell me Santa's the reason they can't accept Jesus as their Savior.
You really can speak to a LOT more than kids--and do a GREAT job of it!
Merry Christmas!
Acappella music: I'm the same way! I wouldn't be comfortable with it at an "official" church service but I listen to a contemporary Christian music station in the car and have been "jamming" to the cds we got from the living Christmas tree show a local Baptist church put on. I really don't think I'd be comfortable with it at church but I don't mind listening to it other times. I'm not sure what that means about what I believe about it.
Santa: Well, we told Gracie about him last year. She is so literal and has such deep questions about God that I just don't feel it would be right to foster a belief in Santa right alongside fostering a belief in God. I know a lot of people disagree with me and think there's nothing wrong with it but for this child, I think it was the right thing to do. For Katie, who knows when we'll officially tell her??? I can see both sides to the Santa argument, really.
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