Check out this you tube video spoof called "Mom my Ride"
My van looks a lot like that without any help.
Lately I feel everything about me has been MOMed. I have a Mom car, Mom habits and hobbies, lots of Mom friends and even Mom jeans. I walk, talk , look, sound (and perhaps even smell) like a Mom. Not a bad thing. Just sometimes I feel much more mom-ish than others. Lately, I feel the mom-ness flowing through my veins and imagine it oozing out my pores, alerting anyone within ten miles that I AM A MOM!
Today I'm feeling particularly mom-ish because Rhett and Kolby are home with strep throat. Kolby started running fever in the night Sunday and I took her in yesterday afternoon. Rhett said his throat hurt so I took him in this morning. Our pediatrician has been gone for awhile and it's been a few months since we've seen her. I was really starting to miss her. But after two appointments in 18 hours, I feel we're all caught up! :)
This is Rhett's fifth case of strep in one year so we have earned an ENT referral to talk about yanking those tonsils. However, Kolby had her tonsils out at four, and she still has strep throat about once a year. But I guess once is better than five times... I had the doctor check Ella Kate's throat while we were there. Luckily her baby throat looks pink and healthy. I'm hoping it stays that way!
Rob took Rhett to the dentist yesterday while I took Kolby to the doctor. Three cavities, one needing a crown. THREE CAVITIES! I was really upset. How can he get three cavities in just 6 short months? We brush, we floss, we don't eat sugary things or drink sugary things with out brushing afterwards. We take the kids in EVERY six months for cleaning. We have had all of Rhett's sealable teeth sealed. He has cavities just below the sealants. Frustrating. So frustrating. Not to mention costly. Very. Costly. Yesterday was one of those frustrating days when I wonder how I'm doing as a Mom with my kids getting strep throat and cavities so often.
Then I came home and read an e-mail from a fellow Mom. This Mom has a little girl a month younger than Kolby and a little boy a month younger than Rhett. She is 32. She works at Kolby's school. I had e-mailed her earlier in the day to offer to help with her kids in the next few weeks. This Mom found out a week or so ago that she has cancer. It was out of the blue. No prior health concerns. No family history. Nothing. Then boom. Cancer. It is a rather fast growing kind, from what I have heard. She will undergo 6 weeks of chemo and radiation before having surgery, and surgery in this area is never without great discomfort. She has a long road ahead of her and she knows it. But she is very optimistic and is asking for prayers for healing and for her family. I have a feeling she has never ceased in praying since the moment she found out. I imagine she is more worried about how this could impact her kids than she is about herself. She is that kind of mom.
After reading her e-mail, strep throat and cavities just don't seem like much to deal with. All that is "mom-like" within me hurts for her and her family and pleads for her healing. Complete healing.
Being a mom is the greatest privilege. I want to be around to be a mom until my kids are old and grey. I'm very happy to be their mom.
So Lord, if you're reading, please heal my friend. And thank you so much for the blessings you give me when you "Mom" my life!
How To Make A Diy Twin Bed
16 hours ago
This Mom's name is Liz if you would like to join me in praying for her!
Cavities happen. Strep throat DEFINITELY happens, if you'll recall from my life a couple years back. Some say seeing a chiropractor might help with that(the strep,) because an aligned spine "strengthens the immune system." Dunno if it's supposed to help with cavities.
Hang in there, and up goes one for Liz.
We have had our share of strep over here too. But you have had much more than your share!! I hope they both get better soon.
And, yes, when you know someone with cancer life gets put into perspective, doesn't it?
Sounds like Rhett may have the same condition that my daughter has, I forget the name of it but basically she has deep grooves in her teeth and she gets cavities before they even come in all the way. The dentist said it was kind of like having dimples in your teeth. They seal them as soon as they break the surface but still sometimes they have cavities. I hope the kids are feeling better soon and will pray for your friend. Hang in there!
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