I sat down to blog about 30 times this week but the end result was never ready for the publish button, so here I am.
We started the kid's Upwards Basketball season this morning! We are very fortunate that Rhett's games are always at 10:30 and Kolby's are at 11:30. Both the late time and the back to back schedule will make this season so much easier. However, spending 2 hours in a gym is never Ella Kate's idea of fun! For the rest of us though, it was really fun. Both Rhett and Kolby are fairly new to basketball. I think both will improve over the course of this season. I can't explain what a thrill Rob and I get out of watching them evolve. I guess it's a parent thing. :)
Please check out Suzanne Catchings Motes website today and join me in praying that their family is able to have a great time of worship, dedication, and prayer in the morning. If you know Suzanne and live in the metro-plex, you may want to plan to make Ryan's baby dedication service.
I know of so many truly tragic life situations right now. On top of that I am still not over the sinus infection I have had since mid-December and I feel pretty cruddy. It would be very easy to get down. But when I hear stories like that of Suzanne's, it makes me realize how every day really and truly is a gift. That sounds so cliche, I know. But it is so true! Every hour on this planet is a gift. For me gratitude is the best defense against those pesky winter blues. So far I have avoided that New Years funk this year. But it's purely a God thing and has nothing to do with me. When I think of all I have been given through Christ, and I think of my life with Rob and our kids... It makes me truly grateful and very happy. I have been blessed.
Have a great Saturday!
How To Make A Diy Twin Bed
1 day ago
It has been a hard time lately with sad cancer situations. I have gotten really close to Matthew's teacher this year. She is 24 years old and found out over Christmas that her mother had cancer. Her mother died on Thursday and we have been all very sad about this. It just makes me want to live every day to its fullest.
Gratitude is our families theme for this year. I had a health scare the last few months and am grateful God saw me through. For me, gratitude breeds contentment and that is what I want my life to be--content.
Haev a great sart to your week tomorrow!
Perfect song choice. I love that one. It pretty much sums it up for me too.
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