This is the flag of Switzerland. It looks like the symbol for the Red Cross, but with the colors reversed it's the Swiss cross. (Wikpedia it. It's interesting.)
My blog is flying the Swiss flag as a symbol of my decision to try not to take sides here during this election. As much as I try to fight it, I am just naturally drawn to politics. I have my firm beliefs, but I'm seeing more gray than black and white when it comes to all things political these days. I find this election absolutely fascinating on many fronts. So I'm being "Swiss" but with an opinion. (Shocker!)
Have these candidates moved me?
Yes. I am moved by the vision put forth by Barrack Obama's acceptance speech at the DNC. Who can argue with the significance of his nomination and the big wall that he knocked down in American politics. I think he loves America and wants to work towards making life better for Americans who have not had it as good as he has. I especially admire the respect he showed Britol Palin and the fact that he pointed out that his mother was 18 when she had him. I thought that was classy. He is the candidate I would most like to go to dinner with if he was not a candidate. He is a very likable guy.
No. I don't agree with him on many fronts. I don't think he can reach across the aisle and work with those who differ with him, but I'm not sure I believe any of them can. I don't trust his party and I'm not sure the best way to be President during a war (which like it or not, we are in it!) is to call all the troops home and declare the whole thing a wash. I also can't stand the thought of having to go back to work so we can pay our taxes. All those great things he talks about cost $.
Yes. Biden does have experience. Of the four candidates in this race I know the least and care the least about Biden.
And NO. I've never particularly cared for his long winded-ness. Of course I never liked Cheney either, and I still voted for Bush. But Obama's VP choice is telling. After the last 8 years, I'm not sure I like what it says.
Yes. I thought Sarah Palin did what she was selected to do in her speech, and did it better than anyone expected. She was one fun spunky bull dog and she delivered. But the five children she has delivered, particularly the one she is still breast feeding, make me wonder about all those things I would not wonder about if she were a man. Yes. That bugs me about myself. Really bugs me.However, I've been with children with special needs. That's not just some random title. Special needs means just that... in addition to the unfathomable needs of a normal child, these children need even more! But one of my favorite women in the world is the mother of five who had a son with downs syndrome. She has always been able to balance a life of service with a deep love and commitment to her family. It can be done. With God all things are possible.
No. I don't think we know enough about Palin to know who she really is, but first impressions aren't bad (unless you like endangered animals or are a librarian.) But I also don't like people to be slammed on National TV, even if there is some truth to it. I just don't. I know all politicians do this, but it's hard for me to rally around, even if I agree and it makes me laugh. Palin seems a little to much of a barracuda for my taste. But maybe that's just me. I do love how she is shaking things up and making everyone re-evaluate their stand.
Yes. McCain is a great American and I love him for his many years of service and suffering for this nation. I believe he loves America. I believe he wants to change things up. His acceptance speech moved me more when I read it than when I heard it. I'm debating with myself over how polished and motivational a President needs to be to be affective. But when it comes to the War, I think he is clear headed. He has bucked both sides during the course of this Iraq War. I would feel better about Foreign relations with him in the oval office but on his domestic policies, I'm not completely sure I'm with him.
No. McCain is not the environmentalist and reformer he was 10 years ago. The years have tamed this Maverick, which is disappointing to some. But maybe McCain is more affective in a tamer package? Though I'm not sure Palin is the best woman to be a bullet or heart attack way from the presidency, I admire the gamble McCain is taking with her. It's like he knows the casino is closing so he has put all his chips on the table and is going for it the way he wants to do it. I truly think he has the best shot of working across the aisle, unless the party makes him burn too many bridges in this election. Again, I don't trust the party.
I did not like the tone of the RNC. Too hostile.
I felt the DNC was all so scripted that it felt more like a Broadway production than an informative convention.
I have issues when it comes to trusting either party. The party's seem so ugly to me.
More than anything else, out of this election I would like a President who can unite the country and still get the job done.
I would like to love political discussions again.
I would like to think we can respectfully disagree with our brother and still be there to have his back.
I would like liberals to stop thinking they are smarter than everyone else.
I would like conservatives to stop thinking God is on their side and not on their opponent's.
I would like teachers to be paid more than sports agents and public schools to be nicer than public stadiums.
I would like children to grow up wanting to work for a better life for their children and their NEIGHBOR'S CHILDREN.
I would like all children who are born in this land to be loved, wanted and taken care of.
I would like God to be praised in deed if not in words.
And no matter who I vote for, I would like people who vote for the other guy to be respected.
I don't want someone to be made to feel wrong,
or less,
or inferior,
or not as Christian,
or not as compassionate
or not as intelligent,
or not as in tune,
or not as accepted
just for voting for someone else.
Call me crazy, but I think Christians can vote for either candidate with good conscience.
No, I don't intend to take sides.
I'm staying Swiss.
Swiss, with an opinion that may be shared.
I won't disparage any of the four of my fellow Americans running for President or VP or their supporters.
Being a candidate in a Presidential election is hard.
I'm grateful these four are doing it.
How To Make A Diy Twin Bed
16 hours ago
SG - we are a generation apart in chronological age, but we are very, very in sync on all that is transpiring in the political arena. I can only say a hearty AMEN to your post.
My reactions to the two conventions and the four candidates may vary from yours in some small respects; however, your overall take on how we should behave during this election season is, I believe, right on target.
On another note - loved the pictures of all of your children heading off to school this year. Especially little EK. She reminds me so much of our little granddaughter,Vivie, who is about four months older than EK. I have a feeling it might be downright dangerous to get those two little fireballs together. Ha!
God bless you and your family. I truly enjoy reading your blog!
I agree that we should be able to discuss politics just as we do our favorite football team without getting hostile. History is being made here. It is an interesting an exciting time with two very different and compelling candidates. I too do not get involved in politics on my blog....but I had to give a shout out to Govenor Palin, just because it is about time we had a woman in politics who had served on the PTA and knows what a breast pump is! I love that she is real I agree with her 100% But I am impressed with her as a strong American woman that I can identify with.
I think it's great that you gave her a shout. She does seem to be "real people". I like real people! :)
Great post, SG. I like your thoughts and the way you articulate them.
And I also believe either candidate will do a good job. I am praying for our country to somehow unite again. I keep thinking about that scripture that says a nation divided against itself cannot stand. So, whoever that leader is who can lead us together I hope he is the victor.
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