Anyone planning to see Friday Night Lights tonight? I have to tell you I am excited to see this movie. Growing up in San Angelo, the first cheer I learned was "Beat Permian". The Black Panthers from Permian High School are legendary. Long before Austin Powers, the Permian Panthers had worked their MOJO all over west Texas. If our Bobcats had lost every other game, but beat Permian, it would have been a great season...but that didn't happen. Permian was always good at, volleyball, track, baseball, choir... EVERYTHING. They dominated the UIL scene in District 4-5A. Their "MOoooJO,MOoooJO,MOooooJO" chant was haunting and freaked many a young player out!
My family knew Coach Gary Gaines because we went to church with his family in San Angelo when he coached the Bobcats. If he is played as anything other than a stand-up, firm, but big hearted guy, then he is being portrayed wrong. I was not surprised that he is not plannng on seeing the movie until his current Wildcat season is over. (per this Article)Too busy with reality to play with fiction. Coach Gaines is the real deal. I hope ole Billy Bob can do him justice.
Friday nights in West Texas are incredible. I doubt Hollywood can capture that, but I am hoping!
How To Make A Diy Twin Bed
2 hours ago
You think they will show when my shoulder was dislocated in that 88 Permian game...look for the guy in orange rolling on the feildin pain. SH
I know--I can't wait either! How cool is it that coach Gaines is now coaching at ACU? Go Cats!
Seriously, there's no way to describe what Friday nights are like in West Texas. It, sadly, rivals Sunday mornings as far as conviction, participation, passion, commitment, and loyalty. And usually wins, I might add.
Mojo was truly legendary. Wylie never played Permian. All we had were people like the Merkle Badgers, the Winters Blizzards, and things like that. However, since we were in the same city, we always rooted for Abilene High or Cooper as they faced these monsters. :)
So cool that Gaines is at Highland now. can you imagine if BillyBob Thornton were playing you?
Tried to think who should play you in a movie about San Angelo. Can't come up with anyone yet--but I will be thinking.
So many good movies are out right now after what seems to me to have been a dry spell... FNL is on the list of go sees, but this weekend it's Ladder 49. Too cool that you all (the Texas blogger gang) know Coach Gains, it seemst to make the story much more interesting! :)
BST, if I were to be portrayed in a movie, I think it'd have to be Janeen Gerafolo to play me. It's the overall witty/sarcastic/attitudy/fun loving/smart aleck bit that seems to fit... I think.
I will not be able to see it tonight, but have every plan to go see it. They say its better then remember the titans and I loved that movie.
The funny thing is that the movie opens on a Friday night when everyone will be at a game. Saturday should be pretty crowded, though.
OK I saw it. Don't read this comment if you haven't.
I have to say that Billy Bob did a great job as some coach, perhaps a good coach, but not Coach Gaines. He has more heart and humor to him. Still I don't think this character makes Gaines look bad, it's just not really him.
I kept telling myself that this was based on a a true story, not the true story itself. Because I grew up going to these football games there were things I missed like the thudering "MOoooJO" and the Hawaii 5-0 song played at every touchdown. These guys were a power house. I missed the fleet of black suburbans that accompanied the team everywhere.
And to see the movie you would never have known that there was another High School in Odessa. We llived in Midland when we first married and Rob worked and lived in Odessa all through our dating and engagement. You would have never have known that Odessa has a mall, nice neighborhoods, lots of churches, and a few great restraunts. Funny thing is, the Permian side of town is the nicer side. The poorest people in Odessa go to Odessa High the other 5A school in town, which by the way shares Ratliff as it's home. There is a huge golf course- "The Ranch" just to the side of Ratliff Stadium that never shows up.
Permian has a big nice practice facility down from the mall and next to the high school. They do not practice on Ratliffs astro field. The state game in 88 was played in the pouring rain at Memorial Stadium in Austin. 10,000 people were there not 50,000. BUT those are just details I guess. If you didn't know any of that, you would probably walk away thinking it was the greatest sports movie you had seen in a while.
I think West Texas Football is too big to be captured, even by the big screen. You just have to live it to get it. The movie did capture the spirit and pressure of West Texas football. And the party scene was pretty accurate... from what I hear:)
What did you guys think?
Again if you haven't seen the movie don't read this.
Rob wanted me to add that in real life in 1988-89 school year, Odessa did not make it to state. They were defeated by Dallas Carter in the semi-finals in the rain drenched Memorial stadium. Carter went on to win state, but had their title stripped away due to fielding in-eligable players. Check the Texas UIL website and look under Football for more info.
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