Sorry I have not been my blogging self lately. Much is going on in the Grosz household. Not the exciting or insightful type stuff, just the "family of four trying to get where we need to go, do what we need to do, and be who we need to be" type things.
I heard a line in a movie this weekend that reminded me of blog world. . .
Communication of this nature lends itself to being more about nothing than something. But I have to say that all these nothings have meant more to me than a lot of somethings, and for that I thank you. Kathleen Kelly~ You've Got Mail
Have you ever noticed that TBS can take a two hour movie and make it last four hours? AND for some reason, I still watch. Even if I have seen the movie a dozen times. Even if I have a 100 other things I should be doing. I find myself watching. This weekend TBS stretched You've Got Mail to Ghandi length. I watched it for the umteenth time last night.
Rob took me to see this movie on one of my birthdays, not sure which one, when it first came out. I liked it. My sister got the DVD free one year and left it at our house. When I was bed bound during my Rhett pregnancy I watched it many a time. It has grown on me to the point that now I love it. I quote it. I have actually day dreamed about what Kathleen and Joe Fox would do if they were real. Would they have a big splashy wedding? Would they have kids? Did she become a great childrens book author? Did he retire from the Mega store? Etc. Silly I know.
This movie reminds me of blog world because it is basically about electronically sharing your life with strangers until you become friends. I think people who share written words develop a bond and a level of familiarity that is unique to any other. maybe it is because you can fully express thought un interupted. Maybe it is because we are more thoughtful in what we write than in what we say. I sometimes wish that letter writing was more in. I read letters my grandparents wrote eachother when they were separated by the war, or a job and feel I know them in a way I never did before. Old letters are a great source of personal history. What will our grandchildren read? blogs?
If so, I guess I better blog more regularly! Have a great Tuesday!
How To Make A Diy Twin Bed
1 hour ago
Glad you had "something" today. "Nothing" seems to be going around. Hope the Grosz' are doing OK. You know my number if you need/want/have time to talk.
I'm pretty sure that Katherine and Joe got married in one of the city parks beside a beautiful fountain with customers, family and friends standing by. They never had children - sorry, that's just my nature not to include kids in a romance! I'm glad you're back!
I'm glad letter writing is out. No one would be able to read my hand-writing and I wouldn't have any friends. :) I'm very thankful for keyboards over pens.
I absolutely love You've Got Mail! One of my best friends can quote the entire movie -- I'm not quite that bad, but quite often a quote pops into my head. Sometimes I wish I were Kathleen Kelly -- it sure does seem like she leads a charmed life....of course, a movie is nothing like real life.
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