"Honey, I think you are becoming addicted to the computer."
That is what Rob said Monday night before last when I left the dinner table to use the rest room and he found me in our room on eBay thirty minutes later. I laughed it off at the time and he did too. However, there was enough truth in what he said that it bugged me. I kept asking myself ..."Am I addicted to the computer?"
Between blogging, eBay, ordering on-line, doing invitations and announcements as a little business, and all my church and PTA volunteer computer generated projects, I do log a hefty amount of computer hours. I am to the point that the computer is my newspaper, my mailbox, my scrapbook, my journal, my recipe book, and my phone book. I never hand write anything anymore. I have become very dependent on my trusty old Gateway! So, I decided to test my computer dependency remembering Pam Money's wise words (though it was in reference to kids and TV) "The easiest way to see if there is a problem is to try to give it up."
So I didn't blog for a week. I did read a blog here and there and make a few comments, but I limited myself to 15 or 20 minutes at a time on the computer with the kitchen timer. I have to admit the first day or two I caught myself sliding in the chair in front of the computer just out of habit. But after that, it was actually easy to stay away because this is truly such a busy time of year. I got a lot more done around the house. I don't think my computer habit is a true addiction, but it is something I will be limiting more in the future.
Have any of you had that happen? Suddenly realize you were spending far to much time and thought on something? It happens so easily. I think it is really easy for a stay home Mom like myself to get a little computer happy. It is an "always on" outlet, an escape, a way to shop in your PJs, a way to connect with others without leaving the house..or the children. All these things are good, but could be bad. Too much of a good thing (aside from God and his redemptive love) is usually bad.
We like to think that some things we do don't matter and that our time is our own. Truth is, really everything we do matters. In "The Five People You Meet in Heaven"Mitch Albom wrote that "there are no small decisions in life." I loved reading this book because it so brilliantly showed how one ordinary mans life was deeply and extraordinarily woven into the lives of so many. (The movie shown on ABC last Sunday was great, but I still liked the book better.) As of late, I have not been good at budgeting and spending my time wisely . Thankfully, my husband's playful comment reminded me of this. There could have been less kind reminders.
So after today I will aim for quality over quantity on this blog. I would love to hear all of your thoughts on this subject. I'll be in and out of blog world this week as I still don't have all the Christmas decorating and wrapping finished. Christmas is lots of work, but it's fun work. :) I hope all are enjoying this season and being able to reflect on the God given blessings of this wonderful thing we call life. Blessings!
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13 hours ago
I too got the "you're on the computer more than I am" comment last week. I have to say that it stung quite a bit. I've always joked that if you have to justify something, then you know it's wrong... and I tried to justify my time on the ol' e machine. So, this stay-at-homer is curbing her time as well. Funny, there's no laundry waiting to be folded or dishes waiting to be loaded in the dishwasher... amazing how that works, eh? Quality over quantity, good motto! :)
Many days I throw myself late getting off becasue I have read blogs after lunch and first thing in the morning. My whole job revolves around the computer, I am on the internet from 8:00 to 5:00 but those idle moments are spent reading blogs. At least I have quit ordering tennis equipment, at least for now.
Perspective is what it is about. When I am challenged or uplifted by a blog, that is a good thing. I could read a book, but fresh unedited thoughts are more realistic to me.
I too, have gone to all electronic journaling (except for a prayer journal with my class). I do make my notes when I am teaching in long hand. It makes me think. But I must say my typing has really improved. Have fun with all that decorating and don't be too limited on your blogging, we need to hear from you.
Stephanie, (insert whiney voice)
Don't stop! I complained to Donna that you hadn't blogged at all and I wondered what was up. Now, I find out that you were doing it on purpose!!! Look, we're your friends and the only way we know what's going on in your life is through your blog. It's a service you're providing. You're edifying us - it's your talent! You HAVE to use your talents!
I second what TL wrote! Big amen to that.
Thanks ladies! It is good to be missed. Truly it was eBay not blogging that was the problem. I would never abandon my blog family!
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