"I'm usually a 69 girl myself, but lately that's not good enough. I asked Rob to crank it up, but he just says 'put a blanket on it'. I need more than a blanket."
Yes, I said those exact words in mixed company. I was participating in a conversation about how cold it has been at night lately. My friend said that her heater is always on 72 degrees at night. I made the above comment. Apparently it was during a conversation lull at the other end of the table and only my comment was heard. No amount of shock or commands to "Get your mind out of the gutter" could erase the image my words painted nor silence the laughter that followed. 69 degrees I meant, 69 degrees!!! I had to laugh at it myself .
If you ever visit us and hear "Hey, 69 girl!", the blushing one who turns to answer will be me.
Tuesday night Rhett had a few degrees of fever. Alain decided not to bring McKenna Wednesday. I called and got an appointment with our beloved Dr. Kemper at 4:30 PM and we had an easy going day. I almost called to cancel the appointment because Rhett's fever was gone and, besides a nasty cough, he was his old rough and tumble self. But at the last minute, I decided to go. Imagine my shock when Dr. K ordered a blood /oxygen reading, and a chest X-ray... Yep, Rhett has Pneumonia... the "walking" kind (what ever that means). Guess I'm glad we went ahead and went in.
Nothing brings me crashing back down to reality faster than my child being sick. Instantly the calendar clears as my role in life becomes crystal clear... I am a professional Mom. So today I am not worried about Christmas cards, or wrapped presents. My only agenda is to make homemade chicken noodle soup, get all the breathing treatments in, keep the sippy cups of orange juice flowing, and make sure my little boy is rapidly on the road to recovery.
In a way, I cherish these days even though I HATE that Rhett is sick. Days like this make me feel very, very blessed. First and foremost, I am blessed to have a heavenly Father who hears my plea to heal my child. We are blessed in that our children have always just had temporary illnesses, nothing terminal or long term. We have a great doctor who we adore and who adores us. (Dr Kemper is the BEST!) We have good medicine, a warm comfy house, plenty of good food, and I have the privledge of staying home with our kids. For all that, I am thankful to the nth degree! Rob and I are truly blessed.
Nothing makes my days brighter nor my heart fuller than to know and see how blessed we are. It motivates me to do better and be more... Not from guilt, but from gratitude. God is very good. I hope to do some degree of good in my life to thank Him for His unfailing goodness.
Blessing to you blog family! May this season bring you many degrees of hope and gratitude!
How To Make A Diy Twin Bed
16 hours ago
So sorry Rhett is sick! Nothing worse than a sick child who is looking to you to make them better, and they just don't understand you can't! After all, aren't you Super Mommy?
Praying you and yours get healthy soon!
hello....i just ran across yuor blog. it made me laugh. i'm a mom from texas too. happy holidays!!!
Don't feel bad about the 69 thing. My husband is notorious for accidentally saying things like that. He once told our entire youth group that "Brian and Amy (two youth group kids) broke the door handle in the backseat of my car." It was actually two separate incidents that resulted in the breakage, but he made it sound like the two got carried away making out in his backseat and broke the door handle.
Then there was the AWFUL time he came home with me when we were dating. We were at the beach and he tried pointing out a "stunt kite" to my parents and accidentally said: "Stite k___." We were looking at him incredulously and he kept saying, like we were idiots, "You know, those stite k___s!" I think my parents were shocked, but now they're used to it.
Oh Stephanie! That is hilarious! Thanks for sharing that story. Sorry to hear that Rhett is sick. Tell him we hope he is better soon.
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