This will be my last post of 2007. I hope it has been a good year for you. I also hope that 2008 will bring you much joy and love and bring you closer to our Father.
When she was 16, Amy Grant wrote the words to the second song on my playlist. I believe she was inspired to write those words at such a tender age. I first heard this song before I was a teenager and it continues to speak to me all these many years later. In fact it means much more today than it did back then. As I pen my 2008 New Years Resolutions, it helps me to remember all I ever have to be is what HE makes in me.
God bless you as you and yours ring in the New Year!
WOO HOO! 2008!
Oh, and just listen to the chorus of ABBA's "Happy New Year..."
I love ABBA and this song, but the lyrics are a bit bleak in places! (1989. I was a freshman at ACU! WOW! )
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Holiday Slide Show/The After Tour
Though it is really too late in the game for Boo Mama's Holiday tour, I thought I would post my own little holiday after tour.
Hope you had a great Christmas!
P.S. I refuse to get out of my pajamas today... Anyone else up for declaring the day after Christmas "National PJ Day"?
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Merry Christmas
I am still trying to post the slide show of my Christmas decorations but having some issues with Slide and don't want to upload them all to blogger because it takes too long. So... sometime in the next few days I will get those pictures up. BUT in the mean time, I wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas one last time. I will be out a lot this week. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas with your families!
Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Coming (Not So) Soon...
Revised. We interrupt the regularly scheduled "solo tour de holiday home" to bring you a sick baby, two school Christmas parties and various other small crises. Stay tuned as we should be back to our regular scheduled program by Saturday... Lord willing and the creek don't rise!
Ok. I could not get it together to participate in Boo Mama's tour of homes (like the almost 400 people who did get it together participate... Did you know there were so many Mommy bloggers?) But in the spirit of keeping up with the latest blog trends (ha!) and all things Christmas, I decided to have my own little tour. Tomorrow. If you want to join along on your blog, just post pictures of your decked halls on Thursday...or Friday...or even Saturday. We'll be here all week! (Tracy and Jenni~ You can just leave yours up a bit longer.)
No need to link or post a code. Just leave a comment here and I will be sure to drop by. Oh, and if you want to include a favorite recipe, that would be fun, but not necessary. And... there is still time to join Boo Mamas merry band. I assure you her tour will get you far more blog traffic than my little knock-off low tech tour! So check back later and hopefully I will have posted my own little holiday tour of home.
Now go deck those halls and take lots of pictures!
Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Another birthday... all ready?
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Christmas Card Picture Attempts

Friday, December 14, 2007
Christmas Music
I love it.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
I Christmas 13?
If I decorate my house perfectly with plaid bows, strands of twinkling lights and shiny balls, but do not show love to my family, I’m just another decorator.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
The List (& Photo Update)
Updated with photos at noon.
This is the list going to the North Pole this year...
Kolby (always our big ticket girl) said she didn't really want all this but wanted to give "Santa" lots of ideas, wink, wink!
A real lap top (ha!)
A real working cell phone (not!)
A video camera
High School Musical Barbies (still my little girl)
A Be-Dazzler (really!)
The Webkinz Reindeer
Gift card to Justice or Limited Too
Video rocker chair like the one Rhett wants
Cool brown boots
I-pod gift card for some more music
Dogz DS game book
Books that are not for little kids
Rhett said since he has to take toys to everyone, Santa can just pick one thing and "Mom can get the rest..."
Video Rocker Chair
Ratatouille PS game
Black or Chocolate Lab Wedkinz
Cars race set from Target
Blue Razor
Mario Party DS game
Transformer Optimus Prime that shoots
New markers
More brainteaser cards
Some boy books ( I guess he thinks we only have girl books?)
Basketball shoes and a new blue (?) basketball
Tony Romo Jersey
A gift card to Target or Sports Authority(my kids love gift cards)
A new room (Yes, I still have not finished that...)
Ella Kate (as supposedly dictated to her brother and sister)
Moe moe (Elmo)
shewz (shoes)
oh bay (baby)
baw (ball)
Foon (phone)
a car (EK loves the Barbie convertable bug ride-on at they have out at Wal-Mart, so her sibs added this one for her)
a kitchen (she loves to open and shut the doors, but can not say this one)
We'll see what Santa delivers!
Even though she gets the whole Santa thing, Kolby asked if I wanted her to ask for a bench for the front yard. ( I have been saying I want to add a park bench to the front landscape.) I thought it was sweet that both kids wanted to add a "new truck for Dad" to their list. I told them that we didn't need to add Mom and Dad stuff to Santa's list. Both Kolby and Rhett also wanted to add about a dozen things to Ella Kate's list. They have been very alarmed that so far EK doesn't have as many presents under the tree as they do.
When we put a Santa letter in our mail box (with or without postage) our mail carrier leaves a note for the kids telling them that their letter was sent on a special North Pole express and it should get there overnight! That is so fun!
So, what's on your list?
Oh and here are some pictures of our season so far.The Striped Christmas Tree. Every few days another strand of lights goes out. Hopefully we will still have lights on the 25th!
Kolby and Rhett were in a little program at church last week. Rhett sang with the little deers. (For ACU people : The little dear laughing hysterically in the front is the daughter of MK & K Gunn. She looks just like her daddy, but as exhibited here, has a lot of MK in her too!)
Kolby sang with the chorus and shared a few speaking lines with her cousin Sam. (and the daughter of blog lurker cp)
All the Cousins. If my grandparents were alive today they would have such fun with their nine great grandchildren.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
A Gift
I love buying gifts. I love giving presents to my kids. It thrills me to see them thrilled, delights me to see them delighted, and tickles my soul to hear them laugh. And our kids will have a great Christmas. Not as great as some, but still a great Christmas. I think it is one of the sweetest privileges of parenthood to get to experience Christmas with kids. I love it.
But I was thinking the other day about the best "gifts" I can give my kids and honestly, none of them can be wrapped. I'm not writing this post to sound like a know it all, got it all figured out parent. Anyone who knows me knows I'm not that! But I have found when I write my intentions down, think them through and discuss them with others, I do better at carrying them out. So in no exact order, these are some of the gifts I want to give my children...
A mother who prays for them everyday.
A mother who prays with them everyday.
Hugs. Every morning. Every night. And as many as I can squeeze in between.
The memory of my face lighting up when they enter a room. (not easy some days!)
I want them to see that I love God.
I want them to see how much I love their Daddy.
The knowledge that I will love them no matter what.
A happy childhood.
A healthy work ethic.
A compassionate heart.
The belief that God loves them more than any human ever could and will never abandon them.
An example of faith that chooses to believe even when it does not understand.
A view of the world that encompasses poverty, illness, and tragedy, yet still inspires hope.
Pretty tall order?
I admit the wish list I hold in my heart for my kids overwhelms me at times. There are days when it is painfully obvious that I am not worthy of the trust God showed in me when he made me their mother. I am not all that wise, or strong, or disciplined, or patient, or even caring.
Sometimes I think I work harder to give my kids material things because I am not sure how I am doing with the deeper gifts. As hard as it is to afford the latest gadget, it's much easier to buy a Wii than to breed a compassionate heart. I mean really, how do you do that?
Where am I going with this? (Not where I thought when I started!) I guess I am going to the same place every Christ loving parent or child of God goes when the questions get too deep and the tasks at hand seem too big. To the Father. The giver of life. The author of Love and Grace. And I pray that when I fall short, because that is just inevitable, that HE will be there to give my children just what they need. And I believe that HE will. Faith that HE will love and parent my children. That is one of the greatest gifts I have ever received.
As I said, I love gifts!
So I have a gift challenge for you... In this busy "season of giving" I would be most honored if you would give me the gift of your advice or experience in giving or getting some of the unwrapable (is that a word?) gifts I mentioned above in comments. What is one of the best unwrapable gifts you were given growing up?
The greatest gifts are the ones we share... So share already!
Happy gift giving!
Monday, December 10, 2007
It was 80 degrees here on Saturday, then suddenly it was 40, cold and windy on Sunday. I bought a fleece pullover from Old Navy last week. Yesterday I pulled it out of the bag, cut the tags and pulled it on before heading out the door to take the two older kids shopping and to a birthday party.
We went in Toys-R-Us and the alarm at the front door went off. The Toys-R-Us lady decided it was my cell phone(doesn't everyone have a cell phone?) and let us enter. The alarm went off again as we left. We stopped. The workers went through my bag and purse, decided it was the digital camera I had in my purse, and let us leave. The same thing happened at Target and then again at Barnes and Noble. After we set off the alarm for the sixth time in a day on the way out, the B&N sales guy asked me if I was wearing anything from Old Navy. When I said I was he told me that sometimes there is a tag in Old Navy clothes that sets off store alarms.
Sure enough. After leaving the store, I felt the inside of my fleece pullover and found a white tag with navy blue (how appropriate) capital letters that read "REMOVE BEFORE WASHING OR WEARING." And now, four hand bag checks later, I know why!
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Two for Tuesday
Revised a 100 times in ten minutes just because...
One of the main reasons I blog is to record the happenings of our little family, as I know someday I will want to remember this special time in our lives. So to that end here are two of my most recent funny mommy memories...
Loud laughter ensued.
The second story, not quite so long, is about Rhett. But a little background first. In our house the hand held Nintendo DS gaming system is king of all toys. Rhett and Kolby each have a DS. If you are not familiar with DSs, you can play the same game on two or three separate DS's simultaneously. You can also "text" messages or pictures drawn with DS pens from one DS to another. It's called pict-o-chatting.
Monday, December 03, 2007
Just the 3rd?
It feels like it has been December for a while now. Not just three days. Anyone with me on that?
Not much news here. I ended up staying in town this weekend instead of going on my families Fredricksburg girl weekend for many reasons. EK was sick, Rob had papers due, and I was so tired from being up with a croupy(sp?) baby that I just didn't have it in me to go. So I stayed home and took the kids to the movies so Rob could study and get stuff done. We saw Bee Movie and Enchanted and enjoyed both. It was a good low key weekend.
Lots going on this week... We (Kolby and Rhett) start basketball. Rob has a business trip and two finals for school. Kolby and Rhett are in the church Christmas program this Friday. My sister comes back from a three week show and has a visitor this weekend... The calendar is pretty full from here until Rob has his big shoulder surgery on the 20th.
Ho, ho, how in the heck and I going to do Christmas without Rob and his shoulder? He needs to have this done but the selfish side of me is asking "During CHRISTMAS? Really?"
So I am trying to get it all done before the 20th. And by "all done" I mean everything bought, put together,wrapped, out of the attic, decorated, planned, cooked. EVERYTHING DONE by the 20th. Seriously.
Gotta run!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Not away from the Manger anymore...
One of the many great things about having a 16 month old in the house at Christmas is being able to witness Christmas for the first time again through her eyes. It tickles my heart to get to see her "aah" (or in her case "oooohhh") at each new thing that comes along in the season. The other day we were looking at something with a Santa Claus on it and I asked "Ella Kate can you say Santa?" and said it very slow several times.

Monday, November 26, 2007
Merry Christmas
revised a bit at noon, just because...
I heard this song by Third Day last night and it made me cry.. and smile... and think of a couple of friends of mine. I added my friend Julie to my blog list a few weeks ago after reconnecting with her at Farm Fest. Julie and her family are in the process of adopting a little girl from the Ukraine. This song also made me think of Kolby's good friend who was adopted from China and my PTA friend who has adopted two precious girls from China. There are many other 'dopted (per Rhett) friends we know and love.
Adoption has come a long way since the 1940's! And I think families who adopt kids are special in God's eyes because all but one of God's children were adopted! And to think he sacrificed that one to free the rest of us. He could not love us any more! We are a big global family. And even though we can still feel like black sheep when we get with other brothers and sisters in Christ, God sacrificing his only son washed our black fleece white as snow. God loves us as he loves his son. What a gift! Something to think about as many in our world celebrate (even if it is brief and superficial) the birth of Jesus! What a true boost to the real spirit of Christmas!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Cold and Rainey
And I LOVE it!
The Saturday after Thanksgiving finds me pretty far along in the self prescribed Christmas spirit therapy I blogged about last week. Though I have not watched "It's a Wonderful Life," I have listened to Christmas music. Yesterday morning I got up very early and went shopping. I had not planned on it. But I woke up at 5am and could not go back to sleep and thought I might as well. After all, I knew Rob and the kids would be fine without me since they were sleeping and I only wanted to go to Target. So I went.
I did save money but it wasn't the sale prices that really drew me in. I mostly bought things I was going to get anyway, and some were not on that great of a sale. It was just the idea of being able to shop in my sweats without make-up, without the kids, and with-out a deadline, while getting things scratched off my list early... that's what motivated me to face the crowds!
There were CROWDS! The line was the longest I have ever seen in my life. I had no idea that many people could fit in Target! I almost left, but could not figure out where I would go and since I was there... I had a great time. The big crowds were happy and I thought it was sorta fun. I was in the store by 6:10am and out by 7:30am! I did get some bargains. We did not buy a printer when we got the new computer even though the old one was dead. So I picked up a printer for less than the cost of my old ink cartridge refills. I also got some great towels for our "new" bathroom. AND {THIS IS BIG} I finished Christmas shopping for all the kids on my list! REALLY!
What I did not get in the stores yesterday morning, I finished on-line when I got home with free shipping! No more venturing out to toy stores or electronic stores waiting for that certain something to come in. I only have five adults left to buy for! YEAH! So I may be crazy for getting up and out so early, but I am really happy about it today...and I slept for 12 hours last night!
We also put our tree up last night. It is one of those pre-lit 9 ft things that takes up half the living room and requires both Rob and I to lift and assemble. (Even though I know it is better for the environment, we do not have real trees because there are three asthmatics who live in this house who all seem to be allergic to real trees.. and we like to breathe during the month of December!) There is a lot of fluffing to do, but after it's up I love plugging it in and finding all the lights glowing perfectly in place. I have loved this tree since Rob gave it to me as an early birthday present five years ago. But last night as we assembled each section, there were black out areas. The lights just would not come on. We jiggled each bulb and tested the little circuits in the plugs, but nothing. Luckily we could turn the sections around to where the black spots were in the back...until we reached the top. The whole top section was out. We tried to revive it for an hour. Then I went to Walmart and bought a box of lights. Rob wrapped them on and we stuck it up. It will do for this year, but I am going to be searching those after Christmas sales for a new tree for next year.
So it isn't even December and most of my presents are bought and the tree is lit and standing... ornaments should be on by Sunday night. I'm in a good place! What a difference a week can make! Don't get too envious of my new "ahead of the Christmas game" status... I still have to decorate the rest of the house, decorate outside (but not today!) and then get the traditional Christmas picture/card process rolling.... But I will be a bit more chipper doing it now that I have a handle on the Christmas season. And the sudden change in our weather sure helped! I could not get into Christmas when I was wearing short sleeves and sweating! But snuggled up at home in my thick socks and comfy sweaters... This is great Christmas mood weather!
Hope you are having a great weekend!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Yeah! It's Monday!
So we survived. We had the appraisal. It went well. The man said our house would have no problem appraising for what we wanted. I was way over anxious about the whole "inspect and take pictures part."
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Home is where the...
MESS IS!!!!!
Rant/Vent warning!
In the mean time I am going to keep telling myself what I tell my kids when they freak out over life.... "This is not a bad problem. It is a good problem because no one is bleeding, hurting or dead. Nothing is under water or on fire. (though I feel a figurative fire burning beneath my rear as I sit here because I need to get up and get going!) Everything is OK or will be OK. This is not a real crisis. Breathe. God is in control. Breathe."
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Tips for a Tuesday
If you are painting a wall a dark color and have light colored flooring, use a drop cloth.
No matter how good an idea it seems at 2am, it is not wise to mix old and new paints to come up with your own "custom color." This especially true if you neglected to mix enough to finish the room... and then forgot exactly how much of each color you added. FTL! (for the love for any not familar with vintage BST blog speak)
If you decide to use the electric sander to sand all the cabinets and trim in your bathroom, wear a mask or, be prepared to have your lungs sting.
It is possible to spray paint a ceiling fan and have it not look like you spray painted a ceiling fan.
Measure twice, cut once.
Buy extra molding. It saves on trips to Home Depot if you neglect that last tip.
If the biggest problem you have in a day concerns remodeling your bathroom, shut up and be grateful.
If you are near a HEB grocery store, you HAVE to try the Homestyle two-bite Pumpkin Walnut Scones. The Orange Cranberry ones are equally drool inducing, but I have a thing for pumpkin this time of year.
If you have a scone recipe that you like, pass it it along to me and I just might send you a prize! Really! Kolby and Rhett are into scones because of the orange scones from Panera Bread, but I'm a scone making virgin... so to speak.
I love this song. Hope you do to...
Friday, November 09, 2007
I was going to blog about this song a while back. But I decided it would be better to just let you hear it.
I keep thinking of our Princess in Honduras tight now. Hope the best for you Terri!
I added a new playlist to the right of this blog. You can skip to the next song or turn the music off. AND If you have not created a play list at project playlist, follow the link from my playlist and have fun!
OH and... I have lost some links to blogs in my moving to the new computer/new template process. Leave me your site address in comments if you don't see it in my links list. If you are reading my blog, I probably want to read yours!
Thursday, November 08, 2007
New title
I don't have anything to say that would not take me an hour or so to say. I don't want to blog for an hour, but I am tired of that atheist title. It bugs me. So I had to blog today just to change the title.
Notice the new slide show.
I am able to do some things with the new computer that the old one could not do. OK. So those "things' are really important things (she said with her tongue in her cheek) like blog slide shows and watching all of this seasons episodes of Grey's Anatomy on-line for free. But hey, I'm learning!
My goal is to learn how to get the files and pictures I want to keep from the old computer's operating system (windows 98) transferred and workable on the new computer's system (Mac OS Leopard). It's supposed to be easy(according to the Mac website) if the old operating system and the new operating system are both working just as they should. However, I am not convinced either are doing that. I've spent many frustrating hours sitting in front of this beautiful new monitor. I think I need a Genius and a Geek or preferably someone who is both? Does that person exist in the world of on-line help? I can't find them but I'm open to help looking or introductions!
Must do laundry. Don't you wish clothes would just wash, dry, and put themselves away!
Monday, November 05, 2007
If I were an atheist
What would I think about as I pulled down wall paper?
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Old dogs and New tricks
I am once again a Mac owner.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween!
I love this day! for me halloween is all about dressing up, trunk-or-treating, then trick-or-treating, great pictures, my favorite uncle's birthday, the smell of pumkin spice candles, chili cooking on the stove for Frito Pie, black kettles full of halloween candy, my favorite fall colors everywhere, jack-o-lanterns lit on porches, streets full of families, flash lights and glow sticks, friends, family, chilly night air, hot chocolate and lots of FUN! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
I have been dieing to blog but I have a problem.. We have our new computer but it is not hooked up to the Internet yet. We have a new camera too but it is not hooked up to the old computer (which is dieing!) At the moment the old computer is still the only Internet access we have... So I have all these things I want to blog about and all these pictures to share and no way to really share them. Everything should be up and running in the next few days, so be on the look out for many a catch-up post!
(soap box warning) Had to send Kolby and Rhett to school costume-less and treat-less this morning. GGGRRRRR! It is elementary school for Pete's sake! I do not like how all the fun seems to be draining out of our public schools with FMNV rules and limited party days. Yes they need to learn and have a non-distracting atmosphere that does not encourage obesity...But you only get so many Halloweens as a kids! Of course we will celebrate all things sweet and Fall-ish tonight so my kids will not miss out on much. Guess I just wish we could get more use out of those costumes! (stepping down now)
Hope everyone has a fun, safe, memory-filled, non-scary Halloween!
Here is what my little trick-ortreators will be wearing!
Friday, October 26, 2007
That's my boy!
Seems Like I don't blog about Rhett as often as I do his sisters. It is not for lack of anything other than time... and perhaps a little squeaky wheel syndrome.
I miss having Rhett around as much now that he is a big kindergartner! But I would not have it any other way as he truly loves school and still is so happy to go off with his Dad and sister every morning. Rhett has adjusted really well to school. His teacher told me he should have a perfect report card next week. He hasn't even missed a day! Rhett still gets a bit worn out towards the end of every week, but he is learning and soaking it all in like the 6 year old sponge of a boy he is!
Rhett does his homework the minute he gets home with no prompts from me. He makes sure I do not forget to sign his folder everyday. He is very good at keeping up with his things. So far he has not forgotten a show-n-tell and loves to talk about the letter of the week and find things that start with it everywhere we go. He fusses at me if we have not laid his clothes out together before he goes to bed. He wakes up to his own alarm clock and is dressed down to his shoes (and now jacket) before any of us are even out of our PJs. He is all business when it comes to being ready for school. I love that about him!
Rhett is also very funny! He cracks me up without trying on a daily basis. For instance, at his school carnival there was a silent auction for a "date" with each teacher. (Movies, ice cream or whatever the teacher picked) We asked Rhett if he wanted to"bid on his teacher." He gave us a puzzled look and said, "I already have her everyday for free!" As if... I then told him it was to bid on a date with his teacher, to which he replied in disgust and dismay, "Mo-om! She is Married!" I think he even rolled his eyes. He was quite eager however to bid on an hour and a half of free time in the gym with five friends. He was elated when he won!
Rhett gets fired up easily. A birthday party invitation makes his day. Getting to rent a PS2 game is the best thing ever! Spending some time with his cousins or friends and he is a happy guy. At the mere mention of a trip or a hotel stay he will jump up and down like he has won the lottery. Rhett loves going to church and hates it if he misses "first class" (Sunday School). He also loves to play outside with friends and LOVES his soccer games and practices. He is a social little guy, but in a completly different way from his sisters.You never have to wonder what Rhett thinks about something or how he feels about something... Whether bored to tears, mad as a hornet, or happy as a clam, it is clear by the expression on his face. That has been both a good and bad thing.
Rhett loves his Mama and the feeling is beyond mutual. One of my favorite things to do is to read cards (brain teasers) or books with Rhett at bedtime. He always tells me funny stories about kids in his class or something he did that day.Recently Rhett was griping about a girl in his class who got his table in trouble. She gets multiple clip/color changes almost everyday. I told Rhett he still had to be nice to her and that we should pray for her to find a way to act better. After several nights of praying for the little girl, Rhett stopped mid prayer to tell me we didn't need to pray for her anymore. I asked if the girl was acting better. Rhett said "No It's not working." When I suggested it might take time, Rhett said " I don't want to bother God with ___, She bothers Mrs H and our whole class enough for everyone." Now where did he learn to think like that?????
His lack of compassion for repeat class disruptors aside, Rhett is a pretty sweet little boy. He loves his sisters. Ella Kate loves her brother so much! She looks for him everyday and is so happy whenever he pays her the least bit of attention. But Rhett is pretty good at paying attention to both his sisters. He is a better baby watcher than Kolby. He completely freaks if Ella Kate puts anything in her mouth and is quick to come to her aid if she is in trouble. He also loves Kolby who is not always as nice as she should be to him. He always wants to make sure Kolby gets a prize or a treat of he does. He hates it when she is in trouble. He also loves to hang out in her room though both of them don't like to admit it.
Rhett loves his Dad and lives to go do guy things with him. He loves that his Dad and Robby coach his soccer team. He still runs excitedly to the door to greet Rob everyday when he gets home. They have a special bond as the out-numbered guys in this house.
Rhett was my scariest delivery, pregnancy and probably my most challenging baby, but he is a gem of a kid! It is fun to be his Mom (Though he does try to push the limits at times, no kid is perfect!) I feel very blessed to be able to watch him grow into the fine young man I know God wants him to be. I love you Rhett-r-roo!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
I just got an e-mail that our IMac has shipped. I will not be blogging much until it gets here. I am excited and a bit nervpous about getting it. Our Gateway has been withus since Kolby was a baby. I have a gazillion things on this computer. But, it's time to move on. And look (below) at how clean it looks compared to a PC! I need something simple and uncluttered. Not sure what to do with the old computer or how to convert the files/ photos I really need to save. Anyone have any Mac/ conversion/ storage tips? Let me know what you think!