Have you ever had so much to say that you can't think of anything to say?
In the weeks since I have really blogged, Rhett got over the awful 7+day fever virus and four days later Kolby got it. It doesn't seem that Kolby's case is as bad as Rhett's was as her fever doesn't spike as high. But she is still miserable when her temperature is up and bored to tears and weak when the Tylenol takes it back down. I'm trying to keep the other two kids away from her, but not having much luck with that.
We were supposed to have had a Fort Worth friends reunion last weekend but for many reasons it was called off at the last minute. Rob and I then decided to take the kids to the coast for the weekend since they were so disappointed about the Fort Worth thing. I spent hours on the computer getting reservations and had the whole thing planned out. We were to leave Friday afternoon. The kids were thrilled. Friday morning I took the van (mini v) in for an oil change and had them look at a tire that was leaking.
They fixed the flat for free but ... $1000 dollars later, our little mini v is the owner of a new radiator and $700 dollars worth of various other parts. Needless to say we decided to skip the trip to the coast because the van was not going to be ready until today. We also hadn't budgeted for mini v to get so much work done this month. And in light of Kolby getting sick late Sunday night, I guess it all worked out. My kids were crushed for the second time. Promises that we will still go to the coast sometime this summer and ice cream seemed to help.
It is raining here again. I love rain. I love how it is keeping the temperatures so mild. The resulting humidity and bugs I could live without. It's also a bit scary to have flood warnings every other day. The rivers and lakes are way over their banks and shores. The water doesn't have anywhere to go. AND I still lack a coat of stain to finish that Fort in the back yard! It has to be dry for at least 24 hours after applying, and in the last two weeks I have not found that 24 hours! It has rained so much since I started the Fort re-do in May that I don't even feel too bad about not finishing it yet. I wonder what builders and roofers are doing to make money during this rainy summer?
I had the carpets cleaned today and I am so excited. I really thought our carpet was past cleaning, but the guy did a great job and was VERY reasonable! (If you live in the area call me for his number because he was a great, especially for the $$, did excellent work and is just a very nice guy) I'm trying to get a few things ready for Ella Kate's birthday next week. We're having a small family gathering so it will just be cousins. It's a Rubber Ducky party. It will be cute and fun, but pretty low key.
I think my over-the-top kid birthday party days are over. I'm just not into putting so much time and money into a party and party junk that no one really needs. I want my kids paties to be cute and fun, but not so cute and fun that it cost hundreds of dollars and takes tons of time in preparation. It's hard for me to tone it down sometimes because no one loves to put a party and a theme together and to decorate more than I do. I truly enjoy it. But no matter how much I enjoy it, I have to ask if a birthday party is worth all that thought, creativity and effort? And no, it's not.
This is a change in thinking for me. It's been coming on slowly for a long time now. But what really drove it home for me was a presentation by a young friend of mine at church last Sunday about her recent mission trip to Ghana . She visited and worked at the Village of Hope for part of the time. That is where Pam Cope and the children rescued from slavery by Touch a Life Ministries were when they were featured on Oprah.(Go to Mikes Copes blog if you want to learn more and follow the "Touch A Life" links) Jamie did a great job on her presentation. When she told how little it costs to rescue a child from slavery in Ghana...well it just made spending money on anything else seem ridiculous. I don't know what Rob and I are going to be able to do, but it is in my heart to do something.
Birthday parties and trips to the coast just don't seem all that important when you watch the footage of what those 6, 7, 8 & 9 year old kids have to live with and go though EVERY DAY. They are Rhett and Kolby's age doing work that Rob and I would find extremely hard if not impossible to do. How could anyone do that to a child? Many children in the world miss out on the privilege and right of having a childhood. They are forced into being adult and doing adult jobs way too soon. It sickens me.
But places like the Village of Hope and people like Pam Cope and Jamie give me hope. God called them from their ordinary lives to make a big difference and they answered the call. Many times I think I let God leave a message that I plan to get around to later...when the bills are paid off, the kids are older, the house is in better shape and after Rob is through with graduate school.. I have good intentions of taking that call someday. But those intentions do nothing for the little boy in Ghana who woke up before the sun this morning and will work all day in a strangers boat for little more that a piece of bread and a few pennies to be sent home to his family..the family who knowingly or not sold him into this horrible life. Waiting won't reflect to anyone today the love and grace Gad has given and continues to give me this and every other day. I think it's time to take that call. Just not sure what to do.
I'm not naive enough to think that after every child is rescued from slavery in Ghana that the job will be done. There will always be some form of slavery, poverty and cruelty in the world. These things may never be eradicated from the Earth. BUT that is no excuse. We have to try to help those in these situations becasue there are people hurting. Don't you think those kids hope and pray everyday that someone, somewhere will come resuce them? They know that what is being done to them is wrong. They are hurting, and scared and hungry. And even if we don't know these children, God knows them. I believe God wants us to help his children, all the children that we possibly can help. If sending a couple of hundred dollars over seas can help a 6 year old get out of slavery, I need to do it.
Jamie's presentation reminded me of, and maybe even rekindled feelings and thoughts I had when I was in Africa almost 15 years ago. Feelings and convictions I thought I would never forget. And really, I haven't forgotten them. But it's good to have a reminder.
So that is what I'm doing today... Sitting here with wet carpet, a sick child, a sleeping almost one year old, and a few boxes of rubber duckies, blogging about saving children from slavery in Ghana instead of cleaning the kitchen while rain hits the window panes. A day in the life. So, what are you doing?
How To Make A Diy Twin Bed
16 hours ago
What am I doing? Drinking a glass of wine, reading your Blog, listening to my husband playing a computer game, after I just got back from trying on pants at Target and thinking "If I look around & see soooo many other 'Christians' doing all the same things that I am doing on my journey, then should I be wondering if I'm on the wide path instead of the narrow one? Because only a few will find it & I don't feel like i'm in a minority right now." Yep - that's about all I'm doing right now! ;)
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