Here's is the deal. I have not blogged much in the last year. However I come to this blog everyday because of that little playlist over there. It's my music. I don't own an Ipod (though both my kids do) and the stereo in our house is so old I'm not even sure it works. So this computer, this playlist is my music.
This playlist is so me. I love every song for one reason or another. I used to try to organize it but a few months ago Ijust put it on random play because there is no way I can order this collection. It's a crazy mix I know. Show tunes, country, Christian, pop, rock. Today I almost added a rap thing, but nah. (Tops Drop) There would be even more on my playlist but I am limited to what they have on the web sight. They have tons of music on Project Playlist, but they don't have EVERYTHING because it's free. You can't get everything for free!
Anyway, I love music. I can't play a musical instrument (beyond 2nd grade piano) and my voice is just so-so. BUT nothing touches me or speaks to me like music.
Today my hear t is heavy for two moms I know. Both are facing very different, but very heart wrenching circumstances. When I clicked on my playlist the first song was David Crowders Never Let Go (not to be confused with Matt Redman's You Never Let Go which I also love and is on this playlist.)
The words of this song just sunk into my heart. The unspoken prayers I have been sending up for these two moms are far from answered, but this song help ease the ache I feel for them. We serve an amazing God. When we can not see him, he still sees us. He never lets go. He will hold these two ladies who are on my heart, and he will hold onto me, through it all. Everything. He can handle life when we can't. Amazing. Blessing. Healing. Saving. Easing. Completing. Empowering. Assuring.
Thank you Father!
Here are the words to David Crowder's Never Let Go. (It's #49)
When clouds veil sun
And disaster comes
Oh, my soul. Oh, my soul
When waters rise
And hope takes flight
Oh, my soul. Oh, my soul. Oh, my soul
Ever faithful
Ever true
You I know
You never let go
You never let go
You never let go
You never let go
When clouds brought rain
And disaster came
Oh, my soul. Oh, my soul
When waters rose
And hope had flown
Oh, my soul Oh, my soul
Oh, my soul Oh, my soul
Oh, what love, oh, what love
Oh, my soul
Fills hope
Perfect love that never lets go
Oh, what love, oh, what love
Oh, what love, oh, what love
In joy and pain
In sun and rain
You're the same
Oh, You never let go
You never let go
You never let go
You never let go
You never let go
Be blessed today knowing wherever you find yourself, HE will never let go. :)
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