( Please realize I am preaching to myself here. If anything, I need to heed these words more than anyone I know which is why I felt the need to write it out. I in no way want to come across like I have the world figured out...FAR FROM IT!!!)
Here are some random thoughts that won't stop rambling around in my head. I don't want to bore my facebook friends with them in multiple status updates, so I'm going to post them here. Then hopefully I can focus on the 300 other things I need to do before I go to bed tonight. :)
The longer I live the more I believe that no politician is ever as good or as bad as they are made out to be. There is bad in the best of us and good in the worst of us.
Hate is never a good thing.
Praying for your enemies is the best thing you can do for the both of you.
When I was a Sophomore or Jr at ACU (it's all a blur!) I switched my major from Political Science /Communication to Education/Communication. A year later I was on a committee with one of my Poly Sci profs. He asked why I switched. I explained that the more I learned about government and politics the more disenfranchised I became. For me, politics seemed too much of an ethical mind field. I did not think I could ever be a good mother and wife if I had to devote so much time to such an occupation / field. He laughed and said I might be right, that many Christians felt politics were "too dirty" for their lives. But then he said something that has sorta haunted me all these years. He said something like "Politics may be dirty, but if all moral, ethical people decide it's too dirty and steer clear of it, who does that leave running the country?"
Maybe that's why I am not a fan of bashing any political figure no matter what I think of them. They put themselves out there in a place I was not willing to go. Holding someone accountable and questioning them is just as affective ) when it is done in a respectful manner... actually I think it is more affective. (Or is it effective?)
I don't remember who I heard say "A lady never stoops to discuss politics and religion in place of service and salvation," but I think they were right.
Most people like to label others. Far right, far left, ultra conservative, flaming liberal, Pro, anti, for, against... HOWEVER both extremes have this in common. If you want to make them mad, just decide not to take a side or wear a label. Or to really rile them up point out the good in both sides. Don't do this unless you want to feel the full wrath from both sides though. (Ask John McCain about that! )
Nothing stirs up deep emotions faster than thinking my children are being taken advantage of or threatened.
I can be nice to most all people, but it's really hard to like some of them.
Nothing is ever as simple or as complicated as I think it is.
Rhett may turn into a weather man or a climate scientist because Mother Natures seems to reek havoc on his birthday parties. Last year it was a hurricane 100's of miles away that forced us to move the day before.. this year it could be rain. Poor little guy has been up by 6:30am the last two days watching the weather and giving us bi-hourly rain chance percentage updates. :( Please don't rain Friday night!!!
I loved walkng past the butterfly garden in the Panther Patch on the way to Rhett's class meeting tonight. It makes me happy to think Rhett gets to see this everyday and know what his Mom was doing all those months and hours last year when she helped make it. I did have to hold myself back from going out there to put the umbrellas and flags up though. OY! Letting go has never been easy for me, but I am going to do it with a smile on my face. YES. I. AM.
Few things smell better than chocolate chip cookies fresh from the oven or worse than burnt chocolate chip cookies "fresh" from the oven. We have smelled both here tonight!
I'm sorta peeved that Katherine Higel gave away what will happen on Gray's on September 24th...but sorta excited too!
I am trying to decide which Twilight book is my favorite. It's too hard. But I do know my favorite part to read...the almost end of New Moon. Will November 20th just hurry up and get here already! :)
I will never go to bed if I don't get up and get with it.
Night, night computer!
How To Make A Diy Twin Bed
2 hours ago
I had to smile when I read the section about people getting riled if you choose not to participate in the extremist debates. I have personally found that to be true. :) If we would spend more time recognizing our similarities than debating our differences, our differences would be less of a catalyst for the unkind rhetoric we are hearing so much of right now.
Just Wondering....very appropriate title for this post....you almost covered the gammit...you just left our baseball and College Football.... and the Cowboys...
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