September 7th 2010 Ella Kate started preschool at our church. She loves her school, teachers and friends.
Sporting her Gymboree Girls Rock outfit, Hello Kitty back pack, and Sketcher light up shoes, EK said she looked like a Rock Star!
Ella Kate is excited about my friend Ms. Susan being her teacher and meeting her new teacher Ms Brittany.
About 24 hours after these pictures were taken, Ella Kate was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. We haven't made it back to school for more than an hour or two since. Hoping we make it tomorrow. But this time Mommy will be going with her. Too many new things to get used to with snack and lunch. Hoping I will feel like I can leave her some day... but that day seems very far away right now. Pray for us both. :)
How To Make A Diy Twin Bed
2 hours ago
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