President Bush
He is running against Hollywood. He is running against the frustration of democrats who took a close and rightly hard-to-swallow loss four years ago. He is running against a societal longings for easy answers, cheap freedom, and irresponsibility. He is running against the image that he is just the continuation of his father. He is running against a world view that thinks the the US could make it all better if we really wanted to.( if!) He is running against the cold, power-hungry roots of some in his own party. I even hear he is running against some guy named Kerry. He is the polarizing target of many. He is hated by ten of thousands. He is our President.
George W Bush has my vote. I have been voting for him for over 10 years now. WHY? Because even when I don't agree with him, I TRUST HIM! AND He gives me HOPE. Tonight as I listened to Bush speak, I felt hopeful. He paints a picture of America that I want to see. He is real and he is soulful. He has never disappointed me. He is not afraid to stand alone for what he believes is right. He does not back down or run away. He is a self proclaimed reformed jerk. He has seen the darker side of life and come away better. He is a Christian who seeks God's will. ( I'm not saying that the other guy doesn't do this or that everyone in Bush's administration seeks God, But HE does.)
President Bush could take world leaders to any fantastic place in the US he wanted and wine and dine them, but he brings them here,to his Texas "Prairie Chapel" ranch and ask them to help him clear brush or tag calves. (It is so wierd to see the world leaders in Crawford,but we have seen our share in the past four years!) Why does he bring Prime Mininsters and Princes home to Crawford? Because President Bush is real. He has seen all that money and power has to offer and in the end he knows there is no place like home. He is grounded. He is not easily bought or buffaloed into to doing something simply because it is popular. I think it irks people that he can not be bullied or bought. I love this President! I pray for him regularly. I hope he is our president for four more years. I shutter to think about the alternative.
Having said that, Presidents and Kings serve at the will of our Father God. Nations rise and fall. Dynasties are built only to crumble. BUT our God is forever!!! God lends the leaders of this world power, and God always knows best, ALWAYS. I hope Bush is President again. If he isn't, I trust God is in control and has other plans that are beyond my scope of understanding. I may never understand why men like Hitler and Osma Bin Laden come to power but, God was,is, and will always be in control. I must trust God above all others!
Still, I strongly urge everyone to vote, regardless of who you vote for. If you don't vote you can't gripe!!! If you believe in the other guy as staunchly as I believe in George W Bush, I would not try to change your mind. I doubt you could change mine.
May we celebrate the fact that we live in a country where we are free to like or dislike our President publicly. May we also remember to those given much, much is expected. A little eternal perspective makes the next four or even forty years seem insignificant. Enjoy this political season, for it is just that, a season!!!
How To Make A Diy Twin Bed
1 day ago
Thought you said you were "Staying out of this election". I think you owe me!
Wow - I think it would be near impossible to look any MORE like Reagan, don't you think?
I am "staying out" but I still have an opinion. You don't see me down at RNC headquarters do you? Really Honey!
I feel pretty sheepish asking what does HFB mean?
And I didn't really think about this looking like Reagan. I guess in ways he does. This is a picture of Bush awaiting the Olmpic torch. In Texas we usually see Bush in a baseball or cowboy hat and not in a suit. This picture reminds me more of "Govenor Bush".
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