Today it is raining cats and dogs! It seems like it has rained a lot lately. I don't remember seeing the sun since last week. It is grey and chilly and I LOVE THIS WEATHER! But, I am the first to admit that I love this weather because I can stay in my comfy PJs or sweats and be snug as a bug in a rug all day. If I had to get out, it would be a different story.
My Mom always worked. She really had no choice. For as long as I can remember I have wanted nothing more in life than to be a stay-home Mom. Often times I whine about the perils and pitfalls of a staying home, for there are more than I bargained for to be sure! This morning however, I am truly enjoying the perks!
I am also loving my clean house today! Rob took off yesterday to recover from the Cowboy trip. He so badly needed a day off for some down time. Rob is more productive in his "down time" than I ever am! Because he was here and the kids were at school, we got the house whipped into great shape.
I love a clean house, I just am not too good at getting it there by myself. I am pretty good at cleaning when someone else is around helping out. I think it is an ADD thing... or maybe just me. Any way, I am bound and determined to keep the house straight today!
Besides picking up Kolby at 3:15, I have no other plans than to stay in and make chili and sweet bear cornbread for supper! Rhett and I need to sort out his closet and re-do his the tracks on his train table. There are a few loads of laundry to do here and there. There are E-mails to answer and a few thank you notes to write... Just ordinary stay-home stuff. I can't wait! I truly live for days like this one!
Dear Lord, Thank you for the ultimate privlege of staying home with my kids. Thank you for this house and our life in it! Lord, this morning. I feel so overwhelmed with gratitude for allthe many ways you have blessed me! I hope to somehow be worthy of the husband and children you wrapped so beautifully and gave to me. I don't deserve them, and none of us deserve you.... Which only makes me feel more blessed and grateful! Thank you for this rainy day at home. Please shelter and comfort all who have to get out today. Please Lord especially bless all those Moms who get out everyday to go earn a better living for their kids. Thank you for loving us and blessing us all which ever way we mother! In Jesus Name, AMEN
I hope the rest of you have the type day you "live for" ... And try to stay dry!
How To Make A Diy Twin Bed
16 hours ago
Thank you for your blog today - I forgot to get my chili started & you just reminded me!!!!!! I really enjoy staying at home too, but I find myself complaining a lot about all the negative stuff, so thanks for helping me to see the positive side. I have also found that I like having company come over because it forces me to clean my house!!! Tuesday nights we have singing practice at my house so it gets clean at least once a week! And if we have a football party or our small group meets at our house then I get 2 days of a clean house!!!! Have a great day! After making the chili I'm gonna get started making a polar fleece blanket - the ones where you don't need to sew you just tie knots in it. Don't you just LOVE polar fleece - talk about snuggly!!
Most days I am not jealous of people who get to stay home, it is just not for me, but today I would like to be in my P.J. pants reading and sitting in front of the fire or out on the deck (it is sunny here). Yes there are perks to staying home or working outside the home. Glad you are enjoying your day! I will try to see the positive in mine.....(my house does stay pretty clean)
OK, you have done it again. What is "sweet bear" cornbread? I usually make Jiffy, if I am really doing somethig special (like cornbread dressing for Thanksgiving) I make stoneground cornbread, but I do not know what sweet bear is.
HA! The typo queen strikes again! I meant to type sweet BEER cornbread. It is basically sweet cron bread with a 1/2 cup of beer in it to make it a little fluffier than the norm! :)
That does make more sense, but I have never done that either.
I believe you stay at home moms have one of the heardest jobs of all...and the most rewarding. Thank you for doing it. Hope the rain stops soon for everyone in Texas land. Go see Polar Express!
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