Whoever made the kleenex warning comment yesterday is just brilliant. I think the FCC should ask the same of TV world.
Let me explain...
Last night our group decided not to meet. Something about too many sick and not enough people to watch kids. I am one of the sickies. My allergy thing that has been robbing me of my voice and causing drainage to seep down my throat for the last week or so now has an awful seal-barking cough with it. So I was set to stay in and take it easy and watch a little TV. We watched Dateline on NBC and my favorite Extreme Makeover Home on ABC.
Both of these shows should have been rated K for Kleenex. Dateline featured an interview with Elizabeth Edwards and an update of the McCaughey Septuplets. Politics aside, I greatly admire Elizabeth Edwards. In her interview with Katie Couric about dealing with her recently diagnosed breath ( I meant breast~ thanks SJ) cancer, you could tell that she is a strong and soulful woman. Actually, I could not help but think that both these women have known great tragedy. Katie loosing her husband, and Mrs. Edwards loosing her son. That type of grief leaves a scar that is unseen but somehow unmistakable. Neither of these women have let tragedy cripple them ... for long anyway. You have to admire that.
Then the Septuplets had their yearly visit with Anne Currie. Mrs. McCaughey and I were pregnant in 1997 at the same time. Her due date was the same as mine with Kolby...February 19. She had her 7 tiny babies ten weeks early. I had Kolby 8 days early. Because Kolby was my first and I was so into any kind of pregnancy news, I have always been very interested in the "Seven from Heaven". Seven turning seven. WOW!
I cried because they are so much like Kolby. Some even look like her. Our kids are growing up so fast. I have noticed the parents have let go of some things (like home-schooling) and seem a bit more laid back. I love that those kids do most of their own laundry, load and unload the dish washer, make their beds and clean their bathrooms. I pointed that out to Kolby, who was really into this story.
Kolby said that they could do all that because there were seven of them and they all had a brother and a sister.
"AND your point?"
"I would do all that if I had a sister."
Man, she does not give up on the sister thing! But we are introducing a few more challenging chores to her list anyway. I guess I have done her a disservice by thinking she was unable, or that I should just do it for her. But I stray....
The tears flowed at the end of the segment when they showed how Nathan, the little one with CP, has undergone a huge operation that involves months of therapy on top of a six week recovery period. I can't imagine Kolby having to go through something like that, or how I would feel if she did.
What really got me was watching the big Dad carry his little son down a long hall to the operating room. The precious little boy teared up, but was so brave, as they put the mask on him to put him under. This was a very major surgery! They showed him in the recovery room afterwards. The surgery was a success, but his little body looked so frail and small laid out on that big stretcher! (OK tears are flowing now just thinking about it.) He was OK and this surgery promises to make his life much better. But still, these children God gives us are so precious! Do we really realize how fragile their lives are and how blessed we are to have them?! I can not stand to see children in real extreme pain. It rocks me to my core and brings out a monster of emotion. That is going to be one of my "Why God?" questions someday. Why do precious little children have to endure such pain somtimes? Again, I stray...
I had barely put the used Kleenex in the trash when I turned over to Extreme Makeover Home. Susan blogged about this show last week. They really should call this show "Let's change the world one deserving and needy family at a time" er, well something like that any way. I have been a huge Tye fan for years because of Trading Spaces, but this show is so much more than remodeling. I can not even go into what all happened on this weeks show because I have an appointment in a little while and do not have time to re-do make-up again. All I can say is that one young and recently widowed farm girl named Jennifer Elcano has much to be thankful for this year. Of course I think she would trade it all to have her husband back... here is the whole story ... Rated K. If you want to see pictures from this episode click here.
Suffice it to say that even Rob and Kolby cried over this one. I love this show! I hope is rockets to number one in the ratings so that these wonderful people can continue to help change the world one family at a time. Finally a TV show I can feel great about watching! Speaking of things to feel great about...
Big things are in the works for Rob this week! Please say a prayer for him. He has had to endure far too much latly! Rob is one of the greatest guys I have ever known. Thank you God for letting me be his wife!
Well I must run. Sorry for the random straying in this post. It's symtomatic of my Mommy ADD I guess. Have a great week blog family!
How To Make A Diy Twin Bed
16 hours ago
hmmmm...a sister? Me thinks she has something there. Go for it!
Somehow I missed yesterday's post...yes please put the Kleenex warnings. That was a sweet and special tribute to Megan. I feel sad that I didn't know her when I hear you describe her.
The McCaughey kids were born the day before Julianne, I think. Same week, anyway. I always follow their progress with interest, too.
Darn! I missed my show! Maybe I can catch a rerun. I did not realize that Mrs. Edwards had BREATH cancer, how awful. Sorry, I couldn't resist, your typo was amusing.
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