This morning in our living room...
Me : Rhett you need to tidy up a bit and spread your bed. (My kids call it that, don't know why.)
Rhett: Mommy that is not a option.... I have two options, watch Rolly Polly Ollie and play with my super heroes.
Me: (Biting my tongue to keep from laughing.) Excuse me Rhett. What did you say?
Very determined and slightly annoyed at having to repeat himself, Rhett slowly and distinctly said "Cleaning is not a option today."
I totally agree with his words, just not his meaning!
One can only imagine what conversations in our house have sounded like when the three year old starts using the word "options." Love and Logic anyone?
How To Make A Diy Twin Bed
1 hour ago
I love it when little kids use big words. It just cracks me up. Jackson seems to do that a lot too. He told me last night he learned a new "technique" at taekwondo.
Matthew likes to "observe" Mary Elizabeth, except it comes out "uhhhserve".
Tell him only Mommy and Daddy get to decide what the options are!! My goodness! What grade is he in?
too cute. I can't figure out where I recognize your face and name: Freshman Follies (helping my year), sing-song (helping my year), or Ko Jo Kai. I started at ACU in Fall of 1991.
What is Rhett, like, 3 years old?! Wow!! I might expect something that precocious from the first child (like I was), but not from the second.....I predict you're really gonna have your hands full. :-)
btw, thanks for all your comments on my blog re: my eyes -- they are doing great!!!! and thanks for the link!
SG, I guess it may have been a combo of Sing-Song and Elementary Ed. My maiden name was "Morue." I love your blog. I think you are a gifted writer with a big splash of humor. What a combo!!
Didn't mean to delete that ...silly trash cans! MDM I bet I would know you if I saw your face. You'll have to ppost one on your blog!
ROFLOL! What a character! Oh boy are you going to have fun with this one! : D
One night my brother offered his son options. He told Rusty that he could either have time out or a spanking. Rusty tearfully replied, "Can I have both?"
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