The random list continues...
51. I am not competitive. I don’t like competition and I can’t stand it when people turn non-competitive things into a competition.
52. I had two major kidney surgeries (1 at 2 years and 1 at 12 years). I had my tonsils out at age 6. I was put in the hospital several different times with the flu, kidney complications, and once with food poisoning. SO life total with babies, I have been in the hospital 12 times.
53. I love color and can not decide what my favorite is… deep reds and blues I think.
54. There are no white walls in my house.
55. My favorite poet is Shel Silverstein.
56. I know it is unpopular in Christian circles but I still really admire & watch Oprah.
57. I do not get reality TV.
58. My favorite shows however are the reality based…Trading Spaces and Extreme Makeover Home Edition.
59. I also like Alias but I never seem to remember to watch it. I do not watch TV very often at all.
60. I used to scrapbook.
61. I quit scrap-booking because it just overwhelmed me! I have a closet full of scrap-booking items that I hope to return to someday.
62. I am very independent and always have been.
63. Those who know me really well find it comical that I live across the street from my parents because I am so independent!
64. I love to paint , install things, build things and tear things down.
65. My husbands first Christmas present to me after we married was a Black & Decker five piece tool set…and I was not mad.
66. I mowed the lawn once when Rob was in Atlanta for two weeks.
67. I do not like to mow the yard.
58. I like to dig in the dirt and plant things. I am not good at maintaining plants however so there is a plant grave yard behind our shed.
69. I like too cook if I don’t have to cook.
70. I would rather cook for 12 than 2.
71. I love the grocery store if I am by myself.
72. I can’t stand the grocery store when my kids are with me, but I do it anyway.
73. I have always been allergic to exercise.
74. I can roller blade, ice skate, water ski, snow ski, swim, golf and bike but it seems like I never do these things anymore!
75. I don’t like to sweat because I am not a graceful sweat-er. I get all red faced and ugly when I sweat.
76. I melt in heat that is humid.
77. I love snow.
78. I live in the wrong state for my weather preferences.
79. I am a slow reader, but I really like to read.
80. I love chicken salad.
81. I love almost anything that comes out of a bakery.
82. I drive a mini-van and am da** proud of it! (Yes, I caved and edited it out!)
83. I love being involved in PTA.
84. I love playing scrabble, spades and hearts… and admit I can be a bit competitive when it comes to these games.
85. I never took typing but can hunt and peck close to 60 wpm.
86. I love to sing , but I’m not sure it is fun for those who hear me!
87. If I could have one realistic wish… it would be to have the house to myself for two weeks so I could organize and clean out years of stuff!
88. I am an all or nothing kind of girl. I either do something all the way or not at all.
89. The best thing I ever did outside of giving my life to Christ was to say "yes!" when my husband proposed! (Which he did under the influence of major pain killers:) He had just come out of shoulder surgery!)
90. Rob really is the better half of this marriage!
91. I love to take naps and sleep late.
92. I am a night owl by nature.
93. I get carsick easily.
94. I love to fly! I love to travel!
95. Summer nights are my favorite time ever.
96. I do not tan well, I just burn and peel.
97. I do not color my hair but am asked regularly if I do. ???
98. My favorite perfume is Miracles by Lancôme.
99. I left Estee Lauder for drug store products… but I hope to return someday.
100. I like to blog but, I like to read other people's blogs more!
It took me way too long to come up with this list!!!
How To Make A Diy Twin Bed
1 hour ago
My favorite color is purple, I don't get reality shows either. I have been known to be a little TOO independent.
Good List thanks for sharing yourself, but I feel a little bad, I don't have a favorite poet!?
Oprah rocks! But I rarely get to watch her.
You must have let go of the whole "I'm going to hell" thing becuase you swore in #82 & I'm tellin' God on you! J/K of course! I really love The Giving Tree & I've read the controvery surrounding that book, but I disagree & love it anyway! Oprah is great & I used to watch her a lot, but she does feed the fears of worried moms w/horror stories masked as the "What every mom should know about..." titles. Her magazine is pretty good too. And I love my minivan too! I enjoyed your list!!!
I am such an ugly sweater!
Sleeping is my #1 favorite activity to do (why it's not on my list is beyond me!)
I would enjoy scrpabooking if it 1. wasn't so friggin' expensive 2. if the little shavings of paper cleaned up themselves and 3. if my pages came out like the one's in the catalogs do.
I love color of all kinds ~ no two rooms in my house are the same.
I'm not, nor do I ever plan on being a damn proud mini-van driver / mom ~ I'm just a different breed I guess! ~_~
Love the list ~ this is fun and I think I could come up w/ at least 50 more, but Halle's nap time is almost over and Oprah comes in in 45 minutes.
Beaner ~ Someone once said that Damn isn't a cuss word in Texas! I was actually just going for emphasis/humor/shock value!:) say never.. I once thought the same thing but it works!!! :0
Mae, My husband swore that he would never own a minivan, but we are proud owners of a Toyota Sienna!
I love Oprah as well! I wish she was my aunt. I hate reality TV. I am allergic to exercise as well. My cheeks turn beet red. I think we need to buy a house on Cape Cod so we could live there in the summer, b/c a abhore hot weather! I also agree with the whole cooking for a crowd thing. I would much rather cook a big feast rather than made weeknight beans and weenies for the kids!
SG - I have to laugh because I struggle w/swearing all the time - I grew up in Chicago in a blue-collar neighborhood so I'm used to colorful language! It always struck me as odd the way they edit swearing for TV - they'll bleep out the God but keep in the damn. So which one is the swear word???
Mae, I didn't know you were a sweater! What kind? Cardigan, Vest, V-neck, Crew, Turtle?
Note to self...When faced with the decision to swear or not to swear...always go with not swearing!!!
I just recieved an e-mail from someone very concerned that I misrepresented myself with that little 4 letter word in #82. Really I don't ever say that, it just seemed comical..but maybe not.
Stephanie, I know you got the e-mail of the original comment. Conscience just got me, had to delete it! I feel so naughty!
djg~I did get and I laughed out loud! If you were trying to make me feel worked! :)
OK, I finally got Mae's comment. Sweat-er, not sweater! Clarissa, I was on the same page as you!
Did something get edited before I got a chance to read it???
=( JB
what prompted the list? I enjoyed reading it. Just curious.
I loved your #65 about the B&D tool set!! Two years ago I got a drill for Christmas....I love it!!!
And I totally relate to your allergy to exercise and abhorence to sweat. That is totally me. I really love living in Texas, but wish we could transplant the Colorado climate down here!!
I find occasional cussing can be quite therapeutic.
ROFLOL! I was wondering about Mae's sweater comment too!
Oh! I have to be so careful with what I say. I'm around cops all night, so I hear it all, and it does tend to come out now and again. But it's really bad, because I try not to, and my 18 month old has already picked up, "DANG!" : O
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