The sun is shining for the first time all week (YEAH!) and I have a long list of things to do while Rhett and McKenna are at Mothers Day Out. But, I need to share a few thoughts first...
Last night Rob and I visited a class at church based on the book Sacred Parenting. Since it was my first time in this class and since I do not have the book, I felt as if I was walking in on the middle of a conversation. I planned to just listen and glean as much as a "visitor' can. But last nights class hit on something deep inside me, something that I have let slide recently.
The discussion focused on the joys of parenting and encouraging your children. I came away very mindful of how encouragement is just as important as discipline and accountability. It is easy to loose sight of that, not just in parenting, but in all relationships.
I am not a natural encourager, though I wish I was. I love to be around people who are naturally encouraging. I have to really think about it though and make a conscience concentrated effort. Encouragers lift others up for the good in them. Maybe with more thoughtful practice, encouraging will become more habitual if not natural for me. I want to be a better encourager.
The class also got me thinking about those who have really encouraged me. Gratefully, my list of encouragers is pretty long. But there is one who stands out from all the rest, Thomas Caskey Livingston, my Granddaddy.
Though he died eight years ago this March, my Grandfather is still one of the most influential encourager and supporters in my life. He truly loved me no matter what. Even though it was embarrassing at the time, my Granddaddy bragged and bragged about my accomplishments to anyone who would listen ~ whether I truly merited bragging or not. My Granddad always treated me like I was someone really special. He could see past all my shortcomings and flaws, even when I couldn't.
In college when I struggled with what I thought were earth-shattering, life-ruining mistakes and circumstances, my Granddaddy grinned and told me not to put much stock in my troubles. He said I was going to be just fine. He seemed to have no doubt. His belief in me helped me to believe in myself. He wrote me several letters of encouragement saying that I was bigger and more important than any class I dropped or any wrong committed.
His letters were always encouraging, never rebuking or judgmental. Believe me, he had every right and opportunity to focus on my flaws and press me to mend my ways, but he never did. He just loved and believed in me. Looking back, that had to have been hard for him, but he never let on. I really miss him. I wish my kids could have known him. I married a guy who reminds me a lot of my Granddaddy in the way he loves and encourages me. I'm very blessed!
Granddaddy had a favorite poem that he quoted a lot. All six of his grandchildren know it by heart...
Isn't it strange that Princes and Kings,
And clowns that caper in saw dust rings,
And plain ole folk, just like you and me,
Are all builders of eternity
To each is given a book of rules,
A shapeless mass, and a bag of tools,
And each must make ere life is flown,
A stumbling block, or a stepping stone.
My grandfather heard this poem at an early age and took it to heart. Caskey Livingston was not a perfect man, but he was a stepping stone for me and many others. Even when his business failed and he had to start all over at an age that many men retire, he didn't let life get him down. He encouraged and loved people in a way that only a man possessed by Christ can love. I could not hope for more than to be the kind of "stepping stone" my grandfather was in the lives of his loved ones.... Especially since it seems everyone he knew became one of his loved ones! He made a great stepping stone.
Lord, Thank you for Granddaddy and all the "stepping stones" you have so generously placed in my path! Help me to become that same rock of encouragement in the lives of others. And thank you for your perfect, building love. Amen
May you have a blessed, and "Son" filled day!
How To Make A Diy Twin Bed
1 hour ago
I just wanted you to realize that-- at least from my perspective- you are a wonderful encourager! Your blog, and your comments on others' blogs, have been a tremendous source of encouragement. You may not view it as coming natural, but as a recipient of your encouragement, I can assure you that you are uniquely gifted in this area! Blessings! sd
I dont even know you and you are an encouragment to me through your blog!
Sometimes the best encouragers we encounter don't even realize that they are encouragers. : )
What a sweet blog. I can understand why you were wanting to come home and write it! I am grateful for all the encouragers in my life. What a great legacy you grandfather has left behind.
Ok, you should have rated this one K for Kleenex. Beautiful memorial for your Grandaddy, if you aren't an encourager I don't know who is. Blugs.
What "sd" said!
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