Monday, January 07, 2008

Baby Girl

Slideshow added
My baby girl is 18 months old!

Oh my! Ella Kate has crammed so much life into 18 months! She is a force to be reckoned with. She is fast, active and into everything. Nothing breakable is safe in her wake. But she is also so sweet! She loves to "love" everyone. She loves to give hugs and kisses. She is always so excited to see us, even if we have just been gone 20 minutes. Ella Kate makes me laugh many times everyday. She is so funny.

Right now Ella Kate loves Elmo and puppy dogs. She still loves her soft pink blankies and is so much happier if we have one with us, so the blankies go everywhere. (Luckily we have three!) Ella Kate loves shoes more than any little girl I have ever known. She got three pairs of shoes for Christmas ans was so excited to try on each new pair. She can change her own shoes. She loves my shoes, Kolby's shoes.. any one's shoes. I have to run past the little girl shoe section of Target or we will get stuck there for at least 20 minutes... and unless we are taking new shoes home, it does not end well. I can not let Ella Kate even catch a glimpse the kids shoe section at Dillards. The last time we were there EK escaped her stroller and I had to chase her all the way to housewares holding three different try-on shoes tightly in her little grasp! I had to peel her fingers off of them to put them back. And she screamed "SHEWZ!" for 10 minutes at the top of her lungs when we left. I could tell a dozen Ella Kate shoe stories!

Ella Kate is talking up a storm. We only understand about one tenth of what she says, but that does not stop her from telling us! The words we do understand (besides shoes) are, cereal (sis-sool) juice (jewz) banana (nana) ball (baw) baby (baybay) phone (pown) bye bye, boo!, no (mo) Elmo (momo), and thank you (tay tu) to name a few. She will also sing little phrases like "sing a song" (si a sawn) "socks and shoes on" (saw shew-zon) "What's that?" ( wha at?) and "Where is she?" (whe is seee) {which is always done with her hands up in a questioning way} She says Mama, Dada, Papa, Ma Tay (Mama K) Say (Sari) buhbuh (Rhett) si si (Kolby) and her cousin Nu-nana (Susannah). I also think I have heard her call my aunt Sue Sue and my cousin Assee(Ashley) but not consistently. EK definitely knows/recognizes all the members of our big family now and several church friends, I just can't describe what it is that she is calling them.

Ella Kate can climb anything. She loves her brother's top bunk and the trampoline in the back yard. She also loves to dance on the kitchen table, which gives me heart palpitations several times a day! Ella Kate loves to go outside (ow si) and ride in her cars or play with her brother's soccer ball. She loves to jump on the trampoline. (or our bed) Ella Kate also loves to be a helper! If you ask her to go get a diaper she will run as fast as she can to her room for one. She always has the biggest smile on her face when she hands the diaper over and will clap for herself! Ella Kate has always been verbal. Even when she runs she makes this uh uh uh uh noise the whole time. In fact i can not think of a time that she runs that she does not make this noise. When she is excited she runs in place sort of like a baby flash dance move. When we pick her up her feet are still running most of the time and we have to be careful not to get kicked!

18 months is one of my most favorite ages! 18 month olds are little sponges, learning and absorbing all the world around them has to offer. Their little personalities really come out at this age. With Ella Kate I find myself awestruck at the little person developing before me. We are all so in love with this baby girl! She has blessed our family in so many ways! I thank God for her, just as I thank him for her sweet brother and sister, everyday, many times a day. Rob and I may are not perfect parents, but we are in awe of the miraculous little people God created with our genes!

Thank you God for our sweet Ella Kate!

PS If you are contemplating having a third, I say DO IT! Yes, it is much harder, takes tons more work, more patience, more cleaning up, and there is much more laundry. You will have less money, less time, less energy and less sleep... But our third baby completed our family and we have more love and are more blessed than we ever imagined! I don't see how anyone could ever regret having a third!


Anonymous said...

I remember how excited we all were when you found out y'all were going to get that sweet, sweet baby! Waiting on her was fun for all of us in blogworld and it's fun to watch her now!

Jacinda said...

Goodness Grief! Tears sprung to my eyes this morning. (I don't this is the first time one of your posts have done that to me!)

I guess being pregnant with a somewhat surprise of a 3rd baby I feel excitement & happiness reading your post. I find myself being in awe of God's blessing of this baby sometimes. It's like He just decided to give us a special gift-not that Gracie & Katie aren't special gifts but we spent more time "asking" for them. Does that make sense? It's like this one is a bonus! I just pray that all goes well as I find myself worrying about getting too attached. I try to pray instead of worrying!

Thanks for giving me a glimpse into how I'll feel in a little over a year! I'm glad Ella Kate is such a blessing to all of you and I look forward to sharing our new baby's life with my blog friends!

Susan - said...

That girl cracks me up. My niece Ella also loves shoes. My SIL said she would rather have a pair of shoes than a toy from a Target trip. Maybe it's the name?

SG said...

Jacinda...When you are preggers the tears flow freely! I have been exactly where you are now... Enjoy this last pregnancy and don't let those dark thoughts steal any of your joy!
Today EK has fever and another awful cold/virus? She has been to the doctor every other for almost three months andit is always a virus. I'm trying to decide if we should go in today.
In other news, I am seriously considering inventing a nose vacuum snot sucker for babies/toddlers! Would you buy one?

Laura said...

Too cute! I'm sure this little girl keeps all of you on your toes! She and Thomas have something in common.... He is facinated with shoes, too. If I'm wearing my houseshoes he brings me a pair of "real" shoes ~ usually mismatched ~ and says "shuz, shuz". If I don't put them I'm in BIG trouble!

Anonymous said...

Such a precious little girl!


elizabeth said...

Happy half birthday, Ella Kate! What a doll!

Lindsay said...

I totally agree about the third! Mine is only 5 1/2 weeks old but man has she made my family whole! Mark already talks about a fourth because of the love that we feel towards our sweet baby SOphie!
Happy 1 1/2 birthday Ella Kate!

Anonymous said...

I love the new song that is playing on your blog! I have a really close friend here that has a photography business and that is on her website. I love music with pictures. They seem to come to life! (


Amy S. Grant said...

What a sweet, sweet baby (love the song, too!). I remember so well when all of blogland was expecting her arrival. Could it really be that long ago already?!

18 months is a favorite age of mine, too. They are so cute at that age, and haven't quite learned to say "NO!" yet. Keep on enjoying these sweet days.