Thursday, November 17, 2005

He's Always Been Faithful

Yesterday I shared a situation Rob and I are facing with a friend. I'll share that situation at a later date, but today, sort of in response, my friend sent me a recording of "He's Always Been Faithful." Beautiful song!

I listened to it with my eyes closed and found myself weeping by the end. Not weeping for my situation, but weeping because I lack faith so often. These words struck me especially hard

I can't remember a trial or a pain
He did not recycle to bring me gain.
I can't remember one single regret in serving
God only and trusting his hand
All I have need of his hand will provide.
He's always been faithful to me.

I have a really wonderful life and I am so blessed with family, friends, and love. God has never left me. Why do I so easily loose sight of this when there is a bump in the road, or a hair-pin curve that I can't see around? You would think by now that I would have learned to trust God enough not to freak at the little or even the big chills and spills in life.

But it is hard sometimes isn't it? I have been thinking a lot lately of a young recently widowed mother I know. I wonder how long it will be before she can sing this song with any conviction? I want God to take away her pain but I'm not sure I have faith that he will.

I want my God to be big enough and strong enough to withstand all the whys of this world. I want him to heal all hurts. I want God to be a God I understand and can explain. And while in retrospect I thank my lucky stars for the "problems and challenges" in my life and praise God for all the great things he is done for me, something about my trust in him falters when I see others who love him so much in so much pain.

About the time all my "Why God?"s crescendo, he whispers "I am God. You are not. Trust me my beloved child. Trust me with your life and the lives of those you love. I am God. Whether you get it or not, I will take care of everything!"

Then comes the next part of the song...

This is my anthem, this is my song,
The theme of the stories I've heard for so long.
God has been faithful, he will be again.
His loving compassion, it knows no end.
All I have need of his hand will provide.
He's always been faithful to me.

So that is faith. That is the walk. That is the struggle. That is the victory.... Believing he will when everything around you screams he won't.

I don't know where you are today. I don't know what God has put on your heart. I have no idea if this will mean anything to anyone but me. But a friend shared his heart today and it touched mine. God spoke to me in the words of a song I have sung a thousand times, calming fears I didn't even realize were impeding my faith. I hope sharing this will help someone else out there.

God is good and He is faithful!


Donna G said...

I think you have more faith than you think....the date on your post is December 17,2005!!

I have asked myself a million times in the last two days (as I work on the hurricane stricken coast) how my faith would have held up had I lived here. It scares me that I can answer that with certainty.

This is a very special song, and I think written by someone who had been in the trenches with their faith as well.

Anonymous said...

The first time I heard ZOE sing this song, I cried, sobbed - it touches me everytime!

Anonymous said...

I have never heard that song. Thank you for sharing it. It really brought tears to eyes. I am just so VERY thankful, like you mentioned in your blog. I really needed that today and your words are an encouragement to me. Your faith is great. Keep your chin up.

Susan - said...

Just think, God gave you that friend too. Amazing, isn't it? Lately I look around and realize just how blessed I am and it scares me a little. My life it really good right now. Why am I so lucky and/or what is going to go wrong? I just try to thank God often for my blessings.

Beaner said...

I love that song - 1 of my very favorites - ZOE & Sara Groves do amazing versions.

You know what I've been through recently so you'll know that there have been some VERY dark days where I thought God wasn't there anymore. I had let Him down 1 too many times. However, every time I heard this song it reminded me that sometimes God let's you screw up over & over until you finally "get it". I have learned more about God's faithfulness in the last 5 painful months than I have the entire rest of my life. The difference is that I trust God now with my life and I didn't before. I tried too hard to do it on my own. "God has been faithful." I've been there & seen it. "He will be again." Why would I doubt that now?

Thanks for the reminder today Stephanie! Blugs to you!

Kelley said...

I have found that in my life God gives me just enough faith for the situation. He never leaves me or forsakes me. He just simply lingers about in my mind reminding me of His faithfulness in quiet sometimes musical ways. The part I missed for so many years was that I was too busy loudly trying to solve the problems that I didn't hear Him or notice Him waiting patiently and quietly beside me. Have faith because "He has always been faithful".

SG said...

Have you ever typed and published a blog post, then a day later read it and realized you came across like a total DRAMA QUEEN and feared that you put too much out there? Well I did that with this post. But still I do feel it is important for us to put ourselves out there and share the ah-ha moments God puts in our life. So the post stays.

BUT for the friends and family who read this and think "WHAT ON EARTH IS HAPPENING WITH THEM? Let me assure you it isn't anything terrible at all. We are great! I am just a born worrier, trying to overcome that. We all face little challenges and hiccups, I just put mine out there for anyone on the world wide web to read....Ok maybe I should rethink that...But in the mean time know that all is well and we are and will remain just fine!