(Random post warning)
Rob's doctor's appointment went well. He is still restricted from using his arm and will be in the sling for at least another 4 weeks, but he is back at work. (Yeah! I mean, boo! :) We were able to squeeze in lunch at the Cheesecake Factory before we sped back home for Rob to make his class. The sweet tamale corn cakes and white chocolate macadamia nut swirl cheesecake we split almost made up for the 7.5 hour car trip... But there was this matter of someone moving a house down 290 and blocking all west bound lanes. We traveled 37 miles in about an hour behind that thing. Not fun! Really! House moving down major highways should be against the law! Somehow I am sure that it is.
On a brighter note... Here are some pictures of the samples of the new floor which we will hopefully have installed next week.
This distressed wide plank wood will be in our living areas, dining areas and halls.
The tile will be in the kitchen and laundry room.
This same tile (only 13 inch instead of 18 inch)will also replace the green fake marble ceramic tile around our fireplace. (YEAH!) The guy at the floor store laughed when I said that I personally want to demo that tile. It will give me great joy to take a hammer and smash it all to smithereens!! I am so excited about all of these changes. I've dreamed of replacing these floors since we moved into this house 6 years ago. Can't wait!
And lastly, here are some pictures of little Miss EK aka Tooty-pants.
She loves to play in the kitchen that Santa brought her, but not exactly in the way that Santa, Mommy or the manufacturer envisioned! :0 Happy Wednesday!
P.S. I have a question for you. Be honest now... How many of you regularly (as in never miss unless you are really sick) attend Wednesday night church? I'm just wondering....
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Found the Camera!
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I do, except our church is a little different in that we don't have traditional Wed. night church. The congregation doesn't meet that night, but our youth group meets for what we call Refuge. I'm married to the youth minister, so I'm always there. (I'm not complaining -- it really is fun.) I was always at Wed. night church growing up, too. (Dad was a minister as well.) I remember thinking the entire cast of "Eight is Enough" was going to hell because their show came on Wednesdays and they were obviously not in church on those nights.
I love your tile!
I never miss Wed. nights unless I'm sick, but that's because while the children are at their "program", my Small Group meets & I LOVE my Small Group!
I wonder if anyone will comment if they don't go. We used to be there every week and eat dinner there. When Rob had school on Wednesdays I found myself not willing to do the meal with three kids by myself. There is also the whole getting home after 8 on a school night thing. I LOVED Wednesday nights in Fort Worth. I was in a class of ladies all my age and Rob had a class of guys his age. The kids classes were more like a VBS. AND we did not have any school age children. I miss that mid-week connection. We are hit and miss now. Lately more miss than hit. When one of us is not sick (which is seldom lately) I'm selfish with my weeknights at home. but I wonder how other churches or other people do Wednesday nights. Thus the question.
I'm delurking to answer your question. I linked over to your blog a long time ago from BST's.
Tonight at church (I'm not there due to having a migraine all day, but my husband is) there are 6 adults, the preacher, and my husband- no kids or teens. We have a church of probably about 150, give or take. For the last few years, Wednesdays night have been decreasing, and since last fall its been terrible. We just do classes/bible study on Wednesday night, so no "service" or anything.
I think Wednesday nights are just hard for people to commit to, just due to life circumstance- working until 5 or 5:30, travel time home to eat, dinner, travel to church, it's hard to get there on time. Plus, I also think that people just want time at home, a midweek break from of the running around.
We have that kitchen!
Yes, we do typically go on Wednesday nights. We meet for a short devo then the kids go to their Bible classes (which they love) and the adults have a class. The attendance is smaller than on Sundays definitely. It is harder some days to go than others I will admit and I won't tell you we go every time, but typically we do.
We do not go on Wednesday nights, mainly because our church is 40 miles away.
The first year or so we attended there, we went each Wednesday. Now, though, it is increasingly hard to manage with the kids' afterschool schedules, to get them picked up and then up to church on time. And I miss it.
I will say, though, that at our former church we were there every Wednesday night, and we did NOT enjoy it. We were there out of guilt and obligation - not the ideal reasons to attend church. But it was a much more conservative, legalistic congregation and guilt was handed out very generously.
We haven't been going on Wednesday nights because our church was a good 30-35 minutes away, but there is a new toll road that has opened and cut the travel time down to about 20 minutes. We are going to start to go regularly since C will be in 6th grade next year. They have an incredible youth program.
Flooring looks great! What did you decide to do with the cabinets?
I decided to get the floor in, take the light box down, texture and paint the walls before I make a final decision. I keep hearing nightmares about paint chipping and wearing on previously stained cabinets, so I am leaning towards just staining darker...But I am not at all sure.
Your flooring choices look great. Can't wait to see the result. I am excited about your fireplace too. That is going to be so nice.
Wednesdays are hard days for us. We have Cub Scouts (10 boys) at our house from 3:30-5:00 every Wednesday. That plus homework and finding time for dinner can be a hassle, but we do try.
P.S. I miss that Wed. Night ladies class too.
We seldom miss Wednesday nights, but sister, do we ever struggle with Sunday nights!
Nancy Dunlap
I think staining the cabinets is a very smart choice. Didn't E. Christian stain hers a few years ago? She did a really good job. Good luck!
I attend Wed but I don't have to deal with afterschool issues, homework, or kids' schedules. I occasionally teach on Wednesday. When I am not teaching I monitor the children's hallway (that is part security, part keeping kids in classes). It is amazing how slowly a child can walk from the bathroom or water fountain back to class without adult supervision.
Before I moved to GA I taught a Ladies' class on Wed and loved it. That opportunity hasn't presented itself in GA.
What's Wednesday night church? hehe. Our church doesn't do traditional Wed. nights. They offer seasonal "equipping classes" that meet on Mon. or Wed. nights. If there's one that interests you, you sign up and the kids have children's ministry on that night. It's a totally different set up, but we love it. The classes usually last anywhere from 2-4 weeks, which multiple classes going on each semester. We usually go to one or two series a year. It's great cuz you can choose what areas you want/need to grow in and take classes that address that areas. (Keep in mind, our church is also over 10,000, so there are lots of resources). I'd like to add one more thing...(sorry so long!). We have noticed that since leaving a more "traditionally scheduled" church, we have actually had the time to develop real relationships with our neighbors for the first time in the 7 years we've lived in our house. I can't tell you how many nights our neighbors (lost neighbors) would all be outside visiting, and we would be driving off to a church function. I'm not knocking the need to gain encouragement and to be fed at chruch, but there has to be a balence, or you find yourself too immersed in "church stuff" to ever invest the time it takes to lead a lost person to the Lord or to really influence someone's life that DOESN'T go to church. Does that make sense? Whew! This is a NOVEL! And what am I doing up at this hour? Off to bed I go!
(most non-demon churches do not have traditional wed. nights. It seems to be somewhat of a generational thing, IMHO)
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