I love that we celebrate America's birthday as the Fourth of July! This day appropriately marks the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. I think it is extremely appropriate and even responsible of us to take a day to celebrate these United States... even if that celebration is more about fireworks, grilling and wearing red, white and blue than it is about remembering . We are blessed to live in this country where we have so many opportunities, including the freedom to worship Jesus! I know America is not perfect. I know we have much to learn. I know we have much to give. Awful things have happened here, do happen here, and are done in our name. BUT the USA is also a land of many wonderful things and wonderful people. We have a proud heritage full of people who sacrificed and worked to make this nation a land that holds freedom, security and human rights in the highest reguard. The US has failed many times, yes. There is probably corruption in high and low places. But the US has also succeeded and thrived in ways not thought possible just 200 years ago. People from all over the world still seek citizenship here because of our freedoms and opportunities. There has not been a decline in total citizenship/naturalization applications in over 50 years!
SO contrary to those who think it is unchristian or just wrong to take pride in our nation, I say PHOOOEY! I challenge any US citizen to just CELEBRATE being an American for 24 hours! Wave that flag! Wear your red, white and blue! Pray for those who are off fighting in our name even if you don't like where or why they are fighting. Pray for our leaders even if you don't agree with them. And yes, I think it is right, moral and even necessary for Christians to THANK GOD for this nation and for letting us live here. (Just as Christians in other nations should be grateful for their homes.) I don't think God blesses America more or that we are his favorite country. God loves all his children in all nations. But God has blessed this nation and he does love his children here too. So thank Him!
AND if you live here, it won't hurt you to celebrate it for one day! Tomorrow you can go back to thinking the US is a big, bad nation of lazy people who want something for nothing and who could care less what happens to the rest of the world. But for today, on the day The United States declared it's Independence 232 years ago, be grateful for the home God gave you in this land! End rant.
Kolby is off at camp with our church. I miss her this morning though I know she is having a great time and I'm so glad she gets to go to camp. She loves this Camp and has talked about going ever since she got back last year! Rhett and Rob were up before the sun to meet my cousins for a FOREth of July TEE time. Swimming, family, food and fireworks are in the forecast for the rest of our day. Then we have another big birthday to celebrate tomorrow! Hope you are having a great Fourth of July where ever you are!
Happy 4th to your family!!!
Loved your rant! Hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July.
Happy B-Day to EK!!
You rant all you want!!! I agree with you. We live in a great country and we need to be more grateful for it instead of putting it down.
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