Thursday, November 18, 2004

Santa Shock

I took a peek at my daughters Christmas wish list tonight. She had said she only wants five things this year. I thought it would be pretty easy to fulfill, once the grandparents, aunts, and I divvied up the list. Then I read it....

1. American Girl Today Doll that looks like me
2. Princess and the Pauper Gift Set
3. Pink Leapster with Junie B Jones game
4. Pink skates
5. And from SANTA ... a Dell computer with a color printer, a camera and a TV in it

A WHAT????? ......#%*&++-`#%

In our house Santa only brings one thing, usually a semi-big thing. Kolby always leaves the big gift for Santa, because she knows we need to spend our money carefully.

"I don't think Santa gives big ole computers on Christmas Eve," I said.
Kolby,wide eyed, believing, and completely convinced,countered that Santa would bring her a Dell because... "Kristen down the street who is my same age got one from Santa last year and I have been just as good as her. I even got straight A's. We have the same chimney Mom. Besides it's littleer than a Barbie Jeep!"
Kristen's Mommy is a radiologist, not a stay-home Mom! (A Barbie Jeep came down the chimney 4 years ago before God gave us Rhett.) Deep Sigh...
"I don't know Kolby, that is a pretty tall order!"
She skips off saying she knows Santa will deliver.

Dadgum Dell Computers and Kristen down the street! What ever happened to Barbies and Princess dress up? It is the end of innocence? I have been dreading this day! What to do?

When it comes to Santa, Kolby (6) is a true believer. She has no clue that he might be a myth. I loved believing in Santa when I was young, but Kolby has bought into the whole Santa thing more than I ever did! She even leaves tomatoes out for the reindeer so they will have a "healthy snack." (She just came up with that Christmas Eve when she was 2.5. We don't know why, but have always gone along with it.)

We have never out and out lied about Santa. But, I have staged boot prints in the fireplace ashes. Rob and I have eaten Santa's cookies as we set the fully assembled, bow clad "Santa" gift at the foot of the tree. We want our kids to have the fun of believing. If Kolby ever asks point blank if Santa is real, we will not lie. . . But we might temper the truth with "Santa brings presents to those who think he is real." in an attempt to keep the game up for Rhett(3) a bit longer.

So when do we let the cold hard facts of life hit Kolby? And How? Will she think the world is full of liars? Will the magic of childhood be sucked out of her like the Grinch sucked Christmas out of Whooville? Just think of the other ramifications....

What if my old youth minister is right and she lumps Jesus in the same box as Santa, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny? Surely we have taught her better than that, haven't we? Any suggestions? Any ideas? Anybody want to get rid of a Dell computer?

My precious girl just ran into my room as I typed this...
"Can I ask Santa for a Leapster and ask for the Lizzie Maguire Movie instead of a computer?"
"Yes" OH YES!
"G' night Mommy!" she sings as she skips off to bed.
I am doing the HAPPY DANCE!
Santa and Mommy have been saved by a tween named Lizzie Maguire... Who'd a guessed that?!

It really is a Wonderful Life!


jettybetty said...

We handled the "Santa" thing almost exactly as you are--our 3 are all in college now and it doesn't seem they have any issues about Jesus because we did Santa. I have even talked to them about it, because we do have friends that never did Santa for the same reasons your youth minister gave. I think your children will be able to understand Jesus is Savior and Santa is a fun family tradition as they grow up. Actually, we never quit Santa, he still comes, and will come again this year. I am not even sure when they quit "believing". Perhaps they didn't tell us they had it all figured out because they didn't want to mess up our fun! Santa does bring presents to those who believe, doesn't he???

Beaner said...

My kids are 5 & 3 & both still believe, but we have never had an order we couldn't fill (yet!) I hope the computer thing doesn't revisit before Christmas Eve! Anyway, I have heard that once the firstborn child stops believing they actually have a lot of fun being "in on it" for the younger sibling. Kolby might be able to help eat the cookies, etc. (and if you're REALLY lucky you can have her talk Rhett out of a computer for you!)

Deana Nall said...

Target and Wal-mart have dolls that look a lot like the AG dolls but they are a lot cheaper. You just have to kind of hunt for one that looks like your child. That's the route we're going.

We've agonized about the Santa Claus thing, too. I wrote about it in one of my weekly columns a while back. It's at

Jamie said...

I just came across your site as a random blog on the "Next blog" button. Cute site :o) I was just wondering how you got all the links along the side of your page, my page is the exact same format as yours and I'd love to add some links to mine but as a newbie blogger I just dont know how...can you offer some advice to a stay at home stepmom? Thanks!

Brandon Scott Thomas said...

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! I love it!!! Are we really old enough to be talking to our children about Santa?? When did this happen? For the LOVE!

Susan - said...

As a child my mother believed so very much in Santa. She was absolutley crushed when she found out the truth. She felt as if someone had died. That may sounds melodramatic, but that is what she says. She decided that she would not do that to her own children, so I grew up not believing in Santa. I liked being "in on it". I thought it was kind of cool to know. When Jonathan was born, Santa was an issue in our house. I really did not know what to do. Now honestly, I do not know how my parents KEPT us from believing. It just happened with Jonathan. He believes and of course Jackson does too. I will be a little relieved when it is over to tell the truth.

SG said...

I just love comments!
betty~ thank you for the reassurance that I am not warping my children!
Beaner- I made Kolby sign, seal, stamp and mail that wish list to Santa so that there IS NO GOING BACK!
Deana~ Loved the article. Did I know you at ACU? Sure seems Like I should have. And yes, toy-r-us has a $15 Laura Ashley 18 inch doll with combable hair that we may go with. $85 for a doll~geez louise! My Mom says it only cost $65 to have me!
Mich~ I will try to e-mail you this info
BST~ Ok the age thing is getting to me. My D-day, I mean B-day is Dec. 18th. OUCH! This one hurts.
SJ~ Our Moms must have had very similar childhoods! When I told my Mom about the Santa/computer thing, she said.."Well that's what happens when you lie to your children..... You know she is going to be completely crushed when she discovers the truth." Thanks Scrooge, er, um Mom!