Thursday, November 04, 2004

Savoring the sound of silence

WARNING this is the result of one of my political hissy fits! Check back later for the kinder gentler Stephanie.

I do not want anyone to tell me the American Mass Media/Press is not biased and liberal. I looked all over for something on this and had to go all the way to JAPAN to find it! Pardon me as I savor Mr Moore's silence. I think we are all due a bit of that after the last year!

Michael Moore quiet after Kerry's loss

Friday, November
5, 2004 at 07:46 JSTWASHINGTON — Brash filmmaker Michael Moore was silent, two
days after President George W Bush won a second term, while other backers of
Democratic candidate John Kerry licked their wounds. On Wednesday, messages on at, still encouraged voters to cast their ballots. Early Thursday, the maker of "Fahrenheit 9/11" posted a message of mourning, showing only a portrait of Bush* on its home page, trimmed in black.

MoveOn, a grassroots campaign that was very effective at
mustering funds and support for Kerry via Internet, said, "We'll admit to being
heartbroken by the outcome of yesterday's election. "It's a dark day."
The website celebrated the hard work and posted a message of hope.
"We have suffered a defeat, but we are not defeated. "And our heartache does not
diminish our pride in what you've done. "Today, we'll take a breath.
Tomorrow, we'll keep moving toward the America we know is possible. (Wire reports)

I am of the opinion that Mr Moore and his block buster movie only helped to solidify the right against Kerry and made Bush seem like an underdog. Of course we all know now that President Bush was not the underdog. Hollywood hurt Gore four years ago and it really hurt Kerry this year. When will they (the DNC) learn that America looks to Hollywood for entertainment not enlightenment? It must be hard for those in Tinsel Town to grasp the reality that, though they are grossly over paid for their incredible entertaining talent, they really don't have the influence over America that they thought. Most people don't go the movies to decide their vote. A free concert draws people who like music, not politics. The Boss may have been startled to learn his concert in Ohio was attended by an entire chapter of Ohio Young Republicans. They all voted early for Bush the week before, but were fans of the music.

I truly feel for Kerry and Edwards as I think they fought hard. I'm very glad they will not be in office as their vision greatly differs from mine, but I think both men truly love this country. As for the Hollywood politicos...I have to say, I would have loved to see the look on some of those actors and entertainers faces when they heard Bush won. Please Mr and Ms Hollywood, spare us your commentary and don't quit your day jobs! Your talents don't elevate your opinions above those of the plain Jane and Jim American. Really, stick to what you do best..... scripts, lyrics, and eye candy photo ops.

I would like to think that now that this is over we can all move on. (And I do not mean in the MoveOn type way) The olive branch has been extended. Let's hope it is taken with grace, and perhaps a bit of crow.
I wish I was not so cynical as to think that peace and grace between these political parties is doubtful. Perhaps I have a bird or two of my own to eat.

THIS JUST IN...The Bush portrait on the Moore web site is a composite of pictures of all servicemen killed in Iraq. It is entitled "The War President" So much for silence. What do you want to bet that the families of those in the picture did not give their blessing to him to use their loved ones image as a political slam tool.


brainhell said...

"Wait ... what's wrong with this olive branch? It hurts when you hit me like that. And you want me to tie a white flag on it, come out waving? Huh?"

SG said...

Sorry, had to hit you over the head to get your attention! Flag or no flag just grab the branch and at least we will be holding on to the same thing.:) peace bh! Hope the claritin does the trick. You may want to try some Airborn too!

Anonymous said...

"The olive branch has been extended. Let's hope it is taken with grace, and perhaps a bit of crow." SG

"...just grab the branch and at least we will be holding on to the same thing." SG

"and you say, love is a temple, love the higher law. You ask me to enter, and then you make me crawl. And I can't keep holding on, to what you got, when all you got is hurt." Bono (One)

In the end, you are the same as that which you detest. Kingdom people need to let go of it all.

SG said...

Yes anon, perhaps you are right. Kingdom people should let go of it all.

My point in this post is one that has irked me for years. I am tired of Hollywood telling the country what to do. To me, it is absurd. It's the "I'm not a Doctor, but I play one on TV so let me tell you what aspirin to take" syndrome.

For four years all we have heard from Hollywood is how President Bush stole the election. Funny how those same people would have felt Kerry won legitimately if Ohio had gone the other way ...even though Bush was ahead by millions in the popular vote- But alas it is over.

My other point is that BOTH sides will have to grasp the olive branch and eat some crow if the great cultural political divide in this country is to be bridged. And yes, sadly, I am doubtful of that.

As anon hinted, for me personally, nothing really changes no matter who is elected president. As a Kingdom person I am called and bound to love first and seek to do my Fathers will. God is in control of this world and the next. Sometimes I struggle to live that.

Maybe my commenting on such political things is just as absurd as those in Hollywood. Perhaps i should stick to creamed corn.

Beaner said...

SG - you are doing EXACTLY what Hollywood is doing - you have a media to voice your opinion (your BLOG) & you are using it. I am a devoted Christian who serves on my praise team & I am married to the Worship Leader. We were both Theatre Majors in school. We are also Kerry supporters. I am no less of a Christian & although Hollywood has some serious issues, they are doing nothing wrong in voicing their opinions - we ALL have free speech as you are blessed to use in this BLOG. So I am praying that the kinder, gentler, Stephanie will come out to play again because the only thing worse than a sore loser is a sore winner. I'll be praying for us all to be at peace.

Clarissa said...


Just be you. This blog is a place for you to express yourself. Whatever anyone else thinks you should or should not do, your feelings and opinions are your feelings and opinions, formed by a decade or two of experiences, observations, and discussions.

Kingdom people are not called to have no opinion. They are called to love. And, by the way, I have yet to meet a perfect kingdom person, so don't let anyone beat up on you -- you haven't expressed yourself crudely, as some do -- just strongly, and I appreciate your restraint.

And while what you do here is free speech, you don't have an audience of millions. An old saying comes to mind ... "With great freedom comes great responsibility." I hear you saying that you think many in Hollywood have abused that responsibility, that power.

Anyway, hang in there. I'd like to say more, but who has the time?

Anonymous said...

You said "...BOTH sides will have to grasp the olive branch and eat some crow" but before you said "The olive branch has been extended. Let's hope it is taken with grace, and perhaps a bit of crow." That is different. Dare we say you have flipped-flopped? At least it is in the direction of humility.

Secondly, one of your friends said " so don't let anyone beat up on you" but earlier you said "Sorry, had to hit you over the head to get your attention!"

When we engage in politics, we all engage in the same game with the same tactics and then call the other one guilty for doing the same things we do.

You wonder "Funny how those same people would have felt Kerry won legitimately if Ohio had gone the other way ...even though Bush was ahead by millions in the popular vote." If it had gone the other way, then you would be blaming some Kerry supporter for hitting you over the head with an olive branch.

Kingdom people should stay out of politics. It is a no win situation because it is about power.

Beaner said...

I wanted to just say that I really like your Blog & I read it every day. I think everyone needs to be challenged to think for themselves & sometimes that comes from having to stick up for your own beliefs. I also think it's OK to challenge other Christians, and yes, to even chastise at times, as long as it is being done w/love. I hope that you know that all my comments will be given in the spirit of Christian Fellowship & love - even if I totally disagree with you - that's the BEST part about being a Christian. So if anything I said came off the wrong way, please understand that you have no non-verbals with the written word & sometimes things read differently than they are said. Rest well tonight & I'm looking forward to your future posts.

Brandon Scott Thomas said...

There are certainly things I agree with in that for whatever reason we seem to elevate the opinions and lives of movie stars. I have always thought it was dumb that just because they are a movie star--all of a sudden they can be an expert on politics. Stupid.

While I agree somewhat with anon up there about politics being about power, I also disagree that we should stay out of it. I think there is a way to be in it. After all, we are to be salt and light. Social issues are important. The downtrodden, the poor, those no one would touch or love, the minorities, etc...all people we see Jesus spending time with in the New Testiment. Are we to stick our heads in the mud and not be involved in democracy? Surely that's not what you meant, anon. And..please sign your name. Speaking as another blogger, the anonymous thing is so annoying.

Where this seems to go wrong for many people and what we saw in this last election--a group who claims to speak for all Christians declares a candidate the "Christian candidate" and those who see things differently are made to feel like heretics if they don't agree. While I did vote for Bush and thought, in the end, he was the best man for the job, I deeply respect those who might disagree.

One thing we have to remember is...these are men. MEN. Kerry may have been for the poor and against aiding the rich--but ask him which of his 8 mansions he would like to give to the homeless. They're men, people. Bush isn't right on everything just like Kerry isn't right. Bush can't imagine why anyone would ahte America--he's either speaking some rhetoric there or he's dreaming. In the end, we exercise the freedoms we've been given to think, process, listen and vote. I am thankful that we can all do that.

I thought you expressed some angst and natural frustrations with a ready amount of grace, Steph. Let the Spirit convict where it will, but don't worry too much. We all know your heart. Some good thoughts here and great comments!

SG said...

Thanks for all the comments. My great grandmother once said "A lady never discusses religion, politcs or finance." Sorry Hettie... I hit on two of those with this one post! I guess her wisdom was lost on me.

In the spirit of blogging to vent and come away better, I think we will just have to agree to disagree. No hard feelings from this end. Hope the same is true of your end.