Sunday, March 04, 2007

Pictures of Success

A good time was had by all. It was very, very loud most of the time but other than the shrill volume, the girls were great. We didn't get much sleep but we had a lot of fun.

Rob showed the girls how to make balloon animals. They made some very interesting species!

The pictures below are from our glow in the dark dance session that was followed by glow in the dark hide and go seek.

We also had three crafts and played musical pillows and cell phone. It was a great group of girls! We had a blast!

Will write more later as I am off to bed!


Jacinda said...

I'm glad you had a great time!

SG said...

PS We didn't wrap any houses. It was too cold and I was to chicken to take these ten out and teach them to TP houses...maybe next year.

Anonymous said...

You are a rockin' mom!

lauren said...

Ahhh...I REALLY miss those SV girls! That was a cute party!