Just a quick update...
I went to the doctor Tuesday and all went great. In fact I was in and out so fast that I had to call Rob to turn around and go back to work. He missed it again! But in a short 26 days we will have our sonogram and get to see the baby!!! I am so excited to find out what this baby will be. And yes, Rob finally caved to the pressure of three against one (I let the kids vote this time, as I often do when they are on my side:) and we are finding out! So far the heart rate has been 160 and 150. Some say that means girl, some say that means nothing. My gut still says girl but just barely. If I really think about it...Well I have no idea. :) Only 26 day until we find out! :)
And in other news, I am at a total loss as what to do for Kolby's birthday which is a week from tomorrow! I have never waited this long to pull a party together. The last 7 parties have been really good. I'm at a total loss! Kolby has whittled her list from 30 to 20. 20 kids! And honestly between church, school, neighbors, basketball friends, and the friends her mother makes her invite, 20 really is her bare bones list.
One thing I have decided is that birthday parties are way too expensive. Seriously! Everything I have called about is $10 to $15 PER CHILD!!!! And by everything I mean bowling, skating, beading, cooking, painting, pottery making, indoor playgrounds, museums= EVERYTHING!!! And that isn't even all inclusive. I wondered why so many parents have braved slumber parties this year, and I think I just figured it out! I don't want to do a slumber party, but I am running out of options. ANY IDEAS WOULD BE APPRECIATED.
Have a great weekend blog family!
Thursday, February 02, 2006
26 days and the 8th Birthday party!
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Some of my favorite parties were pizza and rent a movie. Doesn't have to be slumber party, but it easily could be. The girls could make cookies or have a make-your-own ice cream sundae.....
Just a couple of thoughts....
It's only Thursday.....
Bowling party with bumpers and pizza!! They can even rent ugly shoes!
Is it too late to rent one of those jumper things?
My vote is Pizza, pizza, pizza!
Could you ask each parent to buy their child a plain t-shirt & decorate them together? You could supply the fabric paint.
You are the creative party person, I am sure you will come up with something fabulous.
Here's another idea that has worked well for us with three very social and expensive girls.
We started having a big party every other year. On the off years we have one friend join us to do something special (Build a Bear, ear piercing - once!) and spend the night.
Funny thing is that the girls seem to enjoy this off year more sometimes. Maybe it's because I'm less stressed!
What about getting some nail tech students at a school to do manicures for all the girls?
Matthew had a ball last year when he got to invite Samantha to dinner and a movie. Let Kolby invite her 4 bestest friends in the world to dinner and a movie!
I have a good friend that is a Mary Kay consultant. I paid her to come over and do makeovers on all the girls. We took before and after pictures, and had a big runway show in our living room. Each girl brought their own "dress up" outfit for the show-- it was a blast!
You are about 1000 times more creative than I am, so I CANNOT believe I would even comment on this one--however, when our twins were 8 we had a backwards birthday party. We asked the kids to wear their clothes backwards and we did everything backwards--we sang Happy Birthday backwards--ate the cake before the main meal--played pin the donkey on the tail--everything we could think of to do in reverse, we did. Of all their parties, that's the one the remember the best--it was a blast--and would probably be a lot less than $10 a person!
I think Elizabeth is on the right track. For Jonathan's 8th (we did this on New Year's Eve) we took him and his 3 best friends, plus Jackson, to Benihana for dinner. We came home and had cake and ice cream, opened presents and then had a sleep over. Except for the fight over a salad at the restaurant, it was pretty low stress. Very loud, but low stress.
These are great ideas! I especially love the backward party idea JB!
My real problem this year is that I have no energy. I really want a party I just show up to with a cake and don't have to plan, prepare or clean the house for. SOOO Rob and I decided to whittle the list down to 10 and have a surprise bowling party! Even if it is $10 a person, I would probably spend that or more on a slumber party with food and crafts. Plus I would have to do all the work. This way I only show up with a cake and they do everything else. They even provide invitations, goody bags, and all the decorations and paper goods along with a kid's meals and 2 hours of bowling and shoe rental!
It is a surprise, so Kolby (and hopefully the other 9) won't know to talk about it and hurt feeling of those we didn't invite. SO SHHHHH! Don't tell! It's a surprise! :)
I forgot to mention that Kolby is a birthday party princess, not unlke a few of you who I know and love. When I said "Kolby, what if you just ask a three friends to go to dinner and movie on your birthday?" She without hesitation teared up and asked with big sad puppy dog eyes "But can I have a real party the next week?" I just can't do it to her yet.
It's my fault I am sure, but to Kolby a birthday without a "real" party is like being grounded for a year. The girl loves a good party!
Just thinking that far in advance makes my head hurt. Good luck and have fun... and PLEASE make the girls germX after every turn!!!
I know it is probably way too late to offer party suggestions but maybe you could tuck this idea away for next year. A little "princess" from our church had an Award's Night birthday party. The mom bought a strip remnant of red carpet from a carpet store and all the little girls dressed in evening gowns (their design )and dressed like their favorite stars. They were introduced at the door by her older brother who had a mic from the old karoke machine !Decorations were gold stars hanging down from the ceiling and movie posters. Awards were given creatively to each of the little girls. You could even spend some $$$ ( or not ) and rent a limo. I think they all watched a favorite movie like Princess Diaries and had pizza for dinner.
From your blogging "sister" who enjoys your posts and hopes you have another girl!
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