I saw my exact opposite on Good Morning America today. Her name is Linda Hirshman. I will proably be spoutng off about this someday soon, but if you want to check out "The Mommy Wars" she is trying to heat up, check out what she said on GMA this morning here or here. Or go read her LONG article that started the whole ruckus here. Basically, she says I and at least 75% of those who read this blog, are hurting our selves, our children, our gender, and our country by choosing to stay home. I'm not so sure about the gender and the country, but as for me and my kids...we like things just the way they are!
PS I decided to "spout off" in comments rather than devote another post to this woman. I'm the 6th comment. SG
Thursday, February 23, 2006
The Anti-Steph
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I have not read her article yet, nor did I see her on GMA this morning, but I think she is full of stuff! PUHLEEZE!
There was a day when this would have GREATLY upset me, but that is thankfully not today! I really don't care what she says & she's entitled to her wrong opinion! ;)
I am guessing there's some things about life she might not get. It's just a guess though.
I've been aggravated for a long time about the way women have been made to feel guilty no matter what they choose. Men are never put in this position. Women caring for their children should be the most natural thing in the world. When did it get so difficult? Who declared this "war," anyway?
Having said all that, it really, REALLY worries me when I see women skipping college because all they want to do is be a stay-at-home mom. I always encourage them to go to college -- at least get an associate's or SOMETHING, because they never know what might happen. Hirshman cites the divorce rate, and she does have a good point about that. No one gets married thinking it will happen to them. So what I say is, of course, stay home if that's what you want to do. But get an education and be prepared for the unknown.
Eventually I will be a working Mom again. I hope my kids will all be further along in school and I hope not to be full time until I have an empty nest, but I will go back. I know some Moms have no choice, and others make the choice to work. I would never belittle or berate someone who chooses to work. Each Mom has to do her best to determine what is best for her family. I just would like the same treatment for those who have been blessed with the choice to stay home. I don't think Ms Hirshman should tell us that we are wasting an education if we choose to stay home, or that mothers who work should only have one child. To me the greatest gift the women’s lib movement gave us was the power to choose. I feel people like Ms Hirshman are telling us we have no choice, we should all work if we are educated. She has no right and she assumes a lot.
I don't ever expect the world to be equal in the work place as Ms Hirshman does. She basically wants one working woman for every working man with equal pay and opportunity. From her article I feel she would also like to see one stay home dad for every stay home Mom if any of us have to stay home. That is her view of equality. I don't think equality has to look like that to be fair. I'm for equal pay for equal work, but I also know that God wired us all a little differently and more maternal women would choose to stay home than men. That doesn't bother me. It bothers her. She can make her own choices, and she has, but she should not tell me what life is best or most fulfilling for me.
Oh. My. Gosh. She did NOT go there! I would give anything to be able to be a SAHM again, and what is WRONG with women like that? It's not natural. And nobody had better ever tell me that I should only have had ONE of these precious gifts that God has given me. The very idea!
(Okay, stepping cautiously away from that very tempting and very taaaaaaaaaaallllll soap box.) Sorry--one of my pet peeves . . .
We are not supposed to think like the world does. Our families are our ministry. "All men will hate you because of me"....
consider it an honor! You are all doing a great job!
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