Wednesday, July 14, 2004


I have not seen the likes of my hometown for more than four years now. For the better part of 26 years I lived in San Angelo.(excluding college years and two 3 month stays in Nairobi, Kenya) I lived in the same house for 21 of my San Angelo years. Growing up, I could not imagine not living there, or at least not visiting there on a very regular basis. But, a year after I married and moved away, my parents moved away.(How dare they after 28+ years?!) I have not had many reasons or opportunities to return since.

I've seen several posts about "sacred ground" lately. I made a list of my sacred places. Well over half are in Angelo.(as the "old" families call it) Here are a few...

Every inch of 2708 Rice ... when I dream of home, it is always in this house.

Our churches lake house where I have spent over half of my Forth of Julys, some lonely seeking nights, and some great friends time as well.

The river downtown where I first went to Fiesta Del Concho at age 3 and decided it was like Christmas in June.

The back swings at Travis Elementary.

Ashley Henderson's living room where we had Tuesday night BS.(Bible Study) It was BYOB.(Bring your own Bible)

The church parking lot on a hill that overlooks the neighborhood where I grew up.

The backyard of our "Tabosa" house where under a star filled sky, the guy I am now married to first kissed me.

2200 Johnson Street, the building where I first remember meeting God and where I was baptized, 22 years and one month ago today!

Sarah Bernhardt Theater on the Central High school campus.

San Angelo Stadium where over a decade of Fall Friday night memories were made.

The food places ...Mejor Que Nada when it was still a gas station, Shakey's Pizza Parlor-rojo potatoes, CHINA GARDEN, Henry's on Sherwood- beans, cheese and flour tortillas, the Duncan Donuts we frequented before or after many a Saturday morning soccer game, Ichiban for Sunday lunch, the Baskin Robbins on the "K-mart" (now HEB) hill where from age 1 to 26 my Dad went to get me mint-chocolate-chip milkshakes after major dental happenings or when I felt bad.

I could go on and on. I feel a little like Julie Andrews/Maria listing my favorite things. (You know it really does take the edge off dog bites and bee stings!:-))

But today I realized there are not only sacred places, but in ways, sacred people that dot the map of my life. These people have left an indelible thumbprint in the mortar that formed me. I made a list of these people. It was much longer than I imagined. Some people were strangers that said or did something I never forgot. Some were mentors or professors, family, and friends.

I talked to two such friends today for the first time in years. One of these guys was my best friend off and on from 5th grade until I married Rob. The other was my self-proclaimed long lost brother from high school on. They both had to wear Monkey suits in my wedding. The sound of their voices sent me back to my "Angelo days" and made me wax nostalgic!

When I think of Heaven, I try to imagine basking in pure love. A living collage of all my sacred people surrounding me as Jesus says "Welcome Home" floods my heart and mind. That image makes the back of my throat tingle and I am instantly homesick for a land I do not know but have the hope of dwelling in forever.

Dear Father, I am homesick for the future home you have promised me. The sacred places and people of my world are only a small taste of the sacredness of my home with you. Thank you for that promise. Thank you for all things sacred. Thank you for YOU! IJN amen


Anonymous said...

HHHMMM, I wonder who those guys could be?

John Owens said...

Wow, your blog is becoming quite an emotional place for me. It's a good thing I'm a man who doesn't cry and has a heart of stone. :) Seriously, thanks for your thoughts. What is the latest on Nick?

Brandon Scott Thomas said...

Steph--awesome blog today. Made me homesick too. Love you.

Susan - said...

Steph, your post about sacred ground and people and all the talk of Nick reminded me of a story I have been holding on to for nearly 11 years. I had a dear friend named Grant Todd. He was a year ahead of me in school. Our families were friends and all went to church together. On my first day of High School, when I went into the cafeteria for lunch, Grant came over and gave me a big hug (he was a big guy) and said welcome to High School and asked me how my first day was going. It made my day. It seemed like a small thing at the time, but it came back to me years later.

Grant died in a plane crash in Oklahoma in 1993. In my mind (or is it my heart?) I know that Grant will be there on my first day in heaven, arms spread for a hug, checking to see how it is going so far.